Atnaujinta: 2024.07.23 01:07 (GMT+3)


2003.04.09, Tallinna Sadam, TLN

Tallinna Sadam FINANCIAL RESULTS 04/09/2003


Performance results

2002 proved to be another successful year for Port of Tallinn in terms of
cargo flow.
In 2002, Port of Tallinn handled 37.9 m tonnes of cargo, which compared to
the previous year is by 17.1% more (in 2001, 32.3 m tonnes and a growth of
10.1%). As a result of the increase in cargo volume, the market share of
cargo traffic of Port of Tallinn among the ports of the eastern coast of
the Baltic Sea increased from 15.5% to 16.2%.
In the conditions of the growing market and
competition we managed to retain our market share and increase it on account
of competitors by 0.7%. By cargo type liquid cargo (64.2%) and general cargo
(17.6%) constituted the main share of the cargo volume (in 2001, 64.9% and
20.4%). By cargo direction transit formed 79%, export 11% and import 10% (in
2001, 76%, 14% and 10%).
In 2002, 5.9 m passengers visited the harbours of Port of Tallinn, which is
3.6% more than in 2001 (in 2001, 5.7 m passengers and a decline of 4.7%). As
the number of line passengers on route Tallinn-Helsinki has stabilised (a
growth of 1.6% in 2002), no relevant changes in the number of passengers have
been observed during the last years. The main share of increase in the
number of passengers in 2002 was caused by the increase in the number of
passengers on Tallinn-Stockholm and Paldiski-Kapellskär routes.
In the coming years the number of passengers is expected to remain on the
level of 2002, as the market
has already developed and no substantial developments, except the expected
increase in the number of cruise passengers, are anticipated for the coming
years. In the middle long term perspective the loss of tax-free possibilities
upon Estonia’s accession into the European Union may have a negative impact
on the number of passengers on regular routes operating between Estonia and
The 2002 operating income of Port of Tallinn totalled EEK 958.6 m, indicating
a growth of 7.2% during the year (in 2001, EEK 893.8 m and a growth of 5.1%).
Port dues (12.2%) and cargo charges (5.4%) increased most among revenues. The
increase in port dues was due to the increased cargo volume, which brought
along an increase in the number of vessel calls and the gross tonnage of the
vessels calling at the port. Despite a large increase in cargo volume (17.1%)
the increase of cargo charges in 2002 was smaller, as upon increasing of the
cargo volume the cargo charge tariffs are usually lowered for the private
operators and for some operator cargo charge tariffs were lowered to favour
the increase of cargo volumes.
In 2002, finance lease contracts are classified into operating lease
contracts, due to which financial income decreased by ca EEK 16 m and rental
income and depreciation of non-current assets increased. For the purpose of
comparison also the corresponding indicators of previous years were restated.
In 2002, Port of Tallinn also managed to increase its efficiency of company
performance with 7.2% increase in operating revenues exceeding the 5.5%
increase of operating expenses. Total operating expenses were EEK 516.8 m and
operating profit EEK 441.8 m with a profit margin of 46.1% (in 2001, EEK
489.7, EEK 404.1 m and 45.2% respectively). The profitability of the company
is expected to decrease due to extensive investments planned for the
implementing of company strategy.
In 2002 return on assets (ROA) somewhat increased, reaching 11.0% compared to
10.6% in 2001. This was mainly caused by increased efficiency.
Return on owner’s equity ratio (ROE) has followed the similar pattern of
return on assets ratio, being higher by 0.6%. Similarity between the return
on owner’s equity ratio and return on assets ratio is due to the high share
of owner’s equity in the company capital structure (95%).
In 2002, EEK 302.7 m was paid out as dividends to the owner, which was 75% of
the restated net profit of the company in 2001.

Investments and development prospects
In 2002, Port of Tallinn invested a total of EEK 340.4 m into the new
infrastructure facilities and improvement of the existing ones, which was
21.6% less than in 2001 (in 2001, EEK 434.3 m and 55.8 % more respectively).
Major part of investments, a total of EEK 179 m or 53% of the total volume,
was used for water transport facilities. The largest investment objects were
related to Paldiski South Harbour: RO-RO terminal of EEK 88.3 m and dredging
of the aquatory of EEK 43.4 m. A lot of attention was also paid to
environmental protection, for the better organization of which boom
deployment vessel "Karu" with the cost of EEK 9.9 m and environmental
protection measures with the cost of EEK 13.1 m were acquired.
In addition to the investments of Port of Tallinn into the development of
infrastructure, in 2002 private stevedoring companies and larger lessees
added investments into Port superstructure and new capacities reaching
over EEK 1 billion. Larger investors included Galvex (construction of a
steel galvanising factory) and liquid bulk operator Eurodek in Muuga Harbour
and liquid bulk
operator Alexela in Paldiski South Harbour (increasing of tank capacity).
In addition to investments, Port of Tallinn incurs substantial research and
development expenses, which in 2002 reached EEK 7.8 m. Research and
development expenses are targeted at attracting new cargo flows and
developing of new projects with the focus on increasing efficiency and
innovative technical solutions.
During the next 5 years Port of Tallinn plans to invest over EEK 4.6 billion
into the infrastructure construction and improvement, of which EEK 1 billion
is planned to be invested already in 2003. This ambitious investment plan
would offer the operators and cargo owners the best quality and modern
technology, which would help to increase the cargo volume passing through the
Port and ensure the competitive advantage and constant increasing of the
market share of Port of Tallinn in the market of increasing competition.
EEK 871 m or 86% of the total volume of investments in 2003 is targeted at
new development projects and EEK 134 m or 14% at the ensuring of the
throughput capacity of the infrastructure already in use.
2003 passenger traffic investments include a cruise quay in the Old City
Harbour with the cost of EEK 70 m and a cruise quay in Saaremaa with the cost
of EEK 70 m (from which in 2003 ca EEK 20 m will be realised).
Investment priorities lie in Muuga Harbour (71%) and Paldiski South Harbour
(19%). Larger long term projects in Muuga Harbour include the construction of
the steel terminal, eastern breakwater construction, construction of the new
liquid bulk berth, construction of berths no. 14 and 15 and investments
related to the creating of a free zone (industrial park). The continuing
increase of the cargo volumes and market share of Paldiski South Harbour is
ensured by investments into the construction of timber storage areas,
reconstruction of berth no. 1 into a liquid bulk quay, extension of peat quay,
ending of the dredging work of the aquatory and development of railway
related infrastructure.
We expect to use more outsourced funds to finance our investment projects in
the future. In the long-term perspective the goal is to achieve a 70/30
asset/debt ratio, thus ensuring better rate of return on owner’s equity,
while lowering the total cost of capital invested into the company.

BALANCE SHEET, audited, in thousands
ASSETS 31.12.2002 31.12.2001 31.12.2002 31.12.2001
restated restated
Current assets
Cash and bank 17,281 32,968 1,104 2,107
Shares and other secur 43,147 103,570 2,758 6,619
Customer receivables 87,414 80,685 5,587 5,157
Accounts receivable 97,073 98,029 6,204 6,265
Allowance for doubtful re -9,659 -17,344 -617 -1,108
Other receivables 473 15,082 30 964
Other short term receivab 473 15,082 30 964
Accrued income 139 790 9 50
Accrued interest 139 790 9 50
Prepaid expenses 19,573 8,998 1,251 575
Prepaid and refundable ta 10,432 2,289 667 146
Other prepaid expenses 9,141 6,709 584 429
Inventories 2,328 5,606 149 358
Raw materials 2,223 5,492 142 351
Goods bought for resale 99 114 6 7
Prepayments to suppliers 6 0 0.4 0
Total current assets 170,354 247,700 10,888 15,831

Non-current assets
Long term financial inves 21,401 9,071 1,368 580
Other shares and securiti 4,655 4,720 297 302
Miscellaneous long term r 14,228 2,977 909 190
Long term accounts receiv 2,517 1,374 161 88
Tangible fixed assets 3,797,584 3,590,651 242,710 229,484
Land and buildings 4,353,086 4,144,934 278,213 264,910
Machinery and equipment 690,734 746,865 44,146 47,733
Other equipment and fix 77,477 61,649 4,952 3,940
Accumulated depreciation -1,503,992 -1,444,396 -96,123 -92,314
Construction in process 122,358 78,787 7,820 5,035
Prepayments for tangible 57,921 2,812 3,702 180
Total non-current assets 3,818,984 3,599,722 244,078 230,064

TOTAL ASSETS 3,989,339 3,847,423 254,965 245,895



Current liabilities
Debt obligations 499 16,083 32 1,028
Debentures 500 16,083 32 1,028
Customer prepayments for 13,904 665 889 43
Supplier payables 47,807 38,927 3,055 2,488
Accounts payable 47,807 38,927 3,055 2,488
Taxes payable 8,524 5,961 545 381
Accrued expenses 26,408 15,919 1,688 1,017
Payables to employees 15,663 11,135 1,001 712
Interests payable 2,807 594 179 38
Other accruals 7,938 4,190 507 268
Short term provisions 1,316 12,623 84 807
Other unearned income 1,864 1,324 119 85
Total current liabilities 100,322 91,501 6,412 5,848

Non-current liabilities
Long term loan liabilities 70,000 70,417 4,474 4,500
Nonconvertible liabilities 70,000 70,417 4,474 4,500
Other long term liabilities 26,000 23,400 1,662 1,496
Customer prepayments 26,000 23,400 1,662 1,496
Total non-current liabili 96,000 93,817 6,136 5,996

Total liabilities 196,322 185,318 12,547 11,844

Owner’s equity
Share capital 2,750,000 2,750,000 175,757 175,757
Reserves 240,433 218,815 15,366 13,985
Mandatory legal reserve 240,433 218,815 15,366 13,985
Retained earnings 369,013 291,933 23,584 18,658
Profit for the year 433,571 401,358 27,710 25,651
Total owner’s equity 3,793,017 3,662,105 242,418 234,051

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWN 3,989,339 3,847,423 254,965 245,895

INCOME STATEMENT, audited, in thousands

2002 2001 2002 2001
restated restated
Net sales 958,579 893,813 61,264 57,125
Other income 27,293 17,043 1,744 1,089
Total revenue 985,872 910,856 63,009 58,214

Materials, consumables an 93,074 79,161 5,949 5,059
Miscellaneous operating e 115,272 119,078 7,367 7,610
Personnel expenses 150,598 139,034 9,625 8,886
incl. Salaries 113,026 104,653 7,224 6,689
Social taxes 37,572 34,380 2,401 2,197
Depreciation 157,837 152,407 10,088 9,741
incl. depr. and val. adj 157,837 152,407 10,088 9,741
Other expenses 37,485 30,457 2,396 1,947
Total expenses 554,265 520,137 35,424 33,243

Operating profit 431,607 390,720 27,585 24,972

Financial income 8,162 13,379 522 855
Income from other non-cur 1 74 0.1 5
Foreign exchange gains 743 1,331 47 85
Other interest and financ 7,418 11,974 474 765

Financial expenses 6,198 2,741 396 175
Interest expense 3,972 2,067 254 132
Foreign exchange losses 1,054 674 67 43
Other financial expenses 1,171 0 75 0

Profit from normal operat 433,571 401,358 27,710 25,651

Net profit for the year 433,571 401,358 27,710 25,651

Erik Sakkov
Marketing Director

Vertybiniai popieriai


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