Atnaujinta: 2024.07.22 21:01 (GMT+3)


2003.05.21, Eesti Telekom, TLN

Eesti Telekom NEWS RELEASE 05/21/2003 11:00


AS Eesti Telefon, a 100%-owned subsidiary of AS Eesti
Telekom, sells to ELTEL Networks Corporation 49% minority
interest in 100% owned AS Connecto, which offers design,
installation, construction and maintenance services for
telecommunication and electrical systems.

Sale will enable Eesti Telefon to focus its core business
that is providing telecommunication and IT solutions.
Involving a strategic partner will also accelerate
expansion of AS Connecto into other Baltic states.

Transition of the shares will take place after approval
of the Competition Board. After that the exact price of
the deal will also be determined, which will be 58
million kroons (3.7 million euros) minus 49% of net
interest-bearing debt of the Connecto as of the end of
the month before the transition.

Eesti Telefon will stay as an active owner of Connecto,
but ELTEL Netwoks has right to acquire 100% of the
company shares after two years. The transition cannot be
treated as a transaction with related party, neither
Council nor Management Board of Eesti Telefon have no
other personal interest in the transaction.

As for the turnover AS Connecto ( is one
of the largest company in the Baltics, offering design,
installation, construction and maintenance services for
telecommunication and electrical systems. The turnover of
AS Connecto totalled 260.8 million kroons (16.6 million
euros) in 2002, and its profit totalled 12.6 million
kroons (0.8 million euros). Company was established in
2001 and employs 445 people. The company has a subsidiary
in Latvia Connecto Latvia.

ELTEL Networks Corporation ( )
is an Infranet Company providing services to networks'
owners in Northern Europe. The three strong fields of
operations are: electrification projects, mobile networks
and network services. Group's net sales was 208 million
euros (3.255 billion kroons) in 2002 and it
employs about 2000 people in the Nordic countries,
Baltics and Russia and in South-East Asia.

AS Eesti Telefon (, the largest
telecommunications company in Estonia was founded in
1993. It is owned by AS Eesti Telekom which is listed at
the stock exchanges of Tallinn and London
(TSE:ETL/LSE:EETD). Eesti Telefon provides innovative
client-centered communication and IT solutions. Eesti
Telefon’s consolidated net profit in 2002 was 286 million
kroons (18 million euros) on net sales of 2.493 billion
kroons (159 million euros). The company invested 334
million kroons (22 million euros) developing
telecommunications throughout the year. Total group
assets, according to IAS were worth 2.473 billion (158
million euros). The company had 1,999 employees at end-
2002, 1,420 of whom worked for the parent firm.

Mr. Tuomo Rönkkö, President & CEO of ELTEL Networks
Corporation, Mr. Valdo Kalm, CEO of Eesti Telefon and Mr.
Jaanus Paas, CEO of Connecto will give online briefing
about the deal in Eesti Telefon´s web-based Press Center
at <a href='' target='_blank'></a> -> Uudised -> Pressikeskus
( today, on the 21st of May
at 1-2 pm.

Hille Võrk
Financial Manager

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