Atnaujinta: 2024.07.22 13:04 (GMT+3)


2003.08.29, Eesti Post, TLN

Eesti Post FINANCIAL RESULTS 08/29/2003


Eesti Post AS’s budgeted revenues for first 6 months were 315
088 thousand kroons or 20 137 thousand euros, actual revenues
amounted to 316 138 thousand kroons or 20 205 thousand euros
(100.3%). Revenues increased by 1 050 thousand kroons or 67
thousand euros (1.6%) in comparison with previous year.
Planned increase of revenues for current year is 5.8%, which
is accomplishable due to seasonal sales increase in December.
Company’s revenues were positively affected by success in
logistics and direct marketing division (value-added services)
and successful export activities. Main negative effect was
consumers’ increasing use of electronic messaging, as well as
increasing popularity of e-banking services. The revenues
according to segments were as follows:

Express services experienced the biggest increase in revenues
both in monetary (6 755 thousand kroons or 432
thousand euros) and percentage (14.9%) terms. There were no
considerable changes in pricing of services. Total revenue
from express services segment amounted to 52 027 thousand
kroons or 3 325 thousand euros.

The revenues improved mainly due to increased capacities in
ELS brand products, packet sector (37-47%), and mail sector
(68%). Luna-packets (mail-order selling) experienced an
increase of 814 thousand kroons or 52 thousand
kroons (3.3%). Another considerable increase came from EMS
brand products (international express mail service), amounting
to 821 thousand kroons or 52 thousand euros (82%).

Main negative effect to revenues came from traditional parcel
services, -615 thousand kroons or -39 thousand euros (-11.1%).

Direct marketing sector gave the second biggest increase in
revenues, 1 063 thousand kroons or 68 thousand euros (1.7%).
There were no considerable price changes of services in the
segment. Total revenues from direct marketing sector amounted
to 62 989 thousand kroons or 4 026 thousand euros.

The biggest increase in direct marketing sector revenues came
from non-addressed advertising, amounting to 1 854
thousand kroons or 118 thousand euros (19.2%). The advertising
campaign for parliament elections in spring did not have a
considerable effect on revenues in direct marketing sector.

Revenues from in-take of orders for periodicals decreased by
140 thousand kroons or 9 thousand euros (-5.7%), addressed
advertising and catalogue delivery services decreased by 761
thousand kroons 49 thousand kroons (-4.3%).

Mail service segment’s revenues decreased by 2 319 thousand
kroons or 148 thousand euros (-1.9%). The total revenue from
mail services was 122 420 thousand kroons or 7 824 thousand
euros. From second half of 2003, the company set new discount
rates in agreement with clients. New maximum discount rates
amount to 23%, in comparison with 15% previously. The change
affects the mail service intermediaries the most. The main
reason for the decision was disagreement between Eesti Post AS
and National Communications Board in interpretation of the
term "consumer". Due to the described change, the company
expects an increase in revenues in second half of the year.

An increase of revenues, amounting to 2 684 thousand kroons or
172 thousand euros (56.5%) was achieved in registered mail
sector. The main reason for that was change in legislation,
according to which some certain messages delivered by
companies and state institutions have to be delivered by
registered mail.

A decrease in revenues occurred in traditional mail sector, -4
992 thousand kroons or -319 thousand euros (-4.2%),
mainly caused by seasonal sale decrease in January and growing
trends in use of electronic mail. Revenue was also negatively
affected by decrease of international final payments
(international mail transmission), amounting to -1 991
thousand kroons or -127 thousand euros (-22.5%).

In financial intermediation, the revenues decreased by -2 874
thousand kroons or -184 thousand euros (-6.7%). Total revenues
from financial intermediation amounted to 39 772 thousand
kroons or 2 542 thousand euros. Starting from the current
year, the firm changed some of its commission fees in
receiving payments - the fee was standardized at the level of
8 kroons (0.51 euros) for all payments. In addition to changes
in price schemes, the reduction in revenues occurred due to
the increasing share of customers using the Internet bank

Increase in revenues by 145 thousand kroons or 9 thousand
euros (13.5%) was achieved in Postbank services.

The reduction in revenues was mainly caused by falling
commission on payments of pensions and welfare aids in the
amount of -2 549 thousand kroons or -163 thousand euros (-

Other revenues increased by 4 661 thousand kroons or 298
thousand euros (12.5%). No significant changes in prices
occurred in the given segment. Other revenues amount to 38 930
thousand kroons or 2 488 thousand euros.

Increasing revenues from service exports by 3 937 thousand
kroons 252 thousand euros (+315%) is also a positive sign.
Furthermore, the income from retail sales increased by 1 294
thousand kroons 83 thousand euros (8.4%) which mainly
comprised of sales of consumer goods in the countryside.

Changes in revenues from customs services and rent of
facilities were not significant.

AS Eesti Post budgeted expenses for the first half of the year
were 301 623 thousand kroons or 19 277 thousand euros,
company’s operating expenses were 298 608 thousand kroons or
19 084 thousand euros (99% of the budget). Company’s operating
expenses rose by 21 126 thousand kroons or 1 350 thousand
euros as compared to the same period last year (7.6%). For the
current year, the firm has budgeted a growth rate of 6.4 % for
expenses. The main drivers of the growth in expenses were
personnel expenses with the amount of 9 990 thousand kroons or
638 thousand euros (5.9%), cost of goods sold with 4 844
thousand kroons 310 thousand euros (10.7%) and other operating
expenses with 5 362 thousand kroons or 343 thousand euros

The growth in personnel expenses is planned for this year due
to the centralization of management function to Tallinn and
the respective reduction of employees in the firm. Average
number of employees as compared to the same period last year
has dropped by 40 amounting now to 4 010.

The growth in cost of goods sold derives from the increased
costs of mail delivery, electricity expenses due to the harsh
winter and growth in volumes in retail sales.

The reasons behind increased operating expenses lie in
marketing expenses, consignment costs and more conservative
accounting for doubtful debts.

In total, the company achieved a profit on ordinary activities
of 15 714 thousand kroons 1 004 thousand euros in the first
six months, which is 16 545 thousand kroons or 1 057 thousand
euros less than the year before, but 2 010 thousand kroons
or 128 thousand euros (17.75%) more than budgeted.
Disproportionally high profit in the first half of 2002
resulted from uneven distribution of construction, repair and
personnel expenses. This year, all the expenses have been
distributed equally over the year.

Distribution of profit in 2002:

January 3 255.7 thousand kroons or 208 thousand
2 months 6 631.4 thousand kroons or 424 thousand
3 months 16 269.7 thousand kroons or 1 040
thousand euros
4 months 25 449.7 thousand kroons or 1 626
thousand euros
5 months 33 601.1 thousand kroons or 2 147
thousand euros
6 months 32 313.1 thousand kroons or 2 065
thousand euros
7 months 29 388.1 thousand kroons or 1 878
thousand euros
8 months 23 801.0 thousand kroons or 1 521
thousand euros
9 months 27 442.5 thousand kroons or 1 754
thousand euros
10 months 31 229.2 thousand kroons or 1 996
thousand euros
11 months 27 785.5 thousand kroons or 1 776
thousand euros
12 months 34 030.6 thousand kroons or 2 175
thousand euros

For the second half of the current financial year the firm is
expecting dynamic growth of the profit. Net profit for the
accounting period is 12 390 thousand kroons or 792 thousand
euros, of which the income tax on dividends has already been

Company’s cash flows in the period were -17 359 thousand
kroons or -1 109 thousand euros, as compared to -38 363
thousand kroons or 2 452 thousand euros in the same period
last year. Due to the significantly enhanced management of the
cash flows, the liquidity ratios of the company have been
improved - current ratio has risen from 1.15 to 1.29.
Recovering of the negative cash flows was caused by the switch
to new investment strategy, which foresees increasing the
share of external financing in funding investment projects.

AS Eesti Post, Management Board

Condensed balance sheet

in thousand of in thousand of
kroons euros
Note 30 Jun 31 Dec 30 Jun 31 Dec
2003 2002 2003 2002
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents 103 996 121 294 6 647 7 752
Customer receivables 51 723 49 220 3 306 3 146
Other receivables 2 513 2 723 161 174
Accrued income 22 706 22 012 1 451 1 407
Prepaid expenses 1 257 1 598 80 102
Inventories 15 229 14 736 973 942
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 197 424 211 584 12 618 13 523

Non-current assets
Shares and other 1 375 1 375 88 88
Long-term receivables 6 060 6 114 387 391
Investment property 1 15 581 16 069 996 1 027
Property, plant and 2 327 939 343 298 20 959 21 941
Intangible assets 7 130 7 379 456 472
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 358 085 374 234 22 886 23 918

TOTAL ASSETS 555 509 585 818 35 503 37 441

Current liabilities
Short-term borrowings 3 19 919 16 104 1 273 1 029
Prepayments received 41 069 79 615 2 625 5 088
Supplier payables 49 572 65 239 3 168 4 170
Taxes payable 14 646 16 584 936 1 060
Accrued expenses 23 230 24 049 1 485 1 537
Deferred income 4 4 200 4 229 268 270
Total current liabilities 152 636 205 820 9 755 13 154
Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings 3 130 543 106 665 8 343 6 817
Other long-term 2 584 4 302 165 275
Total non-current 133 128 110 967 8 508 7 092
TOTAL LIABILITIES 285 764 316 788 18 264 20 246

MINORITY INTEREST 2 668 3 244 170 207

Shareholders' equity 5
Share capital 107 175 107 175 6 850 6 850
Reserves 8 811 7 110 563 454
Retained earnings 138 700 117 471 8 865 7 508
Net profit 12 390 34 031 792 2 175
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' 267 077 265 787 17 069 16 987

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND 555 509 585 818 35 503 37 441

Condensed income statement

in thousand of in thousand of
kroons euros
Note 6 6 6 6
months months months months
ended ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 30 June 30 June
2003 2002 2003 2002
Net sales 303 599 298 235 19 403 19 061
Government grants 4 7 500 6 850 479 438
Other operating income 5 039 6 066 322 388
Total income 6 316 138 311 151 20 205 19 886

Operating expenses
Raw materials and 50 070 45 226 3 200 2 890
consumables used
Administrative expenses 46 824 41 462 2 993 2 650
Staff costs 178 426 168 436 11 403 10 765
Depreciation and 1, 2 22 018 21 106 1 407 1 349
Other expenses 1 271 1 252 81 80
Total operating 298 608 277 482 19 084 17 734

Profit from operations 17 530 33 669 1 120 2 152

Financial income and
Interest income 831 837 53 53
Interest expense -2 652 -2 231 -169 -143
Foreign exchange gains 61 2 4 0
and losses
Other financial income -57 -17 -4 -1
and expenses
Total financial income -1 816 -1 410 -116 -90
and expenses

Profit on ordinary 15 714 32 259 1 004 2 062
Income tax expense 5 3 900 0 249 0
Group profit before 11 814 32 259 755 2 062
minority interest
Minority interest 576 264 37 17
Net profit 12 390 32 522 792 2 079

Basic earnings per 8 11.56 30.34 0.74 1.94
share (expressed in
kroons/euros per share)
Diluted earnings per 8 11.56 30.34 0.74 1.94
share (expressed in
kroons/euros per share)

Inge Rumessen
PR Manager
056 356 326

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