Atnaujinta: 2024.07.21 15:01 (GMT+3)


2004.04.02, Tallinna Sadam, TLN

Tallinna Sadam FINANCIAL RESULTS 04/02/2004


Performance results

2003 was an intense year for Port of Tallinn.
During the year 37.6 m tonnes of cargo passed through the harbours of Port of
Tallinn, 0.6% less than in 2002 (in 2002, 37.9 m tonnes and a growth of 17.1%
respectively). After consecutive growth years it was a year, when the cargo
volume in Port of Tallinn decreased. It was largely influenced by very
difficult ice conditions in the beginning of 2003, causing difficulties for
the movement of vessels in the Gulf of Finland. Due to the lack of the ice
breaking conception of the Estonian state important shipping lanes were not
managed to be kept ice-free, which in turn had a negative impact on the
reputation of the Estonian transit sector, as the planned cargo volumes could
not be handled. To avoid a similar situation in the future the Estonian state
has started developing an ice breaking conception in the summer of 2003.
As a result of the decrease in cargo volume, the market share of Port of
Tallinn compared to the other east coast Baltic Sea ports decreased from 16.2
% to 14.7%. By cargo types, liquid cargo (63.3%), rolling stock (14.1%) and
dry bulk cargo (13.9%) constituted the main share of the cargo volume (in
2002, 64.6%, 12.9% and 15.6% respectively). By destination, transit cargo
amounted to 76%, export 13% and import 11% of total cargo (in 2002, 79%, 11%
and 10% respectively).
In 2003, 5.86 m passengers visited the harbours of Port of Tallinn, 1.4% less
than in 2002 (in 2002, 5.95 m passengers and a growth of 3.6%). As the number
of line passengers on route Tallinn-Helsinki has stabilised (a decline of
in 2003), there has been no significant change in the total number of
passengers during the past few years. The main share of the decrease in the
number of passengers in 2003 was caused by the decrease in the number of
overnight cruise passengers (mainly cruises in the Gulf of Finland). In the
upcoming years the number of passengers is expected to remain on the level of
2003, as the passenger market has stabilised and no substantial developments,
except for the expected increase in the number of cruise passengers, are
anticipated. The possible decline in the number of passengers on Tallinn-
Helsinki line could be compensated by a new vessel on the Tallinn-Stockholm
line by Tallink Grupp and the starting of St. Petersburg line.
The 2003 operating revenues of Port of Tallinn totalled EEK 960.6 m (EUR 61.4
m), indicating a growth of 0.2% per year (in 2002, EEK 958.6 m (EUR 61.3 m)
and a growth of 7.2%). Rental income (a growth of 10.8%) increased the most
among revenues. The growth of income from port dues, quay charges and sale of
services remained below 2%. In 2003, income from passenger fee decreased (a
decrease of 15.7%), as a result of implementing the gradual passenger fee
scale (increasing number of passengers serviced by one operator reduces the
fee per passenger) in 2003. As the lowering of the passenger fee did not
result in a growth of the number of passengers, the gradual passenger fee
scale was abolished as of beginning of 2004.
Due to difficult ice conditions and the reduced passenger fee rate in 2003
operating efficiency of the company decreased, which is evidenced by the lag
of 0.2% growth in operating revenues to the 7.7% growth in operating expenses.
Operating expenses totalled EEK 556.6 m (EUR 35.6 m), resulting in an
operating profit of EEK 404.0 m (EUR 25.8 m) and profitability of 42.1% (in
2002, EEK 516.8 m (EUR 33.0 m), EEK 441.8 m (EUR 28.2 m) and 46.1%
respectively). In the upcoming years the efficiency of Port of Tallinn is
expected to somewhat increase, mainly due to the realisation of investment
projects set be strategy and exploitation of land acquired during the past
The 2003 net income of Port of Tallinn amounted to EEK 230.8 m (EUR 14.8 m),
being EEK 202.8 m (EUR 13.0 m) short of net income in 2002. The drop in net
income was mainly caused by the one-time ice breaking expense in 2003 (Port
Tallinn financed ice breaking works in Estonian ports) in the amount of EEK
119.3 m (EUR 7.6 m) and expenses due to changes in the "Income Tax Act"
(starting from 2003 the dividend payments of 100% state owned companies are
subject to income tax) in the amount of EEK 48.4 m (EUR 3.1 m). Without the
aforementioned expenses the 2003 net income of Port of Tallinn would have
EEK 398.5 m (EUR 25,5 m).
In 2003, the return on assets (ROA) of Port of Tallinn declined to 5.2%,
compared to 11.0% in 2002. Without the one-time ice breaking expense and
income tax on dividends, the 2003 return on assets of Port of Tallinn would
have been 9.0%. The difference between 2003 adjusted return on assets
compared to that of 2002 is mainly caused by decreased efficiency and the
increase in asset base due to long-term sizable investments, which will
generate income in future periods.
The return on owner’s equity (ROE) moved by a similar pattern to the return
assets, being slightly, by 0.9% higher. The similarity between the return on
owner’s equity and the return on assets is caused by high share of owner’s
equity in the company’s capital structure (equity/assets ratio 77%). In the
coming years the difference between the return on owner’s equity and return
assets is expected to increase, as more debt capital will be used to finance
port’s large investment plan.
* 2003 amount includes ice breaking work and dividends on income tax
In 2003, EEK 137.7 m (EUR 8.8 m) was paid to the owner in the form of direct
dividend payment accompanied by income tax on dividends in the amount of EEK
48.4 m (EUR 3.1 m), totalling to EEK 186.1 m (EUR 11.9 m). Together with the
financing of ice breaking expense for the Estonian state in the amount of EEK
119.3 m (EUR 7.6 m) the total amount of EEK 305.4 m (EUR 19.5 m) was paid to
(or in behalf) the owner in 2003.

Investments and development plans
In 2003, Port of Tallinn invested a total of EEK 933.9 m (EUR 59.7 m) into
new infrastructure objects and into improvement of the existing ones,
almost three times more than in 2002 (in 2002, EEK 340.4 m (EUR 21.7)
and 21.6 % less
respectively). Major part of the investments, a total of EEK 694.6 m
(EUR 44.4 m) or 74% of the total volume was invested into water transport
Larger investment objects were related to Muuga Harbour: coal terminal - EEK
291.8 m (EUR 18.6 m), berths no. 14 and 15 - EEK 114.8 m (EUR 7.3 m) and
berths no. 9A and 10A - EEK 105.0 m (EUR 6.7 m). In the Old City Harbour EEK
73.2 m (EUR 4.7 m) was invested into the construction of a new cruise jetty
and in Paldiski South Harbour EEK 57.4 m (EUR 3.7 m) into the reconstruction
of berth no. 1.
In addition to Port of Tallinn’s investments into the development of port
infrastructure, the private port operators invested approximately EEK 1
billion (EUR 64 m) into port superstructure and increasing of the throughput
capacity in 2003. The largest investor was passenger operator Tallink Grupp
with the 2003 investment volume of ca EEK 336 m (EUR 21.5 m). Other larger
investing operators included Termoil in Muuga Harbour (ca EEK 245 m (EUR 15.7
m)) and Eurodek Group companies (ca EEK 206 m (EUR 13.2 m)), investing mainly
into the extension of the liquid cargo tank park and unloading facilities.
In addition to investments, Port of Tallinn incurs substantial annual
research and development expenses, which in 2003 reached EEK 11.5 m
(EUR 0.7 m), compared to EEK 7.8 m (EUR 0.5 m) in 2002. Major part of
research and development expenses is targeted at attracting new cargo flows
and development
of new projects by conducting profitability studies and providing innovative
technical solutions.
During the next 5 years Port of Tallinn plans to invest approximately EEK 5.3
billion (EUR 339 m) into the construction and improvement of infrastructure,
with EEK 1.2 billion (EUR 77 m) planned to invest already in 2004. This
ambitious investment plan would offer the best quality and modern technology
to port operators and cargo owners, in order to increase the cargo volume and
ensure the competitive advantage and constant increase of market share of
Port of Tallinn in the increasingly competitive market.
EEK 1 067 m (EUR 68) or 89% of the 2004 investments is targeted at new
development projects and EEK 138 m (EUR 9 m) or 11% at the ensuring of the
throughput capacity of the existing infrastructure.
Major part of new development investments are targeted at the development of
Muuga Harbour (80%) and Paldiski South Harbour (20%). Larger long-term
projects in Muuga Harbour include the construction of coal and metal
terminals, east part breakwater construction, construction of berths no. 14
and 15 and investments related to the establishing of a free zone (industrial
park). The continuing increase of the cargo volumes and market share of
Paldiski South Harbour is ensured by investments into the construction of a
grain quay and timber terminal and the possible construction of a dry bulk
and general cargo terminal in the medium long-term perspective.
Passenger transport related investment plans for 2004 foresee the completion
of the construction of the cruise jetty in the Old City Harbour prior to the
beginning of the summer cruise season.
Port of Tallinn is expecting to use more debt capital to finance new
investments. 5 year’s goal is to achieve a 60/40 equity/debt ratio thus
ensuring greater return on equity and lowering the total cost of invested
capital. Port of Tallinn does not anticipate substantial changes in the
targeted equity/debt ratio to maintain borrowing ability in the long run.

In 2003, Port of Tallinn acquired 100% of AS EDI Vektor shares from the State
Infocommunication Foundation and founded AS Green Marine (Port of Tallinn
shares 51%).
100% of AS EDI Vektor shares were acquired on 31 October 2003. The goal of
the earlier activity of AS EDI Vektor was to provide an electronic data
interchange (EDI) environment to the companies in the logistics sector.
Although EDI service has a great potential, AS EDI Vektor could not implement
the EDI service at level satisfactory to potential users. Since by the end of
2003 AS EDI Vektor was running out of financing received in 2000 and the
company had a negative cash flow, new investors were searched to continue the
EDI project. Port of Tallinn had an interest towards the project as more
efficient information flow provided by the EDI environment would help to
increase the efficiency of cargo and passenger flows in the port. Currently
the work group formed by Port of Tallinn in the summer of 2003 has prepared a
general EDI activity plan focusing on the possibilities of higher operations
efficiency related to the information flows in Port of Tallinn harbours and
between the companies of port community. The goal of the activity plan is to
review the former strategy of AS EDI Vektor and offer possible future steps
for the development of EDI environment. Until the activity plan is finalized
and approved by the project partners, the business activity of AS EDI Vektor
has been frozen.
AS Green Marine is a joint venture established by Port of Tallinn and AS NT
Marine in the end of 2003 dealing with environmental issues. The goal of AS
Green Marine is to process port-generated waste, management, maintenance and
operation of hazardous ship waste and wastewater processing centres, and
cleaning and maintenance of port aquatory and territory, also the quick
localization and liquidation of possible oil pollutions in the port aquatory.
In 2003 no actual business activity occurred in the company, the company was
engaged in preparation of waste handling terminal construction project in
Muuga Harbour.

BALANCE SHEET, consolidated, audited, in EEK th

ASSETS ConcernGro GroupConce
up rn
31.12.2003 31.12.2002
Cash and bank 155 516 42 533
Shares and other securities 10 041 17 894
Customer receivables 83 719 87 414
Other receivables and prepayments 73 934 20 185
Inventories 2 354 2 328
Total current assets 325 564 170 354

Shares Investment inof subsidiaries 0 0
Other shares and securities 4 655 4 655
Other long-term receivables 14 762 16 745
Tangible fixed assets 4 563 763 3 797 584
Total non-current assets 4 583 180 3 818 984

TOTAL ASSETS 4 908 744 3 989 338


Current liabilities
Supplier payables 207 861 47 807
Taxes payable 21 041 16 273
Payable to shareholders 100 000 0
Short-term provisions 1 222 1 316
Other payables 39 268 34 926
Total current liabilities 368 792369 100 322

Non-current liabilities
Long-term loan liabilitiesborrowings 725 866 70 000
Long-term provisions 3 426 0
Other long-term liabilities 17 997 26 000
Total non-current liabilities 747 289 96 000

Total liabilities 1 116 681 196 322

Minority shareinterest 1 960 0

Share capital in at nominal value 2 650 000 2 750 000
Reserves 262 111 240 433
Retained earnings 647 205 369 013
Profit for the year 230 787 433 570
Total owner’s equity 3 790 103 3 793 016


BALANCE SHEET, consolidated,
audited, in EUR th

ASSETS GroupConce GroupConce
rn rn
31.12.2003 31.12.2002
Cash and bank 9 939 2 718
Shares and other securities 642 1 144
Customer receivables 5 351 5 587
Other receivables and prepayments 4 725 1 290
Inventories 150 149
Total current assets 20 807 10 888

Shares ofInvestment in subsidiaries 0 0
Other shares and securities 298 298
Other long-term receivables 943 1 070
Tangible fixed assets 291 677 242 709
Total non-current assets 292 918 244 077

TOTAL ASSETS 313 725 254 965


Current liabilities
Supplier payables 13 285 3 055
Taxes payable 1 345 1 040
Payable to shareholders 6 391 0
Short-term provisions 78 84
Other payables 2 510 2 232
Total current liabilities 23 608 6 412

Non-current liabilities
Long term loan liabilitiesborrowings 46 391 4 474
Long-term provisions 219 0
Other long-term liabilities 1 150 1 662
Total non-current liabilities 47 760 6 136

Total liabilities 71 369 12 547

Minority shareinterest 125 0

Share capital in at nominal value 169 365 175 757
Statutory Rreserves 16 752 15 366
Retained earnings 41 364 23 584
Profit for the year 14 75014 27 710
Total owner’s equity 242 231 242 417


INCOME STATEMENT, consolidated, audited, in EEK th

GroupCon GroupCon
cern cern
2003 2002
Sales revenue 960 560 958 579
Other revenueincomes 20 249 27 086
Operating expenses 253 582 208 346
Personnel expenses 145 631 150 598
Depreciation and value- 157 350 157 837
Other expenses 138 829 37 278
OPERATING PROFIT 285 417 431 606
Financial income and expenses
sShares of result of subsidiaries 0-555 00
Interest expense -8 405 -3 972
Foreign exchange gain (loss) -436 -311
Other financial income and expense 2 5893 6 247
Total financial income and expenses -6 252 1 964
Profit from normal 279 165 433 570
operationsordinary activities
Income tax -48 378 0

INCOME STATEMENT, consolidated,
in EUR th GroupCon GroupCon
cern cern
2003 2002
Sales revenue 61 391 61 264
Other revenueincome 1 294 1 731
Operating expenses 16 207 13 316
Personnel expenses 9 307 9 625
Depreciation and value- 10 056 10 088
Other expenses 8 873 2 382
OPERATING PROFIT 18 241 27 585
Financial income and expenses
sShare of results of subsidiaries 0-35 00
Interest expense -537 -254
Foreign exchange gain (loss) -28 -20
Other financial income and expense 201165 399
Total financial income and expenses -400 126
Profit from ordinary 17 842 27 710
activitiesnormal operations
Income tax -3 092 0

Erik Sakkov
Marketing Director

Vertybiniai popieriai


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