Atnaujinta: 2024.07.21 14:56 (GMT+3)


2004.04.08, Sampo Pank, TLN

Sampo Pank NEWS RELEASE 04/08/2004


Balance sheet
(in thousands of kroons, as at 31 December)

2003 2002 2003 2002
Cash 55 659 49 091 3 557 3 137
Claims and loans 6 167 727 4 826 734 394 189 308 484
Claims and loans to
Central Bank 612 807 232 604 39 165 14 866
Claims and loans to
credit institutions 404 902 939 270 25 878 60 030
Claims and loans to
clients 3 950 372 2 895 484 252 474 185 055
Leasing receivables 1 307 424 860 807 83 559 55 015
Allowance for claims
and loans - 107 778 -101 431 - 6 888 - 6 483
Securities 699 866 667 989 44 729 42 692
Trading 673 655 630 629 43 054 40 304
Available-for-sale 26 211 37 360 1 675 2 388
Derivatives 2 621 120 168 8
Shares of subsidiary
undertakings 0 0 0 0
Intangible assets 5 659 3 483 362 223
Tangible assets 141 657 136 331 9 054 8 713
Investment property 13 239 13 564 846 867
Other assets 54 163 44 636 3 462 2 853
Prepayments and accrued
income 57 981 45 347 3 706 2 898
TOTAL ASSETS 7 198 572 5 787 295 460 071 369 875

Amounts owed 5 157 689 4 129 399 329 636 263 916
Amounts owed to credit
institutions 1 110 250 559 746 70 958 35 774
Amounts owed to clients 4 031 512 3 547 842 257 660 226 748
Other amounts owed 15 927 21 811 1 018 1 394
Derivatives 73 534 40 990 4 700 2 620
Issued debt securities 922 059 615 375 58 930 39 330
Other liabilities 169 277 249 735 10 819 15 961
Accruals and deferred
income 141 296 118 999 9 030 7 605
Subordinated liabilities 213 849 198 528 13 667 12 688
TOTAL LIABILITIES 6 677 704 5 353 026 426 782 342 120
Share capital 323 111 323 111 20 651 20 651
Paid-in capital over par 17 081 17 081 1 092 1 092
Reserves 4 695 2 048 300 131
Retained earnings 175 981 92 029 11 247 5 882
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 520 868 434 269 33 289 27 755
OWNERS' EQUITY 7 198 572 5 787 295 460 071 369 875

Income statement
(in thousands of kroons, year ended 31 December)

2003 2002 2003 2002

Interest income 372 678 322 750 23 818 20 627
Interest income from banking
activities 285 568 248 554 18 251 15 885
Interest income from leasing
activities 87 110 74 196 5 567 4 742
Interest expense - 144 419-156 569 -9 230 -10 007
Interest expense from banking
activities - 144 315-156 206 -9 223 - 9 983
Interest expense from leasing
activities - 104 - 363 - 7 - 23
Net interest income
(loss) (+/-) 228 259 166 181 14 588 10 621
Income from securities 1 099 0 70 0
Income (loss) from associates
(and subsidiaries in Bank) (+/-) 0 1 724 0 110
Income from subsidiaries 0 0 0 0
Income from associates 0 1 724 0 110
Net fee and commission
income 67 176 58 193 4 293 3 719
Fee and commission income 89 300 85 568 5 707 5 469
Fee and commission expense - 22 124- 27 375- 1 414 -1 750
Net profit (loss) on financial
operations (+/-) 49 331 63 243 3 153 4 042
General administrative
expenses - 229 495-205 519-14 667-13 135
Salaries expense - 98 065- 89 364- 6 267- 5 711
Social security tax expense - 32 484- 30 040- 2 076- 1 920
Other administrative expenses- 98 946- 86 115- 6 324- 5 504
Depreciation and amortisation- 16 162- 15 373- 1 033- 983
Bad and doubtful debts
expense - 17 050- 20 822- 1 090- 1 331
Other operating income and
expense 3 441 5 314 220 340
Other operating income 9 723 9 977 621 638
Other operating expenses - 6 282- 4 663- 401- 298
YEAR 86 599 52 941 5 535 3 384


Balance Sheet

At the end of 2003 the Consolidated Group of AS Sampo Pank
(hereinafter the Group) had total assets of EEK 7.2 billion, a rise
of 24.4% or EEK 1.4 billion, generated mainly by the growth of the
loan portfolio which was funded through an increase in customer
deposits, new long-term loans obtained from other banks and the
issuance of debt securities.

In line with the Group’s long-term business goals and regarding the
economic environment and the competitive situation changes took
place both in the structure of the Group’s assets and liabilities
in 2003. The share of loans in the assets increased by 8.4
percentage points (to 71.6 %) over the year. At the same time the
share of deposits in the liabilities decreased by 5.9 percentage
points (to 60.4 %) largely due to the faster growth of debt
securities and long-term bank loans.

Securities and Liquid Assets

At the end of 2003, liquid assets comprised 24.3% of the Group’s
total assets, compared to 32.0 % in the previous year. In 2003
total liquid assets declined by EEK 104.6 million or 5.6%,
amounting to EEK 1.7 billion at the end of the year.

Of the Group’s liquid assets at year-end of 2003, the securities
portfolio accounted for 38.6% (34.1% in 2002), time deposits with
other banks comprised 14.8% (38.1% in 2002) and cash and demand
deposits with other banks (incl. the Central Bank) made up 46.6%
(27.9% in 2002).

At year-end of 2003 the portfolio of liquid securities totalled
EEK 673.7 million, a decrease of 6.8 % or EEK 43.0 million over
the year. The portfolio comprised 36.5% of debt securities issued
by the central governments of foreign countries, 38.4% of debt
securities issued by various credit and financial institutions
and 25.0 % of other debt securities (mainly international
corporations’ debt securities with high investment grade).


In 2003 the volume as well as the quality of the Group’s loan
portfolio continued to increase. The gross loan portfolio
increased by 40.0% or EEK 1.5 billion over the year. As a result
of the Group’s active lending activity, the share of the loan
portfolio in the Group’s assets increased from 63.2% at the end
of 2002 to 71.6% at the end of 2003, amounting to EEK 5.3 billion.

As for the structure of borrowers, the previous year’s trends
continued to prevail. Since the growth rate of loans to private
persons exceeded that of loans to companies, the share of loans
to private persons increased and the share of loans to companies
decreased in the loan portfolio.

Although the share of loans to companies has declined
continuously over the recent years, loans granted to companies
for the implementation of long-term investment projects as well
as for the funding of working capital still make up the largest
part of the Group’s loan portfolio. At the end of 2003 total
outstanding loans to companies amounted to EEK 3.0 billion, an
increase of 26.2% or EEK 631.2 million over the year. At the end
of 2003 loans to companies accounted for 57.7% of the loan
portfolio, compared to 64.0% at the end of 2002.

For several consecutive years loans to private persons have been
the fastest growing part of the Group’s loan portfolio. Borrowing
has been favoured by the relatively small debt burden of private
persons, favourable loan conditions as well as the economic
environment. The average interest rate of housing loans granted
during the year declined by 1.7 percentage points due to the fall
of the 6 months Euribor and a decrease in loan margins. In 2003
the average maturity of housing loans extended by almost two
years up to 17 years.

Loans to private persons experienced an annual growth of 69.3% or
EEK 841.3 million in 2003, largely due to the growth of the volume
of long-term housing loans. However, the growth rate of loans
issued for short-term consumption purposes exceeded that of housing
loans. Loans to private persons totalled EEK 2.1 billion at the end
of 2003, of which the loans and leases granted for the acquisition
of homes accounted for 81.1% and the loans and leases issued for
consumption purposes comprised 18.9%. Due to the rapid growth of
loan volume the share of loans to private persons increased from
32.3% at the end of 2002 to 39.1% by the end of 2003.

Based on loans outstanding, the Group’s credit grants, categorized
by economic sectors, were the largest to the real estate sector
(43.9% of total credits, whereas housing loans to private persons
comprised 73.8% of total loans to the real estate sector), followed
by industry (16.9%) and wholesale and retail trade (12.6%).
Compared to the end of the prior year, the share of industry and
that of trade decreased in the loan portfolio by 4.0 and 0.3
percentage points, respectively, whereas the share of the real
estate sector remained unchanged.

At the end of 2003 allowances for loan impairment represented 2.0%
of the gross loan portfolio, compared to 2.7% in 2002. The
decrease was related to the amendments made to the Group’s
allowance principles which take into account the new Basel Capital
Accord recommendations as well as the positive developments that
have prevailed in Estonia’s economy in the recent years.

In 2003 allowances for impairment totalled EEK 18.4 million,
compared to EEK 23.3 million in 2002. In the year under review
EEK 1.3 million was recovered from the write-offs of previous
years, compared to EEK 2.5 million in 2002. Net loan allowances
(the difference of the allowances made and recovered loans) were
EEK 17.0 million in 2003, compared to EEK 20.8 million in 2002.

The share of overdue loans in the gross loan portfolio accounted
for 6.3% at the end of 2003, compared to 5.8% in December 2002.
Allowances for impairment comprised 31.8% of overdue loans at
year-end 2003, compared to 45.9% at the same time in 2002.

Fixed and Other Assets

Intangible and tangible assets comprised 2.0% of the Groups assets
at the end of 2003, compared to 2.4% at the end of 2002. Due to
the purchase of new software licenses the Group’s intangible assets
increased by EEK 2.2 million or 62.5% over the year, amounting to
EEK 5.7 million at the end of 2003.The Group’s tangible assets
increased by 3.9% (or EEK 5.3 million) over the year, totalling
EEK 141.7 million at the end of 2003. The Group’s other assets
increased by 21.3% or EEK 9.5 million over the year, mainly due to
collateral assets for sale.

Liabilities and Owners’ Equity

The Group’s liabilities amounted to EEK 6.7 billion at the end of
2003, an increase of EEK 1.3 billion or 24.7% over the year. The
largest share of the Group’s liabilities includes client deposits
(60.4% in 2003 and 66.3% in 2002), loans from other banks (16.6%
in 2003 and 10.5% in 2002) and issued debt securities (13.8% in
2003 and 11.5% in 2002).

Client Deposits

In 2003 the total volume of client deposits was EEK 4.0 billion,
an increase of EEK 483.7 million or 13.6% over the year, chiefly
due to the growth of client time deposits, which increased by
EEK 376.9 million or 24.2%. At the same time client demand deposits
increased by EEK 106.8 million or 5.4%. In 2003 demand deposits
totalled EEK 2.1 billion (52.0% of total deposits) and time
deposits amounted to EEK 1.9 billion (48.0% of total deposits).

Like in the previous year private company deposits continued
dominating in the structure of deposits in 2003, accounting for
60.3% of total deposits (64,0% in 2002). Deposits of private
persons formed the second largest part of total deposits,
accounting for 26.0% in 2003 (23.8% in 2002).

In 2003 deposits of private persons increased by 24.2% or
EEK 204.8 million, totalling EEK 1.0 billion at the end of the
year. This growth was primarily generated by an increase in time
deposits which increased by 31.3% or EEK 151.5 million, amounting
to EEK 635.1 million at year-end of 2003. As for the term of
depositing, the priorities of clients remained almost unchanged -
the duration of the majority of deposit agreements concluded with
the Group did not exceed one year. In 2003 demand deposits of
private persons increased by 14.7% or EEK 53.2 million, amounting
to EEK 414.6 million at the end of the year.

Private company deposits increased by 7.0% or EEK 158.1 million,
totalling EEK 2.4 billion at the end of 2003. At the same time
private company demand deposits increased by 2.4% or
EEK 38.4 million, amounting to EEK 1.6 billion. The growth rate
of private company time deposits exceeded that of demand deposits
considerably. Time deposits experienced an increase of 17.4% or
EEK 119.7 million over the year, totalling EEK 808.0 million at
the end of 2003.

Issued Debt Securities and Loans from Banks

In the Group’s interest bearing liabilities the share of issued
debt securities and loans from banks increased by 8.5 percentage
points to 30.4% in 2003. Loans from banks and issued debt
securities gained by EEK 550.5 million or 98.3% and by EEK 306.7
million or 49.8%, respectively. Issued debt securities totalled
EEK 922.0 million and loans from banks amounted to EEK 1.1 billion
at the end of 2003.

Equity and Subordinated Liabilities

The Group’s equity increased by 19.9% or EEK 86.6 million due to
profit earned in 2003, amounting to EEK 520.9 million at the end
of the year. Subordinated liabilities increased by EEK 15.3
million or 7.7%, totalling EEK 213.8 million.

The Group’s capital adequacy was 12.6% at the end of 2003,
compared to 14.2% at the end of 2002. The Tier I Ratio was 8.9%
at the end of 2003 (9.8% at the end of 2002).

Income Statement Analysis

Net profit earned by the Group in 2003 amounted to EEK 86.6
million. It was an increase of 63.6% or EEK 33.7 million, compared
to the previous year. The Group’s return on equity was 17.7% in
2003 (12.7% in 2002) and return on assets was 1.3% in 2003
(1.0% in 2002).

The Group’s total income which includes net interest income, net
fee and commission income and other non-interest income increased
by 18.8% or EEK 56.3 million over the year, amounting to EEK 355.6
million at the end of 2003. Net interest income accounted for 69.4%
(65.8% in 2002), net fee and commission income 18.9%
(19.4% in 2002), income from foreign exchange transactions 6.7%
(9.0% in 2002), income from securities 2.3% (1.9% in 2002) and
income from other sources 2.7% (3.9% in 2002) of 2003 total income.
Net interest income increased by 25.3% or EEK 49.7 million,
amounting to EEK 246.7 million. Net fee and commission income
increased by 15.4% or EEK 9.0 million, totalling EEK 67.2 million.
Other non-interest income declined by 5.5% or EEK 2.5 million to
EEK 41.7 million.

Interest Income and Expense

In 2003 the Group’s net interest income was influenced by several
factors: the continued low level of interest rate environment,
changes in the structure of interest earning assets and interest
bearing liabilities and interest margins which had lowered due to
an intense competition in the market.

Although the Group’s average return on interest earning assets
declined from 7.0% in 2002 to 6.3% in 2003 under these conditions,
total interest income earned during the year gained by 10.6% or
EEK 37.6 million, amounting to EEK 391.1 million at the end of the
year. The rise principally resulted from the growth of the volume
of interest earning assets and the increased share of the loan
portfolio in the interest earning assets, thus contributing to
higher return on interest earning assets. Along with the growth
of the share of the loan portfolio in the interest earning assets
the share of interest income earned from loans and leasing
financing increased from 85.1% in 2002 to 92.1% in 2003.

In 2003 the Group’s interest expense totalled EEK 144.4 million, a
decrease of 7.8% or EEK 12.2 million over the year. The decrease was
caused by the decline in the cost of interest bearing liabilities,
the influence of which exceeded the impact of their volume growth.
The average interest expense of interest bearing liabilities declined
by 0.8 percentage points to 2.5%.

Despite great changes in the interest rates environment the Group’s
net interest income rose by 25.3% or EEK 49.7 million in 2003,
totalling EEK 246.7 million. The rise in net interest income was
favoured by the structure of cash flows generated by the Group’s
interest bearing assets and liabilities, as a result of which the
decrease in interest income due to the decline in market interest
rates was smaller than the decrease in interest expense. In 2003
the Group’s interest spread was 3.8% (3.7% in 2002). Net interest
margin after allowances accounted for 3.5% in 2003 (3.2% in 2002).

Fee and Commission Income and Expense, Currency Exchange

In 2003 fee and commission income totalled EEK 89.3 million, an
increase of 4.4% or EEK 3.7 million over the year. Fees and
commissions paid amounted to EEK 22.1 million, a decrease of
19.2% or EEK 5.3 million over the year. Net fee and commission
income totalled EEK 67.2 million, a gain of 15.4% or EEK 9.0

In 2003 of fee and commission income, fees and commissions earned
from cash and bank operations accounted for 31.5% (32.1% in 2002),
arrangement fees from loan and guarantee agreements represented
28.9% (39.4% in 2002), fees from card transactions comprised 19.6%
(16.1% in 2002), fees and commissions from investment services
made up 11.8% (6.0% in 2002) and other fees and commissions formed
8.2% (6.3% in 2002).

Fees and commissions earned from bank operations increased by 4.4%
or EEK 1.1 million, amounting to EEK 25.3 million. Fees and
commissions paid for bank operations increased by 8.4% or EEK 0.5
million, totalling EEK 5.9 million. Net fee and commission income
from bank operations increased by 3.2% or EEK 0.6 million,
amounting to EEK 19.4 million. Fees and commissions earned from
cash operations declined by 11.8% or EEK 0.4 million, totalling
EEK 2.8 million.

Arrangement fees from loan and guarantee agreements dropped by 23.4%
or EEK 7.9 million over the year, amounting to EEK 25.8 million at
year-end 2003. The decrease was mainly caused by the adjustments
made to arrangement fees from loan and guarantee agreements. As the
influence of the adjustments on initial balances was insignificant
in the overall context of the financial statements, the initial
balances remained unchanged.

The Group’s fees from card transactions gained by 26.4% or
EEK 3.6 million due to the increased number of bank cards as well
as the growth of the volume of card payments in 2003, amounting to
EEK 17.5 million at the end of the year. At the same time fee and
commission expense related to card transactions increased by 37.2%
or EEK 3.3 million. The Group’s net fee and commission income from
card transactions increased by 7.5% or EEK 0.4 million. The volume
of card payments increased by 59.4% and at the same time cash
withdrawals from ATMs increased by 24.3%. The number of debit and
credit cards issued by the Group increased by 3.6% and 56.4%,

In 2003, fees and commissions from investment services experienced
the highest growth rate. The volume of investment funds and private
portfolios managed by the Group almost doubled mainly owing to the
increased number of clients who had joined Sampo’s Pillar II pension
funds and the resulting growth of the volume of investments made in
these funds and due to increased client investments in other
investment products. Therefore, fees and commissions from investment
services increased almost twofold or by EEK 5.4 million, totalling
EEK 10.5 million.

Income from foreign exchange transactions amounted to EEK 24.0
million in 2003, a decrease of 10.7% or EEK 2.9 million.

Other Non-Interest Income

Total other non-interest income earned by the Group in 2003 amounted
to EEK 17.7 million, a gain of 2.4% or EEK 0.4 million.

Non-Interest Expense

The Group’s non-interest expense increased in line with the
increasing business volumes. In 2003 non-interest expense
increased by 11.7% or EEK 26.4 million, totalling EEK 252.0
million. However, at the same time cost efficiency rose. The
Group’s cost/income ratio declined from 75.4 in 2002 to 70.9% in
2003 and the ratio of non-interest expense to average assets
declined from 4.1% in 2002 to 3.8% in 2003.

Personnel expenses represented the largest share of the Group’s
non-interest expense, accounting for 51.8% in 2003
(52.9% in 2002). The Group’s personnel expenses totalled
EEK 130.5 million, a gain of 9.3% or EEK 11.1 million. The
growth was mainly caused by the increased number of employees
as well as higher salaries. In 2003 the average number of
employees increased by 7.2% (to 463 people in 2003).

In 2003 the largest expense items in other administrative expenses
were communication and data processing expenses (comprising 32.7%
or EEK 32.3 million of other administrative expenses), an increase
of 29.0% or EEK 7.3 million over the year. The Group made
significant investments in the development of network systems as
well as electronic distribution channels which enable to improve
the processes related to the services and products provided to
clients and thus raise efficiency.

Premises’ rent and maintenance expenses made up 18.1% or EEK 17.9
million of other administrative expenses, an increase of 5.0% or
EEK 0.9 million over the year. Advertising expenses amounted
EEK 17.8 million in 2003, remaining at the previous year’s level.
Depreciation totalled EEK 16.2 million, a growth of 5.1% or
EEK 0.8 million.

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