Atnaujinta: 2024.07.20 21:14 (GMT+3)


2004.08.27, Eesti Post, TLN

Eesti Post NEWS RELEASE 08/27/2004


In the first half of 2004, AS Eesti Post increased its
profits to EEK 20.1m, which is 60.2% more than in the
same period of the previous year.
The rapid increase of profits was due to a halt in
expenditure growth and a notable increase in operating
income, mainly attributable to logistics services and
universal postal service. The postal company made a
profit of EEK 12.4m for the first half of the previous
"The financial results for the first half of this year
show that the saving policy devised by the supervisory
board, which assumed office in summer 2003, as well as
the changes in the management have given the desired
result," said Jüri Ehasalu, chairman of the supervisory
board of Eesti Post. "I am glad that Eesti Post has been
able to grow its sales at a relatively stable-sized
market in an increasingly tougher competition situation,
which also refers to a slight increase in our market
share," said Peeter Raudsepp, who assumed the post of
chairman of the management board of AS Eesti Post in the
autumn, when commenting on the first six months’ results.
"The increase in management costs that began last year
has been halted and the management board has decided to
follow the same principle in the second half-year."
The operating income of AS Eesti Post increased by 5.5%
compared to the first half of 2003, reaching EEK 333.4m.
The volume of postal services, which formerly tended to
decline, increased. The growth in this segment is all the
more significant since it is the largest service of the
company, accounting for more than one-third of the
operating income.
As the greatest change in the income structure, the
relative share of logistics services increased from the
former third to the second position, forming one-fifth of
the operating income. This was mainly due to the increase
in the total volume of ELS Ekspress courier services,
including the launch of a new service - the ELS
unregistered parcel. The increase in income from parcel
post is related to international parcels, where the
volume of service charges has increased by 20% when
compared to the same period of the previous year. Income
from domestic parcel delivery, however, has decreased by
9% during the same period. This could be due to the
increasing popularity of ELS, as its services are faster
and more convenient than ordinary postal delivery.
Due to a relatively sharp decrease in addressed
advertisement deliveries, income from direct marketing
has somewhat decreased compared to the same period of the
previous year and it forms 18% of operating income. The
main reasons for this are the lower press runs and the
competitive pressure on decreasing service charges.
The increase in the operating expenses of AS Eesti Post
has fallen from 8% in the first half of the previous year
to 3%, mainly in connection with a substantial curbing of
maintenance costs (administration, consultations, etc.).
Since human labour still plays a great role in postal
services, labour accounts for 60% of the total operating
expenses of EEK 307.7m. Labour costs have increased by
3.3% compared to the same period of the previous year and
amount to EEK 184.4m. The average labour expense per
employee has increased somewhat faster (6.8%), because
while the total labour expenses increased, the number of
employees decreased from 4100 to 4000 persons.
The company aims at increasing the income of its
employees without a major increase in the total salary
expenses, i.e. increased income should largely be based
on greater efficiency. The increases in the car fuel
price and postal delivery mileage have played a major
role in increasing operating expenses.
AS Eesti Post is a state-owned company whose main
activity is the provision of postal and communication
The Eesti Post group includes the parent company AS Eesti
Post and the subsidiary AS Eesti Elektronpost, in which
AS Eesti Post has a holding of 50.86%.
The bonds of AS Eesti Post have been listed on the bonds
list of the Tallinn Stock Exchange since 11 July 2003.

Balance sheet

thousand kroons thousand euros
Note30.06.20 31.12.20 30.06.20 31.12.20
04 03 04 03
Current assets
Cash and bank 181 612 206 749 11 607 13 214
Shares 1 0 1 600 0 102
Trade and other 80 080 85 929 5 118 5 492
Inventories 15 674 15 660 1 002 1 001
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 277 366 309 938 17 727 19 809

Non-current assets
Long-term receivables 1 096 1 158 70 74
Investment property 2 14 107 11 240 902 718
Property, plant and 2 324 180 339 867 20 719 21 721
Intangible assets 2 4 593 6 252 294 400
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 343 976 358 517 21 984 22 913

TOTAL ASSETS 621 341 668 455 39 711 42 722

Current liabilities
Borrowings 3 20 253 22 071 1 294 1 411
Funds received for social 122 764 143 939 7 846 9 199
welfare payments
Trade and other payables 75 428 99 622 4 821 6 367
Total current liabilities 218 445 265 632 13 961 16 977
Non-current liabilities
Borrowings 3 113 288 120 284 7 240 7 688
Other long-term 623 1 595 40 102
Total non-current 113 911 121 880 7 280 7 789
TOTAL LIABILITIES 332 356 387 512 21 241 24 766

MINORITY INTEREST 2 332 2 447 149 156

Shareholders' equity
Share capital 245 873 245 873 15 714 15 714
Reserves 10 002 8 811 639 563
Retained earnings 10 722 3 685 0
Net profit 20 057 23 809 1 282 1 522
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' 4 286 653 278 496 18 320 17 799

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND 621 341 668 455 39 711 42 722

Income statement

thousand kroons thousand euros
Note 6 6 6 6
months months months months
ended ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 30 June 30 June
2004 2003 2004 2003
Net sales 6 320 198 303 599 20 464 19 403
Government grants 5 6 961 7 500 445 479
Other operating income 6 274 5 039 401 322
Total income 333 433 316 138 21 310 20 205
Operating expenses 0
Raw materials and 56 928 50 070 3 638 3 200
consumables used
Other operating expenses 43 036 46 824 2 751 2 993
Staff costs 184 389 178 426 11 785 11 403
Depreciation and 2 22 378 22 018 1 430 1 407
Other expenses 971 1 271 62 81
Total operating expenses 307 702 298 608 19 666 19 084

Profit from operations 25 732 17 530 1 645 1 120

Financial income and
Interest income 866 831 55 53
Interest expense -2 620 -2 652 -167 -169
Foreign exchange gains and 241 61 15 4
Other financial income and -96 -57 -6 -4
Total financial income and -1 609 -1 816 -103 -116

Profit on ordinary 24 123 15 714 1 542 1 004
Income tax expense 4 4 181 3 900 267 249
Profit before minority 19 942 11 814 1 274 755
Minority interest 115 576 7 37
Net profit 20 057 12 390 1 282 792

Basic earnings per share 8 8,16 11,56 0,52 0,74
(expressed in EEK/EUR per
Diluted earnings per share 8 8,16 11,56 0,52 0,74
(expressed in EEK/EUR per

Inge Rumessen
Director of Communication
50 70944

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