Atnaujinta: 2024.07.20 21:18 (GMT+3)

JSC "Ventspils nafta" financial results for 6 months of 2004

2004.08.20, Ventspils nafta, RIG

The profit of the Stock Company Ventspils nafta within the first six
months of 2004 - 1.3 million lats

Today, on 19 August 2004, the Council of the Stock Company Ventspils
nafta reviewed and took cognisance of the company's six months results
of the financially economic activities. The net turn-over of JSC
Ventspils nafta concern in January-June 2004 has achieved 27 million
lats, net profit amounting to 1.3 million lats.

The profit of the first half of the year exceeds the forecasted amount.
According to the budget of JSC Ventspils nafta , approved at the
company's shareholders' meeting, the net turn-over of JSC Ventspils
nafta this year is planned 55.5 million lats, but the net profit - 176
thousand lats.

Olga Pētersone, the President of JSC Ventspils nafta , emphasizes that
the results of JSC Ventspils nafta in the first half of the year are
better than planned earlier, and it proves that the development of JSC
Ventspils nafta concern as a multibranch concern is stable.

Within the first six months of 2004 JSC Ventspils nafta concern
continued to operate in the following main business directions: transit
of oil and oil products (Ventspils nafta termināls LLC and LatRosTrans
Ltd.); printing and publishing (JSC Preses nams); development and
managing of real estates (Rīgas līcis LLC, Nekustamie īpašumi VN LLC
and its subsidiary companies); publishing (Mediju nams LLC).

Within the first six months of 2004 Ventspils nafta termināls LLC
continued previous operation receiving oil and oil products (gas oil
with different sulphur content, different grade vehicle gasoline) by
railway and transhipping. Attracting efficiently diverse assortment
cargo and optimally using the terminal's capacities, in the second half
of 2004 Ventspils nafta termināls LLC plans to start operation of a new
railway rack corresponding to the most sophisticated technologies with
the capacity of 4.5 million tons of crude oil or 5.5 million tons of
gas oil per year, that will allow the terminal to undertake a new
service - receipt of different quality oil.

In 2004 LatRostRans Ltd. continues to ensure a stable operation of the
main oil and oil products lines and plans to increase the delivery
amounts, intending to transport in the Ventspils direction 6.5 million
tons of gas oil per year. It is a significant transportation increase,
that will be ensured by LatRosTrans by new production capacities
available as a result of the company's modernization and introduction
of technological innovations. The investment programme for 2004 of
LatRostRans Ltd . envisages implementation of several new modernization
projects - including also construction of a new oil products pumping
station and bypassing pipelines. LatRosTrans Ltd . continues
implementing purposeful activities for elimination of gas oil losses
from the oil products pipeline.

The largest printing company of the Baltic states - JSC Preses nams -
continued to operate actively within the reporting period rendering
printing and publishing services, strengthening its position in issuing
of newspapers, magazines, books and wrapping material for clients in
Latvia and abroad. Already after the reporting period as the new
Chairman of the Board of JSC Preses nams was approved Uldis Ronis,
previously working in the position of the director for development of
JSC Hanzas maiznīca . The change of the Chairman of the Board is
connected with structural alternations in the company, looking towards
achievement of new strategic goals. The new strategic tasks of JSC
Preses nams are directed towards strengthening of the achieved market
position and improving of financial results, that is why it is very
important to have in the company's management the specialists with the
knowledge of marketing and company development planning.

JSC "Ventspils nafta" non-audited financial report for 6 months of 2004
available here: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> /public/vertspapiri/35270.html?language=2

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