Atnaujinta: 2024.11.30 00:33 (GMT+2)
JSC "Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca" repeated AGM will be held on August 16,
2004, at 8:30, at the company office premises 17 Višķu Street,
Daugavpils. Agenda:
1. Approval of Annual Report for 2003.
2. Distribution of profit.
3. Elections of a certified auditor.
August 11, 2004 is the deadline for instructing the custodians to block
the shares on the accounts. In case shares have been blocked for the
meeting held on July 30, 2004, the blocking remains valid. Draft
resolutions are available for inspection starting with August 11, 2004
on business days from 9:00 till 16:00 at the company premises.
The meeting is called repeatedly because of the lack of quorum on the
July 30, 2004 meeting. 13 shareholders had registered for the meeting,
altogether holding 982 372 shares or 13.28% of votes. To the benefit of
minority shareholders, Management Board extends the share blocking
deadline till August 11, 2004.