Atnaujinta: 2024.07.20 23:01 (GMT+3)

JSC "Olainfarm" financial results for the Year 2003 (condensed)

2004.07.26, Olainfarm, RIG

JSC "Olainfarm" is informing that an audit of the company's activities
in year 2003 is finished and annual report of 2003 is ready to be
submitted to the annual shareholders meeting which will be held on July
30th 2004.
The condensed Annual report for 2003 available here: -
03Q4E_short.pdf (147.37 KB) The full Annual report of 2003 will be
submitted to the Riga Stock Exchange shortly.

In year 2003 "Olainfarm" has successfully continued to implement the
change of development policy. Gradually enforcing the plan the turnover
of the company has increased by 38% reaching the planned turnover of
7,36 million lats. Comparing to year 2002 the amount of export has
increased by 30% and reached 5,7 million lats. Mentioned growth has
been achieved mainly by increasing amount of sales in USA and European

Divisions of the sale of products by countries is the following:
Russia - 30%
Latvia - 25%
Ukraine - 15%
Belarus - 7%
Poland - 7%
Kazakhstan - 5%
Lithuania - 3%
Uzbekistan - 2%
Germany - 4%
USA - 1%

Even though amount of sales of the company has grown considerably year
2003 has been finished with losses in amount of 348888 Lats. Owing
that almost 80% of the company's products were exported to 29 countries
of the world, the results of company's activities were very much
affected by fluctuant foreign exchange which was the main reason of
appearance of losses. Because of changes in conjunction of realization
markets it was necessary to form additional agglomerate of the
products. Besides, Latvia has joined European Union and a necessity to
achieve accordance of the company to GMP requirements as from May 1st
2004 has appeared, a notable investments have been placed in
modernization of production plants.
In order to remove possible negative effect of fluctuant foreign
exchange in the future already in 2004 contract with most of the buyers
of products have been transferred to accounts in EUR. The losses of
year 2003 are planned to be covered by attracting extra financing from
possible investors.
Production arrangement in accordance with requirements of GMP will
allow the company to begin sale of products on the new markets where
the request for our products has been noticed long ago but because of
lack of certificate the sale of products was not possible there. Thus
already now there are contracts with companies from Bulgaria, Estonia
and Poland, an active work is carried out to domesticate the markets of
Arabian countries as well as French African countries.
It should be mentioned that considering the growing requirements to the
producers of medicines the most modern equipment was purchased but
reconstruction of premises was made not only in accordance with
European requirements but also according to much more stringent USA
(FDA) standards. Besides, the production velocity of the company will
increase three times after the reconstruction, which not only increase
ratability, but will also allow the company to enforce the projects of
contractual manufacturing with foreign partners which until now was not
possible because of lack of capacity. Already there is a noticeable
interest in managing several contractual productions and there are
offers from Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, as well as from German and UK
During the year 2004 the Company is planning to achieve the turnover of
8,4 million lats. Execution of this plan will allow increasing the
turnover for 15% in comparison to year 2003. The results of first
half-year confirm complete compliance to the approved plans.
The work on up building the profile on most compete able products of
the company is run permanently. Thus during year 2003 the following new
medicines and new forms of existing products have been registered:
· Group of antiinfectives drugs (Remantadine powder,
· Respiratory system group (Fenkarol powder and 50 mg forms,
Ambroksol, Cirtol)
· Nervous system drugs group (Adaptol 500mg form, Neiromidin in
ampoules, Klonazepam).

The work on receipt of state orders has been successful. Thus during
years 2003 - 2004 the company has won several contests on supply of
oncological and tuberculosis treatment to Latvia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine,
Estonia, Lithuania and Belarus. Besides that the work has been started
on supply of tuberculosis treatment for the needs of World Health
Organization (WHO).
The company is planning to start preparatory work for reconstruction in
accordance with GMP standards of experimental plant and production
plant of chemical products. Reconstruction of mentioned circuits is
planned during year 2005 in order to comply with the newest regulations
of European Union concerning manufacture of chemical products.
Nevertheless one of the priorities of JSC "Olainfarm" is arrangement of
tax questions. Unfortunately, because of joining to European Union and
additional stringent rules applied to producers of medicines which
required notable investments, until now it was not possible to cover
tax debts appearing from previous periods. Law "On state budget of year
2004" presupposes a possibility for JSC "Olainfarm" to prolong the term
of repayment of debt. The company is hoping that Government this time
will support the company and prolong the terms of repayment of debt
which will allow covering the sum of debt gradually in accordance with
approved schedule. At present moment the question is being coordinated
in appropriate institutions of Republic of Latvia and European Union in
accordance with the procedure.
Notwithstanding it should be noticed that JSC "Olainfarm" is not only a
big tax debtor, but also one of the biggest tax payers in Latvia. Each
month the company is covering flowing tax payments in amount of more
then 100 000 lats. In year 2004 the company is planning to make tax
payments in amount of 1,3 mln. lats including approximately 720 000 of
social tax payment.
All said above evidences that the company owns all necessary
prerequisites for stable and dynamic development in the future.

For further information:

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