Atnaujinta: 2024.07.21 01:06 (GMT+3)

New tickers for the Riga Stock Exchange equities and investment funds

2004.07.05, , RIG

Starting with August 1, 2004, the Riga Stock Exchange listed equities
and fund units will have new exchange trading codes.

The new exchange trading codes (tickers) are introduced in anticipation
of migration to securities trading in Latvia and Estonia to SAXESS
trading system at the end of September. This will be the first step
towards an integrated Nordic and Baltic securities market, with seven
stock exchanges from Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Latvia
and Estonia sharing a common trading platform, and Lithuania to join in

Starting with August 1, the new exchange trading codes of the RSE
listed shares and fund units will consist of five symbols, following
the same principle as in Tallinn and Helsinki. For shares the first
three symbols will be an abbreviation of the issuer's name (for
example, LSC will stand for Latvian Shipping Company), whereas the
fourth symbol will be the securities serial code. Currently all Riga
Stock Exchange listed shares have one public issue each, so this symbol
will be 1; any subsequent issues will have symbols 2, 3 etc. In case
shares in the issue prospectus have been described as, for example, A
and B series shares, the fourth symbol will be A or B, instead of 1 or
2. The fifth symbol will be letter R, standing for Riga - the stock
exchange where the security is listed. Thus, for example, from August 1
the new ticker for Latvian Shipping Company will be LSC1R.

Similar to equities, the fund unit tickers will have the first three
symbols from abbreviated name. The fourth symbol will be F, standing
for fund unit, and the fifth will be R, standing for Riga.

Riga Stock Exchange listed debt securities will retain the previous
exchange trading codes.

| Issuer name |ISIN code |Exchange trading code|Exchange trading code|
| | |as of today | from 01.08.2004 |
|Main list |
|Latvijas Gāze |LV0000100899| GAZE | GZE1R |
|Latvijas kuģniecība |LV0000101103| LASCO | LSC1R |
|SAF Tehnika |LV0000101129| SAF | SAF1R |
|Ventspils nafta |LV0000100816| VNFT | VNF1R |
|Second List |
|Latvijas balzams |LV0000100808| BALZ | BAL1R |
|Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca |LV0000100212| DPKR | DPK1R |
|Grindeks |LV0000100659| GRDX | GRD1R |
|Liepājas metalurgs |LV0000100535| LMET | LME1R |
|Olaines ķīmiski - farmaceitiskā rūpnīca |LV0000100501| OLFA | OLF1R |
|Rīgas kuģu būvētava |LV0000100378| RKBV | RKB1R |
|Rīgas Transporta flote |LV0000100345| RTFL | RTF1R |
|Valmieras stikla šķiedra |LV0000100485| VLSS | VSS1R |
|Free List |
|Baloži |LV0000100709| BLZI | BLZ1R |
|Rīgas farmaceitiskā fabrika |LV0000100782| FARM | FRM1R |
|Grobiņa |LV0000100527| GRZV | GRZ1R |
|Kurzemes atslēga 1 |LV0000100402| KRA1 | KA11R |
|Kvadra Pak |LV0000100717| KVDR | KVD1R |
|Liepājas autobusu parks |LV0000100907| LATP | LAP1R |
|Latvijas Jūras medicīnas centrs |LV0000100741| LJMC | LJM1R |
|Lode |LV0000100428| LODE | LOD1R |
|Lokomotīve |LV0000101061| LOKOM | LOK1R |
|Latvijas tilti |LV0000100311| LTTL | LTT1R |
|NORD/LB Latvija |LV0000101046| PLKB | NLB1R |
|Ogre |LV0000100626| OGRE | OGR1R |
|Rīgas autoelektroaparātu rūpnīca |LV0000100881| RAR | RAR1R |
|Rīgas ostas elevators |LV0000100873| ROEL | ROE1R |
|Paraugtipogrāfija |LV0000100592| RPTG | RPT1R |
|Rīgas raugs |LV0000100055| RAUG | RRA1R |
|VEF Radiotehnika-RRR |LV0000100972| RRR | RRR1R |
|Rīgas starptautiskā autoosta |LV0000101020| RSAU | RSA1R |
|Rīgas Sporta pils |LV0000100832| RSPP | RSP1R |
|Siguldas ciltslietu un mākslīgās apsēklošanas stacija |LV0000100600| SCMA | SCM1R |
|Saldus mežrūpniecība |LV0000100154| SAMR | SMA1R |
|Strenču mežrūpniecības saimniecība |LV0000100071| STMR | SMR1R |
|Tukuma gaļas pārstrādes sabiedrība |LV0000100790| TGPS | TGP1R |
|VEF |LV0000101079| VEF | VEF1R |
|Investment Fund List |
|Baltic Index fonds |LV0000400034| BIF | BINFR |
|Valsts Obligāciju Fonds |LV0000400059| VOF | GOBFR |
|Latu rezerves fonds |LV0000400067| LARF | LARFR |
|Naudas Tirgus Fonds |LV0000400018| NATF | NATFR |
|Parex Latu obligāciju fonds |LV0000400091| PLOF | PLOFR |
|Parex Baltijas Jūras sabalansētais fonds |LV0000400109| PBSF | PBSFR |
|Parex Austrumeiropas sabalansētais fonds |LV0000400174| PASF | PASFR |
|Parex Austrumeiropas obligāciju fonds |LV0000400125| PAOF | PAOFR |

Additional information:
Krista Grīntāle
Director of Corporate Communications Department
Riga Stock Exchange
Phone: 371 7212431

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