Atnaujinta: 2024.07.21 03:05 (GMT+3)

JSC "Grindeks" results of AGM of shareholders

2004.06.19, Grindeks, RIG

Today, on 18 June, the ordinary general meeting of Public Joint Stock
Company Grindeks shareholders took place. In this general meeting
issues on the approval of the 2003 Financial Statements and release of
the Board from responsibility as well as the distribution of the
profits from the previous business year were addressed. Shareholders
also decided on the approval of the budget and activity plan for this
year, and elected sworn auditor for the year 2004.
Registered shareholders represented 67.3 % of the company's share
capital, which provides a sufficient quorum to decide on all issues
included in the agenda of this general meeting.
1. In respect to the first issue of the agenda regarding approval of
the 2003 Financial Statements and release of the Board from the
responsibility the following decisions were taken:
1.1. Approve the audited Financial Statements of PJSC Grindeks for the
year 2003 and acknowledge the report by sworn auditor Irina Saksaganska
(Certificate No.41) on the 2003 Financial Statements of PJSC Grindeks.
1.2. Approve the audited Consolidated Financial Statements of PJSC
Grindeks for the year 2003 and acknowledge report by sworn auditor
Irina Saksaganska (Certificate No.41) on the 2003 Consolidated
Financial Statements of PJSC Grindeks.
1.3. Release Valdis Jakobsons, Vitalijs Skrivelis, Janis Romanovskis,
Jelena Borcova and Erika Pleisa, who executed the tasks of the Board
Members during 2003 from responsibility for the business activity of
PJSC Grindeks in the year 2003.
1.4. Pay out bonuses to Council Members for the activity in the year
2003 within the limits of the budget for the year 2004.
2. In respect to the second issue of the agenda regarding distribution
of profits from the business year 2003, the following decision was
Allocate the profits of PJSC Grindeks for the business year 2003 in the
amount of 1,344,266 LVL for strengthening the development and
competitiveness of the Company.
3. In respect to the third issue of the agenda regarding approval of
the budget and activity plan for the year 2004, the following decision
was taken:
Approve the activity plan and the budget of PJSC Grindeks for the year
2004 with the following indicators included in this budget:
Net turnover - 24 005 763 LVL,
Profit before taxation - 2 936 930 LVL,
Profit after taxation - 2 465 790 LVL,
Investment volume - 1 384 210 LVL.
Budget and activity plan for 2004 available - here.
(97.71 KB)
4. In respect to the fourth issue of the agenda regarding election of
sworn auditor of PJSC Grindeks for the year 2004, the following
decision was taken:
Approve sworn auditor Irina Saksaganska (Certificate No.41) of
Deloitte&Touche Audits Ltd. as the sworn auditor of PJSC Grindeks for
the year 2004 and conclude a contract with Deloitte&Touche Audits Ltd.
(License No. 43) for the audit of Financial Statements and Consolidated
Financial Statements for the year 2004.
5. Any issues under Miscellaneous the fifth point of the agenda were
not reviewed.

Information prepared by:
Jana Semerikova, Head of the Public Relations Section of PJSC Grindeks
Tel.: 7083448; 9277837; email:

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