Atnaujinta: 2024.11.30 05:25 (GMT+2)
1. To approve Report of the "Latvijas Jūras medicīnas centrs"
Management Board
2. To approve report by audit firm.
3. To approve the Report of the "Latvijas Jūras medicīnas centrs"
Supervisory Board
4. To approve Annual Report and Consolidated Annual Report of JSC
"Latvijas Jūras medicīnas centrs" for the year 2003.
5. To distribute JSC "Latvijas Jūras medicīnas centrs" year 2003 profit
of LVL 56 893 as follows:
- LVL 39,032 for development (LVL 2,850 to obligatory reserves and LVL
36,182 - to retained earnings)
- LVL 16 000 to pay out in dividends, LVL 0.02 per share
- dividend record date is on June 18, 2004 and payment date is on June
21, 2004.
6. To pay out LVL 1, 861 as bonuses for members of the Supervisory
7. To approve JSC "Latvijas Jūras medicīnas centrs" budget for year
2004 and the development plan.
8. To elect SIA Sistēmu audits, licence nr. 53, as an audit firm for
year 2004.
9. To accept point 3.2 in JSC "Latvijas Jūras medicīnas centrs"
Charter as follows: "All shares are bearer shares"