Atnaujinta: 2024.07.21 15:05 (GMT+3)

President of Ventspils Nafta Speaks in Washington to Russian Policy on Oil Exports to Latvia

2004.04.06, Ventspils nafta, RIG

The President of the joint stock company Ventspils Nafta Ms. Olga
Pētersone spoke last week in Washington during the Round Table
Discussion Energy and Security: Challenges for Russia and Baltics and
informed of the situation concerning the transportation of Russian
crude oil by pipeline to Ventspils. In addition to her participation in
the above discussion Ms. Pētersone had some meetings with US officials
and executive representatives of both the Department of Economics and
the Department of Energy to talk about the same issue.
Making positive comments on her visit to the USA the President of
Ventspils Nafta, JSC points out that high rank officials of US state
institutions, energy sector and research organisations have received
precise and adequate information of the Russian crude oil transit by
Latvia as well as of the respective problems. During the discussion the
relationship between Russia and the Baltic states in the energy
industry was considered and later the President of Ventspils Nafta
answered questions of those concerned with the Russian oil export
policy on Latvia.
During the meetings with Mr. Carlos Montoulieu , the representative of
the Department of Economics, and Mr. John Brodman , the representative
of the Department of Energy, they have discussed the issue of the
Russian crude oil transportation to Latvia and agreed to proceed with
the exchange of information about further developments of the existing
situation and its possible solutions.
The Round Table Discussion in Washington was hosted by Women in
International Security - WIIS , an international organisation
established in 1987 and comprising high rank representatives from state
sector, business, non-state organisations and academic circles. WIIS
hosts annually more than 40 events, including round-table discussions,
international conferences, receptions and meetings with many prominent
speakers to the subjects of various concerns. One of the WIIS events -
the conference on Security of Baltic States was held in Latvia in the
spring of 2003 and honoured by H.E.Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, the President
of Latvia.

Ventspils Nafta, JSC
For more information please contact
Ms.Gundega Vārpa

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