Atnaujinta: 2024.07.21 15:06 (GMT+3)

JSC "Latvijas Kugnieciba" reports Annual results of 2003

2004.03.30, Latvijas kuģniecība, RIG

JSC Latvian Shipping Company (LASCO) today announced its audited
financial results for the year ended December 31, 2003. Due to
favourable shipping market conditions combined with strong demand for
the Company's ice-classed vessels during complicated ice navigation in
winter, LASCO Group's profit for 2003 made up LVL 8.8 million.
"2003 was marked by a number of significant events in the Company.
Privatisation process was completed by selling all state owned shares
to private investors, and the restructuring process, commenced in 2002,
was continued. During the year LASCO launched its Fleet Renewal
Programme provided for in the Group's Strategic Plan 2003 - 2010", said
Imants Vikmanis, LASCO President.
The implementation of the Group's Strategic Plan was started in the
second half of the year, with a particular emphasis placed on the
renewal of the Company's tanker fleet. LASCO sold the unprofitable
Kurska type reefers and disposed of a part of its older tankers to
comply with EU regulations on phasing-out single-hull tankers. The
released funds were used for investments in the Group's tanker fleet
Favourable changes in the Latvian tax policy, including the adoption of
tonnage tax regime, encouraged LASCO to consider reflagging the Group's
fleet for the vessels to fly Latvian flag. The first vessel - m/v Zoja
II - was reflagged in late 2003.
LASCO Group's product tankers still remain the most profitable segment
of the Company's fleet. They generated almost 80% of the LASCO fleet's
total Voyage Income. At the beginning of 2003 LASCO Product Tanker
Fleet consisted of 36 vessels. The employment of two vessels, released
from arrest in France in 2002, was renewed in July 2003.
Due to an especially harsh winter in Europe a favourable market
situation with high freight rates and stable demand prevailed in the
ice-classed tanker segment during the first quarter of 2003. However, a
plunge of rates, caused by the reduced oil product demand and planned
maintenance works at many refineries, followed in the second quarter.
A rise in the freight rates (especially those in the dark product
segment) was registered at the end of the year, and was explained by
the oncoming winter season, creation of oil stocks, as well as fresh
memories of the severe winter of 2002. The recovery of the rates was
also caused by Turkey's introduced restrictions for vessels over 200m
in length to transit the Bosphorus. Unfortunately, due to the above EC
regulations, LASCO Group was not able to make use of the favourable
conditions prevailing in the market at the end of 2003.
To ensure the implementation of the Group's Fleet Renewal Programme, in
December 2003 an Agreement was reached with 3. Maj shipyard in Croatia
on the building of eight 51.800 DWT ice-classed product tankers. The
first vessel is scheduled for delivery in summer 2006.
Thirteen LASCO Group's reefer vessels together with the Company's Dry
Cargo Fleet generated about 15% of the LASCO fleet's total Voyage
Income for 2003. Compared to 2002, the segment showed an increase in
the freight rates, especially during winter months due to complicated
ice navigation in the Bay of Finland on the traditional routes to St.
Petersburg. The rise in the rates together with the sale of the
unprofitable Kurska type reefers enabled LASCO Reefer Fleet to close
the year with profit.
The Voyage Income earned by two LASCO 's modern LPG carriers in 2003
made about 5% of the LASCO fleet's total Voyage Income. The traditional
seasonal increase in the LPG rates at the beginning of 2003 was lower
than in the previous years, and it was only in the last quarter that
LPG rates developed in a positive way. The relatively low level of the
LPG rates could still be explained by the insufficient growth rate of
the trade volumes.
Although a positive upward trend was registered in the freight rates at
the turn of 2003, there are no grounds to believe in the long-term
perspective thereof, considering high order books at the world
shipyards and the tightening regulatory regime for oil product
transportation. However, the implementation of the Fleet Renewal
Programme will enable the Group to develop and to preserve its market
share, since it is economically sounder to maintain a smaller and
younger tonnage, than a larger but an older fleet. Furthermore, the
reorganization of the Company commenced in 2002 will enable the Company
to reduce its overheads, thus making a positive impact on LASCO 's
future performance.
JSC Latvian Shipping Company financial results for the year ended
December 31, 2003 will be presented to the Company's Supervisory
Council on April 7, 2004 and will be further submitted for approval to
the General Shareholders Meeting in May 2004.
Audited Annual report of 2003 available here.
Marita Ozolina-Tumanovska
Head of PR Departament
Phone: +371 7020120, 9287169
Fax: +371 7820239
E-mail : ozolina@lsc.riga

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