Atnaujinta: 2024.07.21 15:02 (GMT+3)

Draft resolutions of JSC "VEF" AGM of shareholders, to convene on April 6, 2004

2004.03.29, VEF, RIG

1. Approval of Company Annual Report for 2003
To approve Annual Report for 2003.

2. Discharge of Management Board from liability for 2003 operations;
To discharge Guntis Lipiņš, Tamāra Kampāne and Gints Feņuks from
liability for 2003 operations.

3. Approval of 2004 budget and operational plan;
To approve budget and operational plan for 2004.

4. Elections of certified auditor for the audit of 2004 accounts.
To elect Olga Millere (Licence #40) a certified auditor for 2004.

5. Conversion of Management Board shares;
To convert 1000 registered non-voting shares, allocated to Management
Board, to 1000 registered voting shares.

6. Registration of Company at the Commercial Register;
To register Company at the Commercial Register. The company registered
at the Commercial Register will be a full successor of the present JSC

7. Approval of the new version of Charter;
To convert 623,528 registered shares to 623,528 bearer shares with
voting rights.
To approve the new version of JSC "VEF" charter.

8. Revoking of Management Board;
To revoke Management Board members Guntis Lipiņš, Tamāra Kampāne and
Gints Feņuks starting with April 7, 2004 due to company registration at
the Commercial Register.

9. Supervisory Board elections;
Due to Company registration at the Commercial Register and expiration
of Supervisory Board mandate, to revoke Supervisory Board members
Pēteris Avotiņš, Andris Deniņš, Ints Kalniņš, Arnis Linde and Ilmārs
To elect to Supervisory Board, mandate opening on April 6, 2004, the
following members:
1) ..2) …3)…4)…5) …

10. Setting compensation to the Supervisory Board;
JSC "VEF" Supervisory Board members shall not be compensated for work
at Supervisory Board.

11. Other business
To issue a mandate to Solvita Masule to communicate with Company
Register and Commercial Register in terms of registering the AGM
resolutions and submitting any other documents.
To issue a mandate to Chairman of Management Board to sign all
documents addressed to Company Register and Commercial Register.

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