Atnaujinta: 2024.07.21 17:06 (GMT+3)

Resolutions of Shareholders' OGM of NORD/LB Latvija JSC 23 March 2004

2004.03.25, DNB Banka, RIG

Resolutions of Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting of NORD/LB
Latvija JSC 23 March 2004

Review and approval of the annual report for year 2003 of NORD/LB
Latvija JSC
Approve the Annual Report together with Dependency Statement for year
2003 of NORD/LB Latvija JSC submitted by the Management Board and
reviewed by the Supervisory Council.
In Addendum: Annual Report together with Dependency Statement for year
2003 of NORD/LB Latvija JSC
Release of the members of the Management Board of NORD/LB Latvija JSC
from responsibility for year 2003
Release the members of the Management Board of NORD/LB Latvija JSC
Jürgen Machalett, Andris Ozolins, Aivars Flemings, Rudolf Franz Karges
and Michael Kiesewetter from responsibility for year 2003.
Distribution of the profit of NORD/LB Latvija JSC for year 2003
Distribute the profit of NORD/LB Latvija JSC for year 2003 in total
amount of LVL 1,506,164.74 (One million five hundred and six thousand
on hundred sixty four lats and 74 centimes) as following:
Pay out the dividends in amount of LVL 0.06 per one share, which
constitute the total amount of LVL 1,209,653.76 (One million two
hundred and nine thousand six hundred fifty three lats and 76 centimes)
stating 17 May 2004 as the Accounting Date and 24 May 2004 as the
Payment Date of the mentioned dividends.
To allocate part of the profit amounting to LVL 296,510.98(Two hundred
ninety six thousand five hundred and ten lats and 98 centimes), not
paid in the dividends, for covering of accumulated loss of previous
Review and approval of the budget and business plan of NORD/LB Latvija
JSC for year 2004
1. Approve the budget of NORD/LB Latvija JSC for year 2004 with the
following main positions:

* Total assets - LVL 316,245,000;
* Shareholders' equity - LVL 33,737,000;
* Net interest income - LVL 7,773,000;
* Other income - LVL 4,074,000;
* Provisions made - LVL 650,000
* Expenses - LVL 8,097,000;
* Remuneration of the Supervisory Council and the Management Board -
LVL 483,000;
* Net profit - LVL 2,617,000;

and Activities Plan of NORD/LB Latvija JSC for the year 2004 with
following principal performance outlines:
* to continue rapid increase of the bank's assets and in particular,
the loan portfolio, reaching LVL 316 million and LVL 262 million,
respectively, till the year-end, and increasing the market share;
* to continue rapid growth of the lending to private individuals
(mortgage loans, in particular), simultaneously developing the
cross-selling of other products to private individuals;
* to activate lending to SMEs and substantially increase the SME loan
* to reinforce the position in the leasing market by establishing the
subsidiary "NORD/LB Līzings" and substantially increasing the
volume of leasing to both private individuals and companies;
* to continue the modernisation and extension of the branch network.

2. Authorise the Management Board of NORD/LB Latvija JSC after
obtaining the prior consent of Supervisory Council of NORD/LB Latvija
JSC to adjust the NORD/LB Latvija JSC budget for year 2004.
Issue of the bonds of NORD/LB Latvija JSC
1. To issue bonds of NORD/LB Latvija JSC with nominal value of EUR 1000
and maturity period 3 years in the total amount of EUR 30,000,000, and
put the mentioned bonds into public circulation in the Federal Republic
of Germany;
2. For completion the Item 1 above to authorize the Management Board of
NORD/LB Latvija JSC to decide on conditions of public offer, to approve
the Prospectuses of mentioned issue of bonds and any other documents,
as well as take each and every action necessary for putting mentioned
issue of bonds into public circulation.

Changes in the composition of the Management Board of NORD/LB Latvija
1. Elect Mr. Aivars Flemings (IC 200762-11364), Mr. Rudolf Franz
Karges (IC 040753-14652) and Mr. Andris Ozoliņš (IC 110462-12302)
as the members of the Management Board of NORD/LB Latvija JSC in
addition to the current member of the Management Board of NORD/LB
Latvija JSC Mr. Michael Kiesewetter.
2. State that the p.1 above comes into effect by the registration of
it with Register of Enterprises.
3. Assign the Management Board of NORD/LB Latvija JSC to take all
necessary actions to register in the Register of Enterprises the
changes in the composition of the Management Board.

Election of the chartered auditor of NORD/LB Latvija JSC for year 2004
1. Elect "PricewaterhouseCoopers" (Registered in the Register of
Enterprises with No. 000314279) as the chartered auditor of NORD/LB
Latvija JSC for year 2004, stating the remuneration in accordance
with the budget of NORD/LB Latvija JSC for year 2004.
2. Authorise the Management Board of NORD/LB Latvija JSC to conclude
the contract on auditing with "PricewaterhouseCoopers".

Registration of NORD/LB Latvija JSC with Commercial Register
1. Approving of the Charter of NORD/LB Latvija JSC
1. To converse shares of NORD/LB Latvija JSC Management Board
reserve by conversing each Management Board reserve share,
totally 600 shares, into ordinary registered voting share with
nominal value of LVL 1.00;
2. Conversion of Board reserve shares of NORD/LB Latvija JSC
1. To approve the Articles of Association of NORD/LB Latvija JSC
in the new wording (in addendum) and state that the Articles
of Association comes into effect as from registration with
Register of Enterprises;
2. Authorise the Management Board of NORD/LB Latvija JSC to take
each and every action to register NORD/LB Latvija JSC with
Commercial Register in conformity of Commercial Law.
3. Approving of th e Re gulations of th e Bo ard of Di rectors an d
Supervisory Council of NORD/LB Latvija JSC
1. To approve the Regulations of the Supervisory Council of
NORD/LB Latvija JSC in the new wording (in addendum) and state
that the Regulations come into effect by registering the
Articles of Association of NORD/LB Latvija JSC with Register
of Enterprises in accordance with p.2 above.
2. To authorise the Supervisory Council after registration of the
Articles of Association of NORD/LB Latvija JSC with Register
of Enterprises in accordance with p.2 above to approve the
Regulations of Management Board of NORD/LB Latvija JSC.

In Addendum:
1. Articles of Association of NORD/LB Latvija JSC; -
Articles.pdf (75.32 KB)
2. Regulations of Supervisory Council of NORD/LB Latvija JSC.
- Council_regulations.pdf (111.67 KB)

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