Atnaujinta: 2024.07.22 03:16 (GMT+3)

Riga Stock Exchange publishes a textbook on capital market

2003.12.10, , RIG

Riga Stock Exchange, celebrating the 10th anniversary since its
foundation and the inception of Latvian capital market, has published a
textbook on capital market "Vērtspapīru tirgus zinības".

It is the first book in the Latvian language containing comprehensive
information on securities market - the idea, history, capital market
instruments, investment principles, as well as on the role of the stock
exchange and depository in the market. Individual chapters have been
dedicated to the importance of information and its effect on the
securities price, as well as to market regulation and surveillance.
Theory has been explained on Latvian capital market examples.

The target readers of the textbook will be Latvian secondary school
students who have a course in economics; university and college
students majoring in economics; as well as anybody who wishes to make
money via capital market.

The authors of the book are experienced capital market experts - Ģirts
Apsītis, Indars Aščuks, Uldis Cērps, Guntars Kokorevičs, Ģirts Ozols,
Ainārs Sedlenieks, Harijs Zuļģis. The scientific editor is Andris
Klauss, Doctor of Economics and Associated Professor of Ventspils

Guntars Kokorevičs, President, Riga Stock Exchange, says: "The Riga
Stock Exchange has been doing a lot to create an investor community
that would be knowledgeable on the capital market matters. A successful
development of capital market is not possible without an educated
society. And it is my genuine pleasure that we, jointly with capital
market participants, have accomplished this project at the very right
time - the year when the RSE is celebrating its anniversary, and the
Latvian capital market is experiencing an ascending trend."

Mihails Siņicins, President, Association of Economics Teachers: "The
textbook will be very handy to secondary school and university
students, as well as to teachers of economy, and will help to improve
their understanding of capital markets. Association of Economics
Teachers recommends this textbook as a teaching aids."

The framework of the book was developed by the Riga Stock Exchange
jointly with the most active market participants: Baltijas Tranzītu
banka, Hansabanka, Latvijas Hipotēku banka, Latvijas krājbanka,
Latvijas Unibanka, Parekss banka, Suprema - they were also the
financial supporters of the project.

The Riga Stock Exchange is donating 2000 copies of the textbooks on
capital market to the libraries of a number of leading Latvian
universities and colleges: University of Latvia, Riga Technical
University, Latvian Agricultural University, Stockholm School of
Economics in Riga, Bank College, Vidzeme and Ventspils Colleges, as
well as to the libraries of the secondary schools participating in
Junior Achievement programme.

Any proceeds from retail sales of the textbooks will be spent on grants
for students who will do research papers on capital market.

Krista Grīntāle
Corporate Communications Department Director
Riga Stock Exchange
Phone 7212431, 9238183

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