Atnaujinta: 2024.07.22 05:02 (GMT+3)

Amendments to the RSE Enforcement Note "On Securities Lists"

2003.11.24, , RIG

Amendments passed on the Riga Stock Exchange Supervisory Board Meeting
on October 16, 2003

Amendments approved by Financial and Capital Market Commission on
November 14, 2003 by Resolution No258

Amendments to Enforcement Note "On Securities Lists"

1. The wording of Item 2.2. shall be:
2. Listed securities are securities admitted to listing, which may
be traded on the RSE. Trading may be on the
Official list, Second list, Free list, Pre-list, Investment Fund
list or Surveillance list.

2. The wording of Item 3.2.2. shall be:
3.2.2.Issuer and the debt securities shall comply with the
following requirements:
2) minimum value of the debt securities issue shall be 200,000
(two hundred thousand) Euro or equivalent
amount in LVL.

3. The wording of Item 4. shall be:
4.Listing of shares on the RSE Second list.

4. Item 4.2 and all sub-items are deleted.

5. The wording of Item 5 and its sub-items shall be:
5. Listing of shares on the Free list
5.1. Applying for listing and resolution on listing
An issuer of the Republic of Latvia or a foreign issuer
shall submit a written application for share listing
on the Free list. The RSE Management Board shall resolve
on listing of the issuer's shares on the Free
5.2. Release of the issuer's decision to seek for listing
Issuer shall, without delay, publicise via mass media the
decision to seek for share listing on the RSE
Free list, as well as on the fact that listing application
has been submitted to the RSE.
5.3 Listing application documents
The issuer shall provide the following listing application
documents to the RSE:
1) A copy of share issue certificate;
2) Issue prospectus;
3) A copy of issuer's Registration Certificate or a copy of
similar document issued by the Company
4) Issuers decision to enter into the agreement specified in
Item 1.5 about share listing on Stock
5) Annual report approved by a certified auditor.
5.4. The issuer's shares shall be listed on the RSE Free list
after signing the Agreement. The present Free
list issuers have to sign the Agreement specified in Item

6. The wording of Item 7.2.2. shall be:
7.2.2. Issuer of a listed security shall, without delay, advise
the RSE on any resolutions and circumstances
associated with the issuer and his business that may affect
materially the value of the listed securities, or
the capability to meet the associated liabilities

7.The wording of new Item 7.2.3. shall be:
7.2.3. Issuer has an obligation to provide the RSE with any
information that the RSE Management Board
deems it necessary in the defence of investors' rights.

8. The wording of Item 7.2.7. shall be:
7.2.7 The provisions of Chapters 7 and 8 of the present Enforcement
Note describe the procedure how
issuers of shares listed on the Official list, Second list and
Pre-list shall provide information to the RSE on
regular and continuous basis. The provisions of Chapters 7 and 9
describe the procedure how issuers of
debtsecurities listed on the Official list shall provide
information to the RSE on regular and continuous basis.

9. The wording of new Item 7.2.8. shall be:
7.2.8. The provisions of Chapter 7 item 7.2.3. and 7.2.4. as well
as Chapter 8 item 8.2.2. describes the
procedure how issuers of shares listed on the Free list shall
provide information to the RSE on a regular

10. The wording of Item 8.2.1. shall be:
8.2.1. Preliminary financial statements and non-audited annual

11. The wording of new Item shall be Non audited annual report, which includes balance sheet,
cash flow, profit and loss statements and
notes, must be provided to Stock exchange not later than March 1 of
the following year.

12. The wording of Item shall be: Official list share issuers shall prepare annual reports,
and get them approved by a certified auditor,
in compliance with the issuer's registration country and
International Accounting Standards; Second list and
Free list share issuers - in compliance with the issuer's
registration country accounting standards. In
addition, share issuers have to follow the specific legal acts
regulating their business.

13. The wording Item shall be: Share issuers shall provide to the RSE their annual report
no later than two weeks before its annual
general meeting of shareholders, however, not later than April 30 of
the following year.

14. The wording of new Item and shall be: If the issuer is a part of concern as a parent company, the
consolidated concern annual report to be
submitted by July 31 of the following year.

15. The wording of Item shall be: Official list debt securities issuers shall make available
to the RSE, without delay, annual reports
approved by a certified auditor, and prepared in compliance with
International Accounting Standards (for
Official list). Annual reports are provided to the RSE and made
available to public according to the procedure
specified by the RSE Management Board.

16. The wording of Item 10.1.2. shall be:
10.1.2. The RSE Management Board may resolve on delisting of shares
on the basis of issuer's application, or
on its own record. Such resolution may be passed if regular trading
with shares in question can no longer be
conducted, and no material harm is caused to investors by such
decision, or if issuer of shares fails to pay
the annual fee, or if Financial and Capital Market Commission has
revoked the issue certificate, or the issuer
has become insolvent or terminated its business.

17. The wording of Item 10.2.2 shall be:
10.2.2 The RSE Management Board may resolve on delisting of debt
securities on the basis of issuer's
application, or on its own record. Such resolution may be passed if
regular trading with debt securities in
question can no longer be conducted, and no material harm is caused
to investors by such decision, or if
issuer of debt securities fails to pay the annual fee, or if
Financial and Capital Market Commission has
revoked the issue certificate, or the issuer has become insolvent or
terminated its business.

18. The wording of Item 11.1.1. shall be: In case of failure of an issuer to comply with the
provisions of the present enforcement note, the
RSE Management Board may issue a warning, or may impose a fine, or
may transfer the issuer's securities
to Surveillance list, or may suspend trading with the issuer's

19. To delete Items 12.2.1.,12.2.4., and 12.2.5 from the Transitional
Provisions of the Enforcement Note.

20. To have the following wording for Item 12.2.3. of Transitional
12.2.3. A Disciplinary Committee shall be set up at the RSE by
January 1, 2005.

21. The wording of the new Item 12.2.2. shall be:
12.2.2. Second list share issuers shall prepare annual report for
year 2004 in compliance with the issuer's
registration country and International Accounting Standards.

22. To delete part IV "Free list", presently in effect, from the
Enforcement Note on Securities lists of October 8, 1998.

23. To align the numeration in the entire text of the Enforcement Note
on Securities Lists.

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