Atnaujinta: 2024.07.22 09:02 (GMT+3)

NIB's Interim Report, January - August 2003 

2003.10.14, , RIG


The Bank shows good results for the first eight months of the year,
notwithstanding the general slackness of economic activity in the Euro
region. Period profits rose by 3.6% to EUR 100 million (corresponding
period in 2002: EUR 97 million). Total assets amounted to EUR 17.3
billion compared with EUR 15.9 billion at year-end 2002. Net liquidity
rose to EUR 3,802 million compared with EUR 2,947 million at year-end
2002. NIB distributed EUR 40.3 million in dividends to its owners, the
Nordic countries, from profits for the year 2002.

New lending for the period totalled EUR 910 million (937). Loans
outstanding amounted to EUR 10,323 million at 31 August 2003, compared
with EUR 10,110 million at year-end 2002. New borrowing for the first
eight months of the year equalled EUR 2,759 million as compared with
EUR 1,679 million at the corresponding time last year. During the
spring the Bank launched its second USD 1 billion global benchmark
issue in the form of five-year bonds. These were well received by
investors and were sold worldwide.

The Bank has continued to maintain the quality of its lending
portfolio and financial counterparties at a high, stable level. The
favourable development of the Bank's profits is expected to continue
during the remainder of the year. BALTIC MEMBERSHIP At the meeting of
Nordic Prime Ministers in June, the five heads of government reached an
agreement of principle in favour of offering membership in NIB to
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The Prime Ministers instructed the
Nordic Ministers of Economy to prepare, in time for the meeting of
Prime Ministers in October, a proposal for conditions of affiliation.


NIB's lending activities in the Nordic countries were dominated by
infrastructure and industrial investments. Lending to the manufacturing
and food industries was largest, with several loans to environmental
investments or cross-border company acquisitions. One quarter of
disbursements went to the energy sector-to company acquisitions in
Sweden, biofuelled power station investments in Finland, wind power
investments in Denmark, hydropower investments in Norway, and
distribution network enlargement in both Denmark and Iceland. The
proportion of environmentally related investments in the Nordic
countries shows a clear increase, accounting for 25% of disbursements.


International lending was dominated by loans for infrastructure
investments, above all in energy, transport and telecommunications.
There was a growth of lending for projects in the environmental and
health care sectors. At present NIB has loans outstanding in 32
countries outside the Nordic area. Lending through financial
intermediaries accounts for a growing proportion of the Bank's
international activities. The Bank further increased its involvement in
the Baltic countries and Poland, above all in the energy sector thereby
contributing towards safer energy supply and improved energy
efficiency. During the period, e.g., a loan agreement was signed with
the state-owned Latvian power company.


Financing of environmental investments plays an important part in NIB's
lending. During the period under review the Bank granted eight new
environmental loans totalling EUR 135 million. Upwards of 18% of the
loans disbursed during the period were environmental loans. The
proportion of environmental loans, especially in the neighbouring
areas, has continued to increase during the year. The increase in the
Bank's environmental lending facility for the neighbouring areas (MIL)
from EUR 100 million to EUR 300 million, which took effect on 1 January
2003, has increased the Bank's possibilities of financing urgent
environmental projects in the neighbouring areas. The Bank plays an
active role in the Northern Dimension Environmental Partnership (NDEP),
a partnership aimed at coordinating and streamlining the financing of
environmental projects with cross-border effects in the Northern
Dimension area. The NDEP has set up an investment programme of twelve
environmental projects to be prepared within the Partnership framework.
NIB is responsible for preparing and coordinating seven of them. In
addition, the NDEP has initially set up a EUR 500 million programme for
nuclear waste projects in the Kola Peninsula.


In March NIB signed a credit agreement with a Russian project company
for completion of the Southwestern Wastewater Treatment Plant in St.
Petersburg. Construction work on the plant has begun and will be
completed within three years. Disbursements for the project have also
been inaugurated. Since 2000 NIB has been the lead bank for the
financing operations of the banking consortium. This wastewater project
is the most important environmental project in the Baltic region and
will have a substantially beneficial ecological impact. The Bank has
established a lending programme with a Russian intermediary bank for
financing smaller environmental projects in northwest Russia, the
intention being to allocate credits for water supply and wastewater
treatment, among other purposes, in a number of small communities in
the Leningrad region.

KEY FIGURES (in EUR million)

1-8/2003 1-8/2002

Net interest income 102 100 150

Profit 100
97 142

Loans disbursed 910 937

New loan agreements 1,029 1,020 1,807

New debt issues 2,759 1,679 3,320

Profit / average equity (%) 9.5 9.9 9.5

31 Aug 2003 31 Aug 2002 31
Dec 2002

Loans outstanding 10,323 9,929 10,110

Total assets 17,303 14,892

Net liquidity 3,802
2,287 2,947

Number of employees 147 141 144

29 August 2003: EUR 1.00 = DKK 7.43 / ISK 88.01 / NOK 8.25 / SEK 9.23
/USD 1,09

NIB is a multilateral financial institution owned by the five Nordic
countries. The Bank finances investment projects of mutual interest to
the borrower and the Nordic countries. NIB has the highest possible
credit rating, AAA/aaa, with the leading rating institutions Standard &
Poor's and Moody's.

For further information, please call Mr Jón Sigurdsson, President and
CEO, on +358 9 18 001, or Ms Jamima Löfström, Information Manager, on
+358 40 581 7208. <a href='' target='_blank'></a>

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