Atnaujinta: 2024.07.22 19:04 (GMT+3)

JSC "Latvijas kugnieciba" AGM of shareholders was held on May 30, 2003

2003.05.30, Latvijas kuģniecība, RIG

JSC "Latvijas kuģniecība" AGM of shareholders on its meeting of May
30, 2003 resolved on the following:
1. To approve the Annual Report for 2002 and Consolidated Report for
2. To discharge Management Board members from liability for 2002
operations for the specified periods in 2002:
1) Vladislavs Skrebelis (January 1 till June 10)
2) Andris Kļaviņš (January 1 till July 26)
3) Roberts Joma (January 1 till July 26)
4) Elmārs Vītoliņš (January 1 till July 26)
5) Jānis Brūnavs (January 1 till July 26)
6) Lars Anders Hedberg (January 1 till July 26)
7) Ilmārs Krūms (July 26 till November 7)
8) Jānis Rocēns (July 26 till November 7)
9) Imants Vikmanis (July 26 till December 31)
10) Valērijs Godunovs (July 26 till December 31)
11) Gints Bukovskis (July 26 till December 31)
12) Juris Kārlis Viktors Reinhards (July 26 till December 31)
3. To be advised on the JSC "Latvijas kuģniecība) Supervisory Board
resolution #19/10 "With regard to remuneration for 2002 performance to
the dismissed Management Board members A.Kļaviņš, A.Hedberg and
4. To approve the 2003 budget and operational plan.
5. To approve certified auditor Viktorija Usovica (certificate #109) as
auditor for JSC "Latvijas kuģniecība" Annual Report and Consolidated
Report for 2003; to charge Management Board with the task to sign an
agreement with the audit firm "Moore Stephens".
6. To approve JSC "Latvijas kuģniecība" strategy for the period between
2003 and 2010.
7. To approve the Charter of Standing Valuation Committee in a new
8. To revoke Andis Jankevics' from the position of Standing Valuation
Committee member. Following the recommendation of the company
Management Board and Supervisory Board, to elect Arvīds Grieznis a
member and also the Chairman of Standing Valuation Committee.
9. To revoke Gints Bukovskis and Juris Kārlis Viktors Reinhards, on the
basis of their resignation letters, from the position of Management
Board members. To review the issue of discharging these two individuals
from liability for 2002 operations for the period between January 1,
2003 and May 30, 2003 after approval of JSC "Latvijas kuģniecība"
Annual Report for 2003.
10. To elect Aivars Enkuzens and Alvis Akmens Management Board members,
their mandate starting with May 30, 2003.
11. To revoke Igors Skoks from the position of Management Board member
on the basis of his resignation letter.
12. To approve the Charter of JSC "Latvijas kuģniecība" Audit
13. To elect Igors Rodins, Anrijs Lembergs, Edgars Jansons, Andris
Vilcmeiers and Ilona Pavāre Audit Committee members.
Pursuant to the provisions of Article 56.2 of the law "On Joint Stock
Companies", the quorum of the meeting was not sufficient to review the
announced agenda item "Amendments to JSC "Latvijas kuģniecība"
Charter". Management Board, pursuant to the provisions of Article 56.3
of the said law, will repeatedly call an AGM for reviewing this agenda

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