Atnaujinta: 2024.07.23 19:09 (GMT+3)

JSC Kaija management report on 6 month of 2002

2002.07.29, , RIG

JSC Kaija net turnover in first 6 month of 2002 reached LVL 6 352 745
that is by 40.6% more compare to 6 month of last year. In 6 month of
2002 JSC Kaija produced 3894 tons of fish production, 90% were
different canned fish ( 80% were exported). Company overall performance
during this time has been satisfactory. JSC Kaija profit for 6 month of
2002 is LVL 211 608 by LVL 194 020 more than last year.
During first 6 month of 2002 several strategic goals were reached.
During 2002 export markets were re-structured and sales have grown.
* Sales in Eastern Europe - Check Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and
Poland grew 2.7 times;
* Sales of preserves begun in USA;
* Sales activities in other new markets such as Azerbaijan were
* More canned fish was produced using Baltic Sea fish.

HACCP system was partly introduced and conditions for certification of
JSC Kaija production in compliance with world and EU requirements were
set. This certificate will open western sales markets for JSC Kaija
Working group of HACCP is working in company to meet the production
safety and quality requirements. So that JSC Kaija production would be
listed among production of companies exporting to EU.
JSC Kaija has set business development priorities that require
specialised production and investments in development of production
units that meet world quality requirements and consumer demand. Working
group on ISO quality system implementation has begun work.
In 2002 JSC Kaija continued to develop sales markets in Baltic's,
Europe, Russia and CIS countries. In Latvia JSC Kaija had to compete
with growing competition from Western and Lithuanian fish processing
companies. During 2002 many new products were developed. Modernisation
of production lines and preparation of documentation to meet required
sales conditions for Western markets with large sales capacity took
place. The long-term concept of new product development based on market
needs and internal technical abilities to use competitive advantage in
development of new products is being developed.
Investment in production means in the amount of LVL 102 462, in
thorough repairs - LVL 4 660 were made. New packaging line was
launched. Those measures will improve ability to compete with
Lithuanian fish processing companies.
Company sales strategy is directed towards increase of sales. This will
be achieved by:
* Widening packed frozen fish assortment;
* Increase of sales in potential markets such as African countries,
Mongolia, Caucasus and some of Russian regions;
* Establishing of joint ventures in Eastern markets, work closely
with retail market;
* Modernisation of production lines.

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