Atnaujinta: 2024.07.22 23:01 (GMT+3)

JSC "Ventspils nafta" business plan and budget for 2002

2001.12.17, , RIG

JSC "Ventspils nafta" Supervisory Board has approved Company business
plan and budget for 2002, and is recommending it for approval by
general meeting of shareholders.
Supervisory Board has approved the following budget for 2002:
Operational revenues LVL 48 million;
Operational costs LVL 43.6 million;
Taxes LVL 2.3 million;
Net profit LVL 3.4 million.
The business projections are based on certain macroeconomic, external
and internal assumptions.
Macroeconomic: GDP 4-5%; CPI 3%; the present monetary policy and
stability of national currency is retained.
- In December 2001, Baltic Pipeline System will be launched into
operation, in order to export crude oil from Timan-Pechori, West
Siberia, North Oba and Kazakhstan oil fields via Primorsk Port. The
throughput capacity after completion of the first phase will be 12
million tons per year; 18 million tons per year after completion of the
second phase, and 30 million tons per year as a prospect. With the view
of the Russian oil export policy, defining export via Russian ports as
a priority, it is expected that BPS will be used at full capacity. This
will definitely cause a fall of loading volumes in Ventspils;
- A possible increase of volumes loaded at the Būtiņģe oil terminal due
to Russian oil company "Jukos" involvement in the Lithuanian "Mažeiķu
nafta", agreeing to export 4 million tons of crude oil via Būtiņģe;
- Reduction of diesel oil transit volume via Ventspils due to the
in-land railway tariffs to own ports specified by Russian Federation.
As a result, at the territory of Russia, the railway tariffs for
freights going to the Baltic ports are several times higher than for
those going to Russian ports.
- OPEC member countries are negotiating a cut in crude oil extraction
quotas with the purpose to stabilise prices. For non-member countries,
like Russia, OPEC is recommending a proportional reduction of
extraction volumes as well;
- Petrol reloading volumes will depend on petrol prices in the USA, the
key petrol recipient country via Ventspils;
- SIA "LatRosTrans" is implementing an investment programme for
renovation of the pipeline system;
- Latvia is joining INOGATE programme, which is creating a legal basis
for Latvia to integrate into the EU projects associated with energy
transportation corridors from Russia and the Caspian Sea regions;
- Increase of crude oil extraction volumes by Kazakhstan and other
Eurasian countries and export to European markets;
- Law "On taxes at free ports and special economic zones" will come
into effect.
This will make "Ventspils nafta" eligible to income tax reduction.
- in 2002 projects at total value of LVL 16.3 will be continued as a
part of Investment Programme,
- reconstruction of railway platform No. 1 will be started;
- construction of pumping station No.7 will be started and completed by
the end of the year;
- construction of technological pipeline corridor, connecting JSC
"Ventspils nafta" and piers, will be started;
- construction of gas recuperation system for the railway platform and
for tank-truck filling station will be started and finalised by the end
of the year;
- construction of business centre Ventspils at the old part of the town
will be completed;
- work on Company cost optimisation will continue;
- work on Company business risk reduction and diversification will

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