Atnaujinta: 2024.11.27 22:17 (GMT+2)
JSC "Valmieras stikla šķiedra" has made a net profit of LVL 251.2
thousand in the first 7 months of 2001, whereas net profit made in the
first 8 months of the year is LVL 276.6 thousand. The net profit
forecast for 2001 is LVL 150
August 13 is a historical date for the company - the first fibreglass
output came from the new production unit. The capacity of the new unit
will be further developed on a step by step basis over 2001 and will
reach 10.000 tons of fibreglass per year. Over the years to come, the
new investment of LVL 9.4
million is expected to double the output and sales of fibreglass