Atnaujinta: 2024.11.27 23:11 (GMT+2)
On September 7, 2001, JSC "Olainfarm" repeated extraordinary General
Meeting of Shareholders, under the agenda item "Other business",
discussed the issue of setting up reserves. It was resolved to set up a
reserve from the revenues from capital participation in company
"Olainfarm USA", in the procedure stipulated by normative acts of the
Republic of Latvia.
The issue of increasing share capital was discussed. It was resolved to
increase the share capital by LVL 1,521,940, via a closed issue of
common registered voting shares, and to approve the rules for the
closed share issue. In association with the resolution to increase the
Company share capital, the issue of amendments to JSC "Olainfarm" was
discussed, and it was resolved to approve the amendments to the