Atnaujinta: 2024.11.27 17:19 (GMT+2)
JSC Kaija made a profit of LVL 17,588 in the first six months of the
Net sales amount to LVL 4,517,552, which is 46.91% more than the
respective peri over the same period in 2000, when the first half of
the year ended at a loss of
3,032,762, while domestic market sales were LVL 1,484,789.
In June Kaija mada a net profit of LVL 4,029, which is 2.92% less than
in May. I cost of goods sold was LVL 752,879.
As of June 30, 2001, the company assets amount to LVL 6.246 million,
which is a which is a 5.7% increase over the same date in 2000.
Compared to May 31 this yea Proceedding from six month financial
results, the ratios are: ROE 0.57%; ROA 0.3
More information can be provided by Ēriks Matulis, phone 9565556