Atnaujinta: 2024.11.26 06:01 (GMT+2)
The Riga Stock Exchange together with Tallinn Stock Exchange and
National Stock Exchange ofLithuania and with support from the
international linvestment bank Lazard organises Baltic capitalmarket
road-show on November 9, 2000 in London. The road-show aims to
introduce Baltic capital market and largest Baltic companies seeking
new financial investors in London.
Telecommunication companies from all three Baltic states, two gas
companies from Latvia andLithuania and an Estonian bank will be
represented at the road-show. Development of the Balticcapital market,
supervision and surveillance system will be presented by Mr. Uldis
Cerps, chairmanof Latvian Financial and Capital Market Surveillance
Commission (former president of the RigaStock Exchange). An
introduction to the latest developments in the co-operation between the
Balticexchanges and the Nordic alliance NOREX will be presented by Mr.
Gert Tiivas, president ofTallinn stock Exchange. Mr. Jonas Niaura,
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the NationalStock Exchange of
Lithuania, will present the macroeconomic situation in the Baltics.
Guntars Kokorevics, CFO of the Riga Stock Exchange says that ?It is
very important for the Balticstock exchanges to work together in
promoting ourlargest companies to foreign investors. I believe that
investor interest attracted by this road-show will be beneficial to all
capital market as well.?
PR Department
Riga Stock Exchange
Phone: (+371) 7212 431