Atnaujinta: 2024.11.24 11:30 (GMT+2)
On December 15, 1999 the Estonian Parliament (Riigikogu) approved the
new Law on Income Tax, which will significantly alter the presently
effective income tax regime and will become into force on January 1,
2000. The new law will abolish income tax on retained earnings for
resident corporate identities in order to promote new investments.
Therefore, starting from year 2000 Hansapank and the other group
companies that operate in Estonia will have an effective income tax
rate of 0%.
Hansapank has made the tax appropriations through the income statement
according to IAS 12 and good accounting practice. However, this expense
is not an actual cash tax, but deferred tax liability. At the end of
November 1999 Hansapank had made such appropriations in the total
amount of EEK 112.6 million. Since according to the new law, corporate
tax on retained earnings is abolished, Hansapank will record the above
mentioned appropriations back as revenue into the profit of 1999.