Atnaujinta: 2024.11.23 11:09 (GMT+2)
Skandinavska Enskilda Banken AB (publ) (SEB) has informed JSC "Latvijas
Unibanka" that it has purchased an additional amount of 1 675 000
ordinary shares in Unibanka with voting rights at par value of LVL 1.
This corresponds to
4,5 % of current outstanding shares of Unibanka.
After purchase of the above shares, and the conversion of the 8th
closed shares issue of Unibanka into publicly traded shares on May
12,1999, the total number of shares owned by SEB in Unibanka is 18 110
743. This corresponds to 48,8% of the total amount of the share capital
of Unibanka, of which all 18 110 743
shares are publicly traded ordinary shares with voting rights.