Atnaujinta: 2024.11.22 19:52 (GMT+2)
On the March 26,1999 shareholders general meeting accepted following
1. Balance sheet for the 1998:
assets- LVL 10 859 762
liabilities -LVL 10 859 762
2. Distribution of 1998 profit LVL 105 000 - for dividends (LVL 0.03
per share for the shareholders on the
LVL 7000 - charity;
LVL 64 000 - bonus to the Management Board and Supervisory Board;
LVL 13 755 - Social tax;
LVL 13 835 - reserves.
3. Budget for the 1999:
net turnover - LVL 13 646 000
profit - LVL 107 000