Atnaujinta: 2024.11.22 20:06 (GMT+2)
Eesti Kindlustus is currently conducting negotiations with Sampo
Insurance regarding the EEK 100 million share issue. The potential
investor of Eesti Kindlustus will be determined during the first week
of December. Five foreign financial groups from Nordic countries and
Western Europe have indicated their interest in As a result of the
share issue the new partner should acquire 51% or more of the share
capital of Eesti Kindlustus Group. In addition to the already existing
3,2 million shares Eesti Kindlustus will issue up to 6,4 million new
shares during the share issue. With the assistance of the new partner
Eesti Kindlustus intends to finalize the commenced reorganization of
the company and its expansion to other Baltic countries.