Atnaujinta: 2024.11.22 05:55 (GMT+2)
JSC "Rēzeknes piena konservu kombināts" reports that as a result of the
financial crisis in Russia, and due to the decision of the Russian
government about restructurization of short term Government Treasury
Bills, the settlemet of payments with and deliveries to Russia are
suspended. The stocks of finished goods on 01.09.98. were 192.7%, if
compared at the same time in the previous year. The value of finished
goods on 01.08.98. was LVL 5162.8 thousand. The sales volume for the
eight months of this year is 91.1% of that in the same period of the
previous year.
Rēzeknes piena kombināts does not have any investments or assets in
Russia, the Ukraine or other CIS countries.