Atnaujinta: 2024.07.23 23:01 (GMT+3)

JSC Grindeks Management reports on financial results for 6 month 2002

2002.07.24, Grindeks, RIG

JSC Grindeks Management reports on financial results for 6 month 2002
JSC Grindeks net turnover in 6 month of 2002 reached LVL 7 787 758 by
34% more than during same period of last year. Net profit for the
period was LVL 977 309 while last year during same period - LVL 446
005. Net turnover forecasts were exceeded by 13.7% or LVL 937 168.
Gross profit level in 6 month of 2002 reached 37.6%. Compare to
previous year it has grown by 4.6%.
During first 6 month of 2002 sales of pharmaceuticals made 71%, compare
to last year growth was 27%. Significant increase was reached in all
export markets. Export to Russia grew by 39% but to other CIS countries
by 49%. Those results were achieved due to growth of sales of
cardiovascular drug Mildronate.
Export of Tallinn Pharmaceutical plant production compare to last year
grew by 26%. Especially of Ointment Capsicums.
During 6 month of 2002 company developed its sales structures in
Russia. All necessary preliminary work for opening of representative
offices in Kazakhstan and Byelorussia was completed. Marketing and
promotional activities of cardiovascular drug Mildronate and sleeping
drug Somnal begun in Georgia. During next 6 month promotion of
Cardiovascular drug Mildronate will begin in Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan.
Sales in Latvia were lagging. Nevertheless during 2 quarter there was a
positive sales dynamic in Latvia and Estonian regions.
Implementation of Sanitas project - all intravenous forms compliant to
certification requirements would be produced in Lithuanian
pharmaceutical company was completed. Production of all final dosage
forms from Tallinn Pharmaceutical plant has begun.
Export of active substances has remained at the same level. Sales of
Oksitocin and Mildronate have grown since JSC Grindeks has presence in
Asian and USA markets.
Agreement on output of new active substance was signed with French
pharmaceutical company.
Due to growing demand of original Grindeks cardiovascular drug
Mildronate Management Board of JSC Grindeks during 2 half of 2002 will
increase production capacity of production unit and additional
investment of LVL 300 000 will be made.

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