Atnaujinta: 2024.07.20 17:00 (GMT+3)


2004.10.12, Grindeks, RIG
Riga Stock Exchange						12.10.2004


Today, 08.10.2004, a repeated extraordinary general meeting of PJSC Grindeks
shareholders was held. Registered shareholders with voting rights represented
63.7% of PJSC Grindeks equity capital that constitutes a sufficient quorum, in
order to decide regarding all the issues included in the agenda for the general
meeting. At the general meeting, the shareholders took the following decisions:

1. Regarding PJSC Grindeks registration in the Commercial Register of the
Republic of Latvia

During the 1st vote the following decision was taken: to enter PJSC Grindeks
in the Commercial Register of the Republic of Latvia. To specify that all the
rights and obligations of PJSC Grindeks and the decisions made by its management
institutions shall also be in force following the registration of PJSC Grindeks
in the Commercial Register of the Republic of Latvia.

During the 2nd vote the following decision was taken: to convert 4,400 (four
thousand four hundred) of the corporate executive committee’s shares into ordinary
nominal shares with voting rights and to permit them to remain in the ownership
of the members of PJSC Grindeks Corporate Executive Committee.

During the 3rd vote the following decision was taken: to authorise the Chairman
of PJSC Grindeks Corporate Executive Committee, Valdis Jākobsons to sign an
application to the Commercial Register of the Republic of Latvia for the
registration of the decisions taken at the shareholders’ general meeting, to
ratify the statement of the minutes from this general meeting, in the event of
the rejection of the referred to registration to carry out the necessary
rectification of mistakes or other formalities and/or sign an application to
the Commercial Register of the Republic of Latvia if such is necessary.

During the 4th vote the following decision was taken: to specify that Chairman
of PJSC Grindeks Corporate Executive Committee, Valdis Jākobsons has the right in
accordance with his judgment to authorise any person to submit all the necessary
documents for the registration of the decision of this shareholders’ general
meeting in the Commercial Register of the Republic of Latvia, as well as all
necessary explanations, if such are requested and to receive documents from the
Commercial Register of the Republic of Latvia.

2. Ratification of PJSC Grindeks Board Regulation

During the 5th vote the following decision was taken: to authorise PJSC Grindeks
Board to ratify the regulations of PJSC Grindeks Board and Corporate Executive
Committee following the registration of the latest version of PJSC Grindeks
Articles of Association in the Commercial Register of the Republic of Latvia.

3. Ratification of the Latest Version of PJSC Grindeks Articles of Association

During the 6th vote the following decision was taken: to ratify the latest version
of PJSC Grindeks Articles of Association (Appendix No.1).

During the 7th vote the following decision was taken: to specify that the latest
version of PJSC Grindeks Articles of Association shall come into force from the
moment of the registration thereof in the Commercial Register of the Republic of

During the 8th vote the following decision was taken: if the notary of the
Commercial Register of the Republic of Latvia has taken a decision to defer or
refuse the registration of PJSC Grindeks into the Commercial Register and if such
a deferral or refusal is related to the non-conformity of the Articles of Association
in their latest version to the regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia or
other shortcomings, and the eradication of the shortcomings of the latest version
of the Articles of Association does not change the rights of shareholders and scope
of obligations thereof, by its decision to authorise the Corporate Executive Committee
of PJSC Grindeks, harmonising such with the Board, to eradicate the reasons for the
deferral or refusal of the registration that are referred to in the decision by the
State notary of the Commercial Register of the Republic of Latvia, by carrying our
appropriate amendments to the latest version of PJSC Grindeks Articles of Association.

4. Regarding PJSC Grindeks Board

During the 9th vote the following decision was taken: to apply for the registration
of the PJSC Grindeks Board in the Commercial Register of the Republic of Latvia in
its existing line up:

Chairman of the Board, Kirovs Lipmans
Deputy Chairman of the Board, Vitālijs Gavrilovs
Board Member, Juris Cilinskis
Board Member, Uldis Osis
Board Member, Jānis Naglis

Finance and Administrative Director,
Jānis Romanovskis,
Tel. 7083205

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