Atnaujinta: 2024.11.29 07:16 (GMT+2)
Riga Stock Exchange 14.10.2004
Clause 6.3 of the draft resolutions corrected
1. Item of agenda
The report of the board of directors
Decision to approve the report of the Board of Directors;
2. Item of agenda
The report of the Supervisory Council
Decision to approve the report of the Supervisory Council;
3. Item of agenda
The annual report
Decision to approve The annual report;
4. Item of agenda
The election of the Supervisory Council
Decision to ________________, ________________, ________________, _______________
and__________________ as members of the Supervisory Council for 3 year term;
5. Item of agenda
The election of the auditor
Decision to elect _________________ as the auditor of the Company for the next
financial year. To authorize the Board of Directors to set the auditors fee.
6. Item of agenda
Use of profit from the previous year of activity
1) Decision to pay part of the previous years profit 990060 LVL (ninety nine
thousand and sixty Latvian lats) in dividends to the shareholders setting
the amount of dividends 1 LVL (one Latvian lat) per share;
2) Decision to use part of previous years profit 1980120 LVL (one million
ninety eight thousand and one hundred and twenty Latvian lats) to increase
the share capital of the company and issue 1980120 shares with par value of
each share is LVL 1.00 (one Latvian lat) as bonus shares divided proportionally
among the stockholders.
2.1) Decision to approve amendment to the article 2.1.articles of association
as follows:
The share capital of the Company shall be LVL 2’970’180.00 (two million nine
hundred seventy thousand and one hundred and eighty Latvian lats) which
consists of 2’970’180 ((two million nine hundred seventy thousand and one
hundred and eighty) shares. All shares shall be issued as securities.
3) Decision to add part of previous years profit 1 013 091 LVL (one million
thirteen thousand and ninety one Latvian lats) to the reserve fund of the
7. Item of agenda
1) To authorize with power to delegate authority Chairman of the Board of the
Company Normunds Bergs to sign an Application to the Commercial Register
Authority to register the resolutions and amendments of articles of association
passed by the meeting of Shareholders in the Commercial Register, to ascertain
an excerpt from the Minutes of this meeting, and to sign repeated application
and / or complaint to the Commercial Register Authority in the case of
Application for the Registry being declined.
2) To authorize legal adviser of the company Valdis Bergs to submit all the
required documentation and supply the required explanations, if demanded, to
register the resolutions passed by the meeting of Shareholders in the Commercial
Register, and to take out the documents from the Commercial Register Authority.