Atnaujinta: 2024.07.20 15:08 (GMT+3)

VSS: JSC “Valmieras stikla šķiedra” Management report for 9 months of 2004

2004.10.25, Valmieras stikla šķiedra, RIG
Riga Stock Exchange                                            25.10.2004. 

JSC “Valmieras stikla šķiedra” Management report for 9 months of 2004

The Company’s primary business activity is production and sale of glass
marbles, glass fibre and glass fibre products. The company is also involved
in other spheres of activities related to servicing and promoting of primary
operations, such as trading and barter operations, intermediation, foreign
economical activities and other activities, stated in the company’s charter.

In the first 9 months of 2004 the company’s net turnover amounted to LVL 20.642.660,
compared to LVL 15.354.000 the first 9 months of 2003. The increase of net
turnover amounted to LVL 5.288.600 or 34,4 %; compared to plan it is
LVL 3.477.600 or 20.3%. The increase of turnover is a result of invested
equipment, including successful work of one-stage workshop, development of
new products, improvement of production and sales process as well as a
favourable exchange rate for exports.

97% of sales in the first 9 months of 2004 were exports to 28 countries.

The profit for the first 9 months of 2004 was LVL 1.791.600 compared to
LVL 1.055.200 in the first months of 2003. The increase of amounts to
LVL 736.400 or 69,8%, in comparison with planned it is LVL 567.300 or 46,3%.

In accordance with a resolution, made during a plenum of shareholders in
May 2003, there were omitted dividends to Company‘s shareholders for fiscal
year 2003 in the amount of LVL 484.100.

During this year the price for one JSC Valmieras Stikla Šķiedra share in
Riga Stock exchange is increase by LVL 0,67 or 79,8% i.e., from LVL 0,84 in
December 2003 to LVL 1,51 in September 2004.

On the 30 of September 2004 Company‘s share capital amounted LVL 23.903.205.

The Company has made provisions for doubtful debtor’s debts, vacations,
commissions, reward for Company’s Council and Board members and deferred taxes.

In comparison with December 31 2003, stock of finished products is decreased
by LVL 478.400, but balance of unfinished products is increased by LVL 97,400.
The decrease in finished products is explained by remarkable increase of
turnover, increase in demand and in world-wide markets for our glass fibre products.

As of September of 30 2004 the Company had 967 employees. There was a reduction
in the number of auxiliary workers.

In 2004 the Company is planning to invest in the development of production more
than 10 million EUR.
This year the Company has started realisation of the development conception for
2004-2008. The key targets of the development conception and involved investment
projects are as follows:
- increase in production capacity;
- decrease in costs;
- improving work administration;
- development of new products;
- searching for new markets.
The investments will be made in several big projects, related to all workshops
and technological passages.

Planned profit in 2004 amounts LVL 1.396.000, forecasted fulfillment – LVL 2.000.000.


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