Atnaujinta: 2024.07.20 13:10 (GMT+3)

LKB: JSC “Latvijas Krājbanka” next year has intended to start offering several new products

2004.10.29, Latvijas Krājbanka, RIG
Latvijas Krajbanka                                            29.10.2004. 

JSC “Latvijas Krājbanka” next year has intended to start offering several
new products

JSC “Latvijas Krājbanka” next year has intended to start offering several
new products, among which in addition to the insurance of risks to begin to
offer services of life insurance.

In the already existing co-operation with the risk insurance companies “Balta”
and “Baltijas Apdrošināšanas nams” (BAN) to the clients the products of
non-life insurance are available.

At the beginning of the next year “Krājbanka” plans to start offering the
services of accruing insurance of life, which is one of the products that
we want to offer to our predominant market segment – private persons,
because the accrual life insurance is one of the main elements in the entire
complex of Bank’s services. By offering the life insurance services, the Bank
has intended to co-operate with one of major insurance companies of the
European Union’s countries.

“Krājbanka” also next year will continue the development of the business of
payment cards and electronic banking system, investing into it a considerable
part of funds, but already this year the credit cards Visa Classic and Visa
Gold from the magnetic band cards will be migrated to the smart cards, which
have a much higher degree of data security and thus also of protection of the
monetary resources of clients.

“Latvijas Krājbanka” during the first nine months of this year has worked with
the profit of 645 thousand lats, which by 15% exceeds the result of the nine
months of previous year, but in the previous year in total the Bank earned
862 thousand lats.

“Krājbanka” as to the volume of assets at the end of August occupied 10th place
among 23 commercial banks of Latvia. The largest shareholders of the Bank are
enterprises of Ventspils, “Doxa Fund Limited” registered in the British Virgin
Islands as well as several private persons.

“Latvijas Krājbanka” in 2006 plans to move to the new administrative office
building where it is planned to concentrate the entire central administration
of the Bank.

At present in Riga the Bank’s administration is located in eight buildings
in total, and the ground floors of these buildings house also the client
servicing centres. Most probably they will remain there and only the upper
floors. At the same time the Bank’s Management admits the possibility that
“Krājbanka” for running of its immovable properties a separate daughter
enterprise could be formed. In total in Latvia “Krājbanka” has about 25 buildings.

Currently the Bank does not plan to substantially extend or reduce the network
of client servicing centres, but wants to perfect its quality. The basic
direction of perfection of the network – to provide to the private persons
full-range financial consultations.

Chief Executives of “Latvijas Krājbanka” have decided to situate the Bank’s
management in a united office building located not far from the Riga’s centre
and easily accessible by the city traffic. For implementation of this objective
the Bank announced an open tender with the application term till October 1, in
which the winner was the enterprise “ERD – projekts” of the Construction Company
“Merks” that intends to construct a many-storey building near the hockey hall
currently being constructed in Skanstes Street till December of 2006.

At present the management’s work premises of “Krājbanka” are located in several
places in Riga, also in the historical building of the Bank at the Doma square,
Jēkaba Street 2.

“Latvijas Krājbanka” currently performs the servicing of clients in 75 locations
in Latvia.

The potential for growth of crediting volume of “Latvijas Krājbanka” next year
could be slightly large than in this year – coming year the credits could increase
by 25 million lats.

At the moment “Krājbanka” is oriented to a complex servicing of clients, striving
to offer in the entire network of servicing centres a services’ basket of as
extensive scope as possible, also in Riga and elsewhere in Latvia. In all l
ocations of client servicing the Bank is able to offer the electronic banking
and crediting products, first of all, they are consumption credits whose
collateral is the regular income.

The Bank’s objective is to occupy definite positions in the local market, namely
in the market of private persons in Latvia. It means that for “Krājbanka” the
positions of the top five banks are topical, and as to the deposits in the local
market and amount of clients, volume of cards “Krājbanka” already now complies
with the indicators of the top five commercial banks.

The net value of the credits granted by “Latvijas Krājbanka” at the end of
September reached 115.2 million lats, which is by 20% or 19.2 million lats more
than at the beginning of the year. But at the end of the previous year “Krājbanka”
in credits had granted 96 million lats, which is by 4.6 million lats or 5% more
than at the end of 2002.

Līga Krapāne,
Head of the Department of
Public Relations and Advertisement
“Latvija sKrājbanka”,
Telephone 7 092 055, 9 480 299

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