Atnaujinta: 2024.07.20 13:09 (GMT+3)

LSC: DRAFT RESOLUTIONS of JSC Latvijas kuģniecība REGM of Shareholders,to convene on November 15,

2004.11.01, Latvijas kuģniecība, RIG
Latvijas kuģniecība                                            01.11.2004.

DRAFT RESOLUTIONS of JSC Latvijas kuģniecība Repeated Extraordinary General
Meeting (REGM) of Shareholders,to convene on November 15, 2004

1. Item of Agenda.
Conversion of JSC Latvijas kuģniecība shares
1) To convert 10 000 (ten thousand) common registered shares without
voting rights into dematerialised bearer shares, giving the bearer voting
rights at the meetings of shareholders and the right to receive dividend and
liquidation quota; to put the shares converted into circulation on the
regulated market.
2) To convert 199 990 000 (one hundred and ninety-nine million nine
hundred and ninety thousand) common registered shares into dematerialised
bearer shares, giving the bearer voting rights at the meetings of shareholders
and the right to receive dividend and liquidation quota.
3) To authorize JSC Latvijas kuģniecība Board of Directors to take
all the required actions to effect item 1) and 2) hereof.
2. Item of Agenda.
Registration of JSC Latvijas kuģniecība in the Commercial Register
To register JSC Latvijas kuģniecība in the Commercial Register. To resolve
that all rights and obligations of JSC Latvijas kuģniecība, resolutions
adopted by its managing bodies, as well as other circumstances relating to
its business activity shall refer to JSC Latvijas kuģniecība and remain
effective also after JSC Latvijas kuģniecība registration in the Commercial
3. Item of Agenda.
Approval of the new Articles of Association
1) To approve the new version of JSC Latvijas kuģniecība Articles of
Association (_____ pages, Enclosure _____).
2) To resolve that new version of Articles of Association of JSC Latvijas
kuģniecība shall become effective from the day, when registered by to the
Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia (the Commercial Register
3) To authorise joint stock company JSC Latvijas kuģniecība Board of Directors
to pass decision in order to eliminate reasons for postponement or refusal to
register as stated in the decision of the Notary of the Register of Enterprises,
by respectively amending new version of the Articles of Association of JSC
Latvijas kuģniecība, in the case if the Notary of the Register of Enterprises of
the Republic of Latvia (the Commercial Register Authority) has taken a resolution
to postpone or decline entering JSC Latvijas kuģniecība into the Commercial
Registry, and if such postponement or refusal is due to non-compliance of the new
version of Articles of Association with the legislative acts of the Republic of
Latvia or other defects, and the correction of the defects to the new version of
the Articles of Association does not alter scope of rights and obligations of the
4. Item of Agenda.
1) To authorize Chairman of the Board of the JSC Latvijas kuģniecība
___________________, p.c. _____________, to sign an Application to the Register
of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia (the Commercial Register Authority) to
register the resolutions passed by JSC Latvijas kuģniecība repeated EGM of
Shareholders in the Commercial Register, to ascertain an excerpt from the Minutes
of this EGM, and to sign repeated application and / or complaint to the Register
of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia (the Commercial Register Authority) in
the case of Application for the Registry being declined.;

2) To authorize ___________________________, p.c. _____________, to submit all the
required documentation and supply the required explanations, if demanded, to
register the resolutions passed by JSC Latvijas kuģniecība repeated EGM of
Shareholders in the Commercial Register, and to take out the documents from the
Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia (the Commercial Register Authority).


Joint Stock Company
(new version)
1. Firm
1.1. Company firm is a Joint Stock Company “ LATVIJAS KUĢNIECĪBA”
2. Equity capital and type of shares
2.1. Equity capital of the Company is 200,000,000 LVL (two hundred million lats),
made up from 200,000,000 (two hundred million) dematerialised bearer shares. Nominal
value of one share is 1.00 LVL (one lat). All shares are of the same category, providing
equal voting rights at shareholders general meetings, as well as rights to receive
dividends and liquidation quotes.
3. Board of Directors
3.1. Board of Directors of the Company is made up from five Members of the Board.
Chairman of the Board has been assigned full rights and he may represent the Company
separately, without special authorisation and independently from other Board Members.
Other Board Members have rights to represent Company only jointly with at least one
other Board Member.
3.2. Board of Directors acts in accordance with the Rules of the Board of Directors.
4. Council
4.1. Company Council consists of twelve members.
4.2. Councils acts in accordance with the Council Rules.
5. Other Provisions
5.1. Shareholders meeting rights to take decisions:
5.1.1. Shareholders Meeting has rights to take decisions, if at least half of the
Company equity capital is represented there. Decisions are passed with majority of
the represented voting shareholders approval, unless law requires higher share of
5.1.2. If the Shareholders Meeting lacks quorum, recurrent Shareholders Meeting is
to be announced within one month period. In such case Shareholders Meeting has rights
to take decisions on all the items covered in Agenda regardless of the Company Equity
capital represented.
5.2. In accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers Decree Nr 642, from 27 December,
2001 “On the Provisions for the Privatisation of the Joint Stock Company in
privatisation “Latvijas Kuģniecība””, Articles of Association shall continue to
contain the following provisions:
5.2.1. the Company shall be registered in the Republic of Latvia, and its management
shall be located in Latvia;
5.2.2. Company shall retain the Company’s name “LATVIJAS KUĢNIECĪBA”;
5.2.3. Company shall retain jobs at the shore units and on the ships owned by the
Holding Company and the Holding Company’s enterprises, as well as shall not change
the crew recruitment policy (crewing mainly by seamen employed at the Holding Company
and the Holding Company’s enterprises - citizens and residents of Latvia). The Company
shall ensure financial support to the Latvian Maritime Academy;
5.2.4. Company shall retain its line of business and maintain its fleet, as well as
invest funds in fleet renovation in order to maintain its competitiveness, to ensure
the Company’s growth and increase the Company’s value. The Company’s ships may be sold
in compliance with the generally accepted practice in the shipping business, as well as
due to their ageing or in compliance with strategic decisions of the Company
5.2.5. In accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers Decree, pursuant to the Cabinet of
Ministers Order No. 394 “On the Debt Obligations of the State Stock Company in
Privatisation “Latvenergo” and the State Stock Company in Privatisation “Latvian Shipping
Company””, dated on 5th August 1998, neither the Company nor its stockholders, nor any
other legal successors to the rights and obligations of the Company or its stockholders,
shall have any right to any claims, objections or liabilities against the Stock Company
in Privatisation “Latvenergo”, or to any legal successor to its rights and obligations,
the Government of Latvia or any governmental institution, pursuant to the Council of
Ministers Decision No. 89 “On Debts of Particular State Enterprises”, dated on 22nd
February 1993, the Council of Ministers Decision No. 354 “On Payments of the State
Enterprise “Latvenergo” to the State Enterprise “Latvian Shipping Company””, dated on
6th July 1993, and the Cabinet of Ministers Order No. 568 “On Debts of the State Stock
Company “Latvenergo””, dated on 11th October 1995
5.3. In accordance with the Regulations Nr. 17/173 “Privatisation Regulations of
the State Share Company for the Privatisation “Latvijas Kuģniecība” “, passed by the
Board of the Privatisation Agency on January 18, 2002, Articles of Association shall
continue to contain the following provisions:
5.3.1. After the privatisation process, the Company shall act in accordance with
Subsection 14.1 of the Privatisation Regulations;
5.3.2. 8% of shares owned by one shareholder or several shareholders jointly entitle
to one seat at the Council of the Company.
5.4. Board of Directors requires Council consent to pass decisions on the following
5.4.1. approval of the annual regular budget, business plan and investment programme;
5.4.2. approval of the Rules for the Board of Directors;
5.4.3. acquiring participation in other companies and increasing or decreasing such
5.4.4. acquisition or alienation of undertakings;
5.4.5. opening or closing of branches and representative offices;
5.4.6. acquisition of immovable property, alienation or encumbering rights pertaining
to property;
5.4.7. concluding of such transactions as exceed the amounts specified in the Rules for
the Board of Directors;
5.4.8. issuing of such loans as are not related to the usual commercial activities of
the company, issuing of sureties, conclusion of assignment agreements;
5.4.9. issuing loans to employees of the company;
5.4.10. starting new kinds of activities or ceasing existing activities.
5.5. Shareholders Meeting can elect 5 (five) controllers to carry out internal
audit and control for the period not exceeding 3 (three) years, as well as to set
their remuneration.

JSC „Latvijas Kuģniecība”
Chairman of the Board

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