Atnaujinta: 2024.07.20 13:05 (GMT+3)

KLV: AS Kalev Won in Supreme Court

2004.11.03, Kalev, TLN
Kalev                             ANNOUNCEMENT                          03.11.2004

AS Kalev Won in Supreme Court

On 01.11.2004, the Supreme Court ruled not to satisfy the appeal in cassation
submitted by AS Milestone, a shareholder of AS Kalev, against the judgement made
by Tallinn Circuit Court on 31.03.2004.

In January 2003, AS Milestone filed a statement of claim to the court in order to
invalidate the resolution adopted by the general meeting of AS Kalev on
08.12.2002 concerning the acquisition of own shares. AS Milestone found that the
resolution was in conflict with the requirements of the Commercial Code and votes
of the shareholders acting in accordance with the director of AS Kalev, who
allegedly has dominant influence, were unlawfully considered as part of the
quorum of the general meeting when the resolution was adopted.

Tallinn Circuit Court found that the resolution of the general meeting of
shareholders is not in conflict with the Commercial Code and that the law had not
been breached when considering the votes of the shareholders who participated in
the meeting as part of the quorum.

With its ruling made yesterday, the Supreme Court agreed with the opinion of the
Circuit Court that the disputed resolution of the general meeting is not in
conflict with the provision of the Commercial Code that regulates the acquisition
of own shares.
Unlike AS Milestone, the Supreme Court agreed with the viewpoints of the Circuit
Court and AS Kalev, that an opinion of the resolution of the general meeting had
to be given in accordance with the laws valid at the time when the general
meeting was held. The Supreme Court agreed with the Circuit Court that since the
director of AS Kalev had no dominant influence in the meaning of the Securities
Market Act, then there were no grounds for exclusion of the shareholder votes
referred to in the statement of claim submitted by AS Milestone from the quorum
of the general meeting.

Considering the above, the Supreme Court did not amend the judgement of Tallinn
Circuit Court from 31.03.2004 and did not satisfy the appeal in cassation of AS
Milestone and ordered that AS Milestone compensate to AS Kalev all the litigation
costs incurred in the cassation stage.

Attorney Leon Glikman from Law Office Teder Glikman & Partners, who represented
AS Kalev in the Supreme Court, said that Tallinn City Court is processing several
other similar claims of AS Milestone, which were postponed because courts of
lower instance wanted to wait for the mandatory judgement of the Supreme Court.
Since the claims of AS Milestone against AS Kalev are based on the argumentation
of the Supreme Court that is final and not a subject to appeal, then they lack
actual perspective. Attorney Leon Glikman does not exclude the possibility that
in such a relatively hopeless process situation, AS Milestone will waive its
other similar claims.

Ruth Roht
PR Manager
6 077 858

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