Atnaujinta: 2024.07.20 11:05 (GMT+3)

BIG: BIG Emits Bonds in the Amount of 10 Million Kroons

2004.11.29, Bigbank, TLN
Balti Investeeringute Grupp        ANNOUNCEMENT                      29.11.2004

BIG Emits Bonds in the Amount of 10 Million Kroons

AS Baltic Investment Group will emit bonds in the amount of 10 million kroons
with maturity of one year and the date of redemption being 30 November 2005. The
selling price of the bonds is 9381.72 kroons and the redemption price is 10 000
kroons. Bonds are discounted and interest is not paid on them.

The primary distribution of the bonds will be carried out by direct sale; in
conjunction with §12.2.4 of the Securities Market Act there will be no public
tendering procedure. The tender will commence on November 26, 2004 and will end
on November 29, 2004. The tender will occur on the basis of AS Baltic Investment
Group's decision of November 25, 2004.

The volume of subscription bonds must be at least 630 000 kroons per investor. A
purchasing tender with a smaller volume of the subscription bonds shall be
considered invalid. If the emission is subscribed in excess, the issue bonds
shall be distributed to investors as proportionally as possible to the amounts
desired in the purchasing tender, but not less than 630 000 kroons per investor.
If the emission is undersubscribed, the volume of the emission shall be decreased
to the amount desired in a subscription certificate or the emission shall be
withdrawn by a decision of the issuer.

The rate of the return on the bond will be 6.5% per year. The issuer's payment
obligations arising from the bonds are the issuer's unsecured bond obligations
which are pari passu equivalent to all the issuer's other unsecured bond

The underwriter will be AS Sampo Pank.
The funds involved in the emission will be used for granting credits.

Targo Raus
Chairman of the Board
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