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GZE: About repeated extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of JSC “Latvijas Gaze”

2004.12.06, Latvijas Gāze, RIG
Latvijas Gaze                                               06.12.2004.

About repeated extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of JSC “Latvijas Gaze”

JSC "Latvijas Gaze" informs that on 3 December 2004 extraordinary Meeting
of Shareholders of JSC “Latvijas Gaze” took place. The Meeting of Shareholders
resolved the following:

To approve JSC “Latvijas Gaze” budget for the year 2005.

To register JSC “Latvijas Gaze” in the Commercial Register. To determine that
all rights and liabilities, resolutions adopted by the managing institutions
of joint stock company “Latvijas Gaze”, as well as other circumstances related
to the activity of joint stock company “Latvijas Gaze” refer to the joint
stock company “Latvijas Gaze” and are effective also after the registration
of JSC “Latvijas Gaze” in the Commercial Register.

Due to that the extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of JSC “Latvijas Gaze”
on 3 December 2004 have not considered all the items on the agenda announced
due to insufficient quorum, to assign the Board of Directors of JSC “Latvijas
Gaze” to convene repeated Meeting of Shareholders of JSC “Latvijas Gaze” by
determining 15 December 2004 as the date for the repeated Meeting of
Shareholders of JSC “Latvijas Gaze” and including the following items to the
1) About conversion of JSC “Latvijas Gaze” shares.
2) About amendments to the Articles of Association of JSC “Latvijas Gaze”.
3) About the composition of the Board of Directors of JSC “Latvijas Gaze”.
4) Other issues related to the registration of JSC “Latvijas Gaze” in the
Commercial Register.

We inform that according to the resolution of the extraordinary Meeting of
Shareholders of JSC “Latvijas Gaze” on 3 December 2004 the Board of Directors
of joint stock company “Latvijas Gaze” has convened repeated extraordinary
Meeting of Shareholders of JSC “Latvijas Gaze” on 15 December 2004, at 10.00
o’clock Riga, Kugu Street 24, at the hotel “Radisson SAS Daugava Hotel”.

1. About conversion of JSC “Latvijas Gaze” shares.
2. About amendments to the Articles of Association of JSC “Latvijas Gaze”.
3. About the composition of the Board of Directors of JSC “Latvijas Gaze”.
4. Other issues related to the registration of JSC “Latvijas Gaze” in the
Commercial Register.

Shareholder Registration will be open from 9.00 till 10.00 on the meeting day –
15 December 2004 - at the venue of the meeting.

The shareholders may participate in the meeting in a person, or by delegating a
representative or a proxy:

- Shareholders having a securities account with a bank or a brokerage
company shall present, upon registration, a passport or a personal
identification document and a receipt confirming blocking of shares on the
- Shareholders having their securities deposited at the initial register
shall present, upon registration, a passport or a personal identification document.
- Representatives and proxies shall present a written proxy and a
personal identification document upon registration, in case if the shareholder
represented has securities account with a bank or a brokerage company shall
also present a receipt issued by a bank of a brokerage company certifying
blocking of shares on the account. Proxies issued by private individuals shall
be certified by a notary public.

Shareholders of JSC “Latvijas Gāze” shall apply for blocking shares on their
accounts not later by 8 December 2004 (by the end of the business day).

Draft resolutions on the agenda is available upon a request of shareholders of
JSC “Latvijas Gaze” starting from 4 December till 14 December at premises of
JSC “Latvijas Gaze”, A.Briana Street 6, Riga, on all business days from 10.00
till 16.00 by applying on the previous day by phone +371 7369126, and at
Registration on the meeting day at hotel “Radisson SAS Daugava Hotel Rīga”.

Adrians Dāvis
Chairman of the
Board of Directors

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