Atnaujinta: 2024.07.20 05:00 (GMT+3)

SKU: New Chairman of the Executive Board

2005.01.12, Saku Õlletehas, TLN
Saku Õlletehas         ANNOUNCEMENT               12.01.2005

Chairman of the Executive Board

Today Mr Cardo Remmel, the Chairman of the Executive Board,
submitted an application to the Supervisory Board to resign
from his current position.
Supervisory Board was also announced by Mr Jaak Uus about
his will to accept the offered position as a new Chairman of
Executive Board in Saku Brewery Ltd.
The Supervisory board decided to accept Mr Remmel`s
application and to recall Mr Remmel from his current
position starting the date, when there will be a new
Chairman of the Executive Board appointed.

According Mr Uus`s submitted application, the Supervisory
Board appointed Jaak Uus to the Chairman of Executive Board
position starting January 13, 2005.

Mr Remmel accepted the proposal made by the Supervisory
Board to continue his work as a Supervisory Board member.
The Supervisory Board will enclose this proposal into agenda
of the next regular general meeting of shareholders.

Cardo Remmel has worked as a General Manager of Saku Brewery
since 1987. Since 1987 as a General Director for Saku
Experimental Brewery. Since 1991, when was established joint
venture Saku Brewery as a General Manager. Since 1995. as a
Chairman of Executive Board for Saku Brewery Ltd.
1993. was launched the first and the most well known
Estonian premium beer brand Saku Originaal (By EMOR
research). The brewery has been the leading brewery in
Estonia since the beginning of 1990es.

Jaak Uus has worked for Tobaccoland Eesti AS as a Chairman
of the Executive Board and General Manager since 2000.
1999 to 2000 as a Chairman of the Executive Board
and General Manager for
Swedish Match Eesti AS/Austria Tabak Eesti AS. 1995 to
1999 as a Sales Director/ Member of the Executive Board
(since 1997) for AS Kalev.

Neither both, Cardo Remmel and Jaak Uus don`t own shares of
Saku Brewery Ltd.

Kristina Seimann
Communication manager
+372 6508 303

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