Atnaujinta: 2024.07.20 01:05 (GMT+3)

SPO: Business results of the Consolidated Group of AS Sampo Pank, Year 2004

2005.02.17, Sampo Pank, TLN
AS SAMPO PANK                     FINANCIAL REPORTS                     17.02.2005

Business results of the Consolidated Group of AS Sampo Pank 12 months of 2004

According to Härmo Värk, Chairman of Sampo Pank's Management Board, the year 2004
was a successful one: "In favourable economic conditions loans granted by Sampo
Pank increased by about 39%, whereas loans to private persons experienced an
annual increase of 52%. We also achieved a faster growth in client deposits, one
of our priority areas. The total client deposits increased by more than EEK 1
billion or almost 27% during the year. Due to improved efficiency of the Group's
operations and the fast growth of its business volumes the Group's net profit
increased by 24% in 2004, amounting to EEK 107.8 million at year-end and the
number of Sampo Pank's clients reached 110 000. In 2005 we continue to focus on
profitably increasing our business volumes and customer base."


Total assets of the Consolidated Group of AS Sampo Pank (hereinafter the Group)
amounted to 9.7 billion at the end of 2004, an increase of 34.8% or EEK 2.5
billion over the year. This increase was mainly generated by the growth of the
loan portfolio.

In 2004, similar changes took place in the structure of the Group's assets and
liabilities as in the prior year. The share of loans in the assets increased by
2.5 percentage points to 74.1% and the share of client deposits in the
liabilities decreased by 4.1 percentage points to 56.3%. The latter decrease
resulted from the fast growth in external financing.

Securities and Liquid Assets

Total liquid assets amounted to EEK 2.2 billion at the end of 2004, accounting
for 22.6% of the Group's total assets (24.3% in 2003). This was an annual
increase of 25.3% or EEK 441.4 million.

The securities portfolio dominated in the structure of liquid assets at the end
of 2004, accounting for 51.6% (38.6% in 2003). Cash and demand deposits with
banks made up 48.3% (46.6% in 2003) of liquid assets.

The portfolio of liquid securities exceeded EEK 1.1 billion at year-end of 2004,
an annual increase of 67.8% or EEK 456.5 million. The share of government bonds
that comprised 44.9% of the total portfolio increased most. The composition of
the rest of the portfolio was as follows: debt securities issued by credit and
financial institutions 36.7% and other debt securities (mainly international
corporations' debt securities with high investment grade) 18.5%.


As a result of the Group's continued active lending, the gross loan portfolio
increased considerably for the second consecutive year: in 2003 by 40.0% or EEK
1.5 billion and in 2004 by 38.9% or EEK 2.0 billion, respectively. At the end of
2004, the Group's gross loan portfolio amounted to EEK 7.3 billion.

As for the structure of borrowers, the previous year's trends continued to
prevail. The growth rate of loans to private persons exceeded that of loans to
companies, whereas loans to private persons accounted for 42.8% (39.1% in 2003)
of the loan portfolio. The share of loans to companies declined to 54.1% (57.7%
in 2003).

Loans to private persons experienced an annual increase of 51.9% or EEK 1.1
billion, totalling EEK 3.1 billion at the end of 2004. The increase is primarily
attributable to growth in mortgage loans that comprised 83.1% of the total
portfolio. At the same time, growth in consumer financing continued.

The great interest of private persons in borrowing can be explained by favourable
loan conditions as well as the improving economic environment. The average
interest rate of mortgage loans granted during the year declined by 10 percentage
points due to the fall of the 6 months Euribor and a decrease in loan margins. In
2004, the average maturity of mortgage loans was about 17 years.

Although the share of loans to companies in the total loan portfolio has declined
continuously in recent years, loans granted to companies for the implementation
of long-term investment projects as well as for the funding of working capital
still make up the largest part of the Group's loan portfolio. At the end of 2004,
loans to companies amounted to EEK 3.9 billion, an annual increase of 30.1% or
EEK 913.3 million.

By economic sectors, the share of the real estate sector in the Group's total
loan portfolio is the greatest, comprising 56.4% at the end of 2004 (43.9% in
2003). The Group's total loans to the real estate sector amounted to EEK 4.1
billion, whereof mortgage loans to private persons accounted for 64.0%.

The percentage of other major economic sectors in the Group's loan portfolio was
as follows: industry 12% and wholesale & retail trade 9.9%, respectively. The
share of the industrial sector decreased by 5.0 percentage points and the share
of the trade sector declined by 2.7 percentage points from the prior year.

Allowances for Loan Impairment and Overdue Loans

Allowances for loan impairment represented 1.65% of the gross loan portfolio at
the end of 2004 (2.05% in 2003). The decrease was related to the improved quality
of the loan portfolio and the positive developments in Estonia's economy in
recent years.

The share of overdue loans in the gross loan portfolio accounted for 5.9% at the
end of 2004 (9.5% in 2003). Allowances for loan impairment comprised 27.5% of
overdue loans at year-end 2004 (21.1% in 2003).

Fixed and Other Assets

Intangible and tangible assets comprised 1.6% of the Group's assets at the end of
2004, as compared to 2.0% at the end of 2003. In 2004, intangible and tangible
assets increased by EEK 4.0 million or 69.9% and by EEK 2.1 million or 1.5%,
respectively. The increase in intangible assets was caused by the implementation
of various banking technology development projects. Residual value of intangible
and tangible assets was EEK 9.6 million and EEK 143.7 million, respectively.

Other assets decreased by 0.5% in 2004, amounting to EEK 53.9 million and
accounting for 0.6% of the Group's total assets.

Liabilities and Owners' Equity

The Group's liabilities increased by EEK 2.4 billion or 35.9% in 2004, amounting
to EEK 9.1 billion.

The most important source of financing for the Group were client deposits and
loans from banks, accounting for 56.3% (60.4% in 2003) and 33.2% of the Group's
liabilities (16.6% in 2003), respectively. The share of other liabilities (incl.
issued debt securities 3.1% and subordinated liabilities 2.7%) comprised of about
10% of the Group's liabilities.

Client Deposits

In 2004, the Group achieved rather strong growth in deposits over the prior year.
The total volume of client deposits increased by EEK 1.1 billion or 26.8% (EEK
0.5 billion or 13.6% in 2003), reaching EEK 5.1 billion by the end of 2004. The
increase can be largely attributed to the growth of private company deposits,
whereas the strongest growth was achieved in demand deposits.

Time and demand deposits grew almost equally, amounting to EEK 542.2 million (an
annual increase of 28.0%) and EEK 536.3 million (an annual increase of 25.6%),
respectively. As at the end of 2004, time deposits totalled EEK 2.5 billion
(48.5% of total deposits) and demand deposits amounted to EEK 2.6 billion (51.5%
of total deposits).

No significant changes occurred in the structure of deposits. Private company
deposits made up 57.4% (60.3% in 2003) and deposits of private persons comprised
26.2% (26.0% in 2003) of total deposits.

Deposits of private persons almost maintained the prior year's growth. Total
deposits of private persons, reaching EEK 1.3 billion at the end of 2004,
experienced an annual increase of 27.5% or EEK 289.1 million. This growth is
primarily attributable to a 34.4% (EEK 218.2 million) increase in time deposits
that amounted to EEK 853.2 million at year-end of 2004. As for the term of
depositing, the preferences of clients remained almost unchanged from the prior
year - the duration of the majority of deposit agreements did not exceed one
year. In 2004, demand deposits of private persons increased by 17.1% or EEK 70.9
million, totalling EEK 485.5 million.

Private company deposits increased by 20.8% or EEK 506.0 million in 2004,
amounting to EEK 2.9 billion. The increase in private company demand deposits
exceeded that of private company time deposits. Private company demand deposits
increased by 21.7% or EEK 351.5 million and private company time deposits grew by
19.1% or EEK 154.5 million. At year-end 2004, private company demand deposits
totalled EEK 2.0 billion, accounting for 75.0% of total demand deposits, and
private company time deposits amounted to EEK 962.4 million, accounting for
38.8% of total time deposits.

Issued Debt Securities and Loans from Banks

Loans from banks increased by EEK 1.9 billion or 171.6%, reaching EEK 3.0 billion
at year-end 2004. The volume of issued debt securities totalled EEK 284.6
million, experiencing a decrease of EEK 637.4 million or 69,1% due to redemption.

Equity and Subordinated Liabilities

The Group's equity increased by 20.7% or EEK 107.8 million due to the profit
earned in 2004, amounting to EEK 628.6 million. Subordinated liabilities
increased by 16.6% or EEK 35.4 million, totalling EEK 249.3 million.

The Group's capital adequacy was 11.1% at the end of 2004 (12.6% in 2003). The
Tier I Ratio was 7.7% in 2004 (8.9% in 2003).


The Group's net profit increased by 24.4% or EEK 21.2 million in 2004, amounting
to EEK 107.8 million. Return on equity increased by 0.8 percentage points to
18.5%, while return on assets remained at the previous year's level of 1.3%.

The Group's total income which includes net interest income, net fee and
commission income and other non-interest income increased by 17.9% or EEK 63.6
million in 2004, amounting to EEK 418.3 million. Net interest income accounted for
69.5% (69.3% in 2003), net fee and commission income 21.1% (18.9%) and other
non-interest income 9.4% (11.8%) of the Group's total income.

Net interest income increased by 18.2% or EEK 44.7 million, totalling EEK 290.5
million in 2004. Net fee and commission income increased by 31.2% or EEK 21.0
million, reaching EEK 88.1 million. Other non-interest income decreased by 5.0%
or EEK 2.1 million, amounting to EEK 39.6 million.

In the structure of non-interest income, income from foreign exchange
transactions accounted for 5.6% (6.8% in 2003), income from securities 1.3%
(2.3%) and other operating income 2.6% (2.7%) of the Group's total income in

Interest Income and Expense

The Group's interest income amounted to EEK 445.0 million in 2004, an annual
increase of 14.0% or EEK 54.7 million. The rise principally resulted from the
growth of the volume of interest earning assets and the increased share of the
loan portfolio in interest earning assets. At the same time, the Group's average
return on interest earning assets declined by 0.8 percentage points to 5.6%.

Interest income on total assets decreased by 0.6 percentage points to 5.3% in
2004 due to intensive growth of assets and declining loan interest rates.

The Group's interest expense amounted to EEK 154.4, an increase of 6.9% or EEK
10.0 million. This increase was caused by the increase in interest bearing
liabilities. The average price of interest bearing liabilities declined by 0.4
percentage points to 2.1%.

The Group's interest spread was 3.5% in 2004 (3.8% in 2003). Net interest margin
after allowances decreased to 3.1% in 2004 (from 3.5% in 2003).

Allowances for Loan Impairment

Allowances for loan impairment made in 2004 totalled EEK 28.2 million (EEK 17.5
million in 2003). At the same time EEK 1.1 million was recovered from the write-
offs of previous years which was EEK 0.2 million less than in the prior year. Net
loan allowances amounted to EEK 27.1 million in 2004 (EEK 16.1 million in 2003).

Fee and Commission Income and Expense, Currency Exchange

The Group's fee and commission income increased by 37.4% or EEK 33.4 million in
2004, totalling EEK 122.7 million. This increase primarily resulted from the
increase in the arrangement fees from loan and guarantee agreements due to the
fast growth of the loan portfolio.

Fees and commissions paid by the Group amounted to EEK 34.5 million, an increase
of 56.1% or EEK 12.4 million over the prior year. This increase is largely
attributable to the growth of the volume of card transactions.

Net fee and commission income totalled EEK 88.1 million, a gain of 31.2% or EEK
21.0 million.

The breakdown of the Group's fee and commission income for 2004 was as follows:
fee and commission income from cash and bank operations 25.5% (31.5% in 2003),
arrangement fees from loan and guarantee agreements 34.0% (28.9% in 2003), fees
from card transactions 18,0% (19.6% in 2003), fees and commissions from
investment services 16.4% (11.8% in 2003) and other fees and commissions 6.1%
(8.2% in 2003).

Fee and commission income from bank operations increased by 11.0% or EEK 2.8
million, amounting to EEK 28.1 million. At the same time, fees and commissions
paid for bank operations increased by 14.8% or EEK 0.9 million, totalling EEK 6.8
million. Net fee and commission income from bank operations increased by 9.9% or
EEK 1.9 million, amounting to EEK 21.3 million. The total volume of payments made
by clients increased by 26.0% over the year.

Net fee and commission income from cash operations increased by 13.5% or EEK 0.3
million in 2004, totalling EEK 2.2 million.

Arrangement fees from loan and guarantee agreements, the greatest source of fee
and commission income, experienced a substantial increase of 61.7% or EEK 15.9
million during the year, amounting to EEK 41.8 million at the end of 2004.

The Group's fee and commission income from card transactions gained by 26.2% or
EEK 4.6 million due to the increased number of bank cards as well as the growth
of the volume of card payments in 2004, totalling EEK 22.0 million. At the same
time, fee and commission expense related to card transactions increased by 77.3%
or EEK 9.3 million, amounting to EEK 21.4 million.

The volume of both card payments and cash withdrawals from ATMs increased by
44.0% and 19.1%, respectively. The number of debit and credit cards (incl.
instalment loan cards) issued by the Group increased by 15.1% and 35.2%,

Fees and commissions from investment services achieved the highest growth rate
for the second consecutive year. In 2004, fees and commissions from investment
services totalled EEK 20.1 million, an increase of 91.3% or EEK 9.6 million.
This significant growth is mainly attributable to the increased number of clients
who have joined Sampo's Pillar II pension funds and the resulting growth in

Income from foreign exchange transactions remained almost at the previous year's
level, amounting to 23.6 million, a decrease of 1.6% or EEK 0.4 million.

Other Non-Interest Income

Total other non-interest income earned by the Group in 2004 amounted to EEK 16.0
million, a decrease of 9.6% or EEK 1.7 million.

Operating Expenses

The Group's non-interest expense increased by 12.5% or EEK 31.5 million,
totalling EEK 283.4 million. However, at the same time cost efficiency
improved. The Group's cost/income ratio declined from 71.0% in 2003 to 67.8% in
2004 and the ratio of non- interest expense to average assets decreased from
3.8% in 2003 to 3.4% in 2004.

No significant changes occurred in the structure of the Group's non-interest
expense in 2004. Personnel expenses represented the largest share of the Group's
non-interest expense, accounting for 50.8% (51.8% in 2003), followed by other
administrative expenses 36.5% (39.3%), depreciation 7.9% (6.4%) and other
operating expenses 4.7% (2.5%).

Personnel expenses totalled EEK 144.1 million, an increase of 10.4% or EEK 13.6
million. The growth mainly resulted from the increased number of employees and
higher salaries. In 2004, the average number of employees increased by 6.5% to
493 people.

In 2004, the largest expense items in other administrative expenses were
communication and data processing expenses, comprising 30.5% (32.7% in 2003),
advertising expenses, forming 14.9% (18.0%) and premises' rent and maintenance
expenses, making up 20.4% (18.1%) of other administrative expenses.

Communication and data processing expenses decreased by 2.2% or EEK 0.7 million
during the year, totalling EEK 31.6 million. Advertising expenses decreased by
13.4% or EEK 2.4 million, amounting to EEK 15.4 million. Premises' rent and
maintenance expenses grew by 18,5% or EEK 3.3 million, totalling EEK 21.2

Depreciation totalled EEK 22.3 million in 2004, a growth of 38.1% or EEK 6.2
million, largely due to the investments made in banking technology and intangible

(unaudited, in thousands)
31.12.04 31.12.03 31.12.04 31.12.03

Cash 54 769 55 659 3 500 3 557
Claims and loans 8 185 271 6 167 727 523 133 394 189
Claims and loans
to central bank 500 180 612 807 31 967 39 165
Claims and loans to
credit institutions 503 326 404 902 32 168 25 878
Claims and loans to
clients of credit institution 5 565 782 3 950 372 355 717 252 474
Claims and loans to clients
of leasing enterprises 1 736 683 1 307 424 110 994 83 559
Claims from insurance and
reinsurance activities 0 0 0 0
Other claims 0 0 0 0
Allowance for claims
and loans - 120 700 - 107 778 - 7 714 - 6 888
Debt securities 1 125 912 662 601 71 959 42 348
Shares and other
securities 35 290 39 886 2 255 2 549
Investments in associates 0 0 0 0
Other shares 29 607 37 265 1 892 2 382
Derivatives 5 683 2 621 363 168
Intangible assets 9 615 5 659 615 362
Consolidated goodwill 0 0 0 0
Other intangible assets 9 615 5 659 615 362
Tangible assets 143 749 141 657 9 187 9 054
Investment property 12 914 13 239 825 846
Settlements with
shareholders 0 0 0 0
Other assets 53 908 54 163 3 445 3 462
Prepayments and
accured income 80 262 57 981 5 130 3 706
TOTAL ASSETS 9 701 690 7 198 572 620 049 460 071

Amounts owed 8 137 045 5 157 689 520 051 329 636
Amounts owed to
the central bank 0 0 0 0
Amounts owed to the
credit institutions 3 015 836 1 110 250 192 747 70 958
Amounts owed to the clients
of credit institutions 5 110 060 4 031 512 326 592 257 660
Amounts owed from insurance
and reinsurance activities 0 0 0 0
Other amounts owed 11 149 15 927 713 1 018
Liabilities related
to securities 331 442 995 593 21 183 63 630
Issued debt securities 284 618 922 059 18 190 58 930
Derivatives 46 824 73 534 2 993 4 700
Other liabilities related
to securities 0 0 0 0
Other liabilities 198 169 169 277 12 665 10 819
Accruals and
deferred income 157 115 141 296 10 041 9 030
Provisions 0 0 0 0
Technical provisions for
insurance activities 0 0 0 0
Pension reserve 0 0 0 0
Other provisions 0 0 0 0
Subordinated liabilities 249 281 213 849 15 932 13 667
Minority interests 0 0 0 0
Total liabilities 9 073 052 6 677 704 579 872 426 782
Share capital 323 111 323 111 20 651 20 651
Paid in capital over par 17 081 17 081 1 092 1 092
General banking reserve 0 0 0 0
Mandatory reserve 9 025 4 695 577 300
Other reserves 0 0 0 0
Unrealised rate
differences 0 0 0 0
Profit or loss retained 171 651 89 382 10 970 5 713
Profit or loss for
the financial year 107 770 86 599 6 888 5 535
Own shares 0 0 0 0
Total owners´equity 628 638 520 868 40 177 33 289
OWNERS´EQUITY 9 701 690 7 198 572 620 049 460 071

(unaudited, in thousands of kroons)
31.12.04 31.12.03 2004 Q4 2003 Q4

Interest income 427 680 371 774 120 551 97 881
Interest income from
banking activities 323 732 284 664 91 376 74 381
Interest income
from leasing activities 103 933 87 110 29 171 23 500
Other interest income 15 0 4 0
Interest expense 154 410 144 419 41 084 34 109
Interest expense from
banking activities 154 350 144 315 41 071 34 088
Interest expense from
leasing activities 60 104 13 21
Other interest expense 0 0 0 0
Net interest income (loss) (+/-) 273 270 228 259 79 467 64 676
Income and expenses
from insurance activities 0 0 0 0
Insurance premiums 0 0 0 0
Insurance compensations and
change in reserves 0 0 0 0
Income from securities 0 1 099 0 0
Equity method gains (losses) (+/-) 0 0 0 0
Profit/loss from sales of
long-term securities 0 1 099 0 0
Dividends on long-term securities 0 0 0 0
Net fee and commission income 88 133 67 176 13 726 15 079
Fee and commission income 122 674 89 300 30 741 22 226
Fee and commission expense 34 541 22 124 17 015 7 147
Net profit (loss) on financial
operations (+/-) 46 136 49 331 12 047 11 061
Profit/income 46 136 49 331 12 047 11 061
Loss/expense 0 0 0 0
General administrative expenses 247 695 229 495 82 981 74 114
Salaries expense 107 758 98 065 31 363 27 646
Social security expense 36 356 32 484 10 831 9 160
Pension expense (non-state) 0 0 0 0
Other administrative expenses 103 581 98 946 40 787 37 308
Value adjustments in
investment property and tangible
and intangible fixed assets (+/-) - 22 321- 16 162 - 8 160 - 4 556
Profit/income 0 0 0 0
Loss/expense 22 321 16 162 8 160 4 556
Value adjustments in loans
and off-balance sheet items (+/-) - 27 095- 16 146 - 6 977 - 4 309
Profit/income 1 124 1 306 385 652
Loss/expense 28 219 17 452 7 362 29 943
Value adjustments in
long-term investments (+/-) 0 0 0 0
Income 0 0 0 0
Expense 0 0 0 0
Other operating income (+/-) - 2 658 3 441 - 1 769 132
Other operating revenue 10 761 9 723 7 062 2 204
Other operating expenses 13 419 6 282 8 831 2 072
income/expenses (+/-) 0 0 0 0
Extraordinary income 0 0 0 0
Extraordinary expenses 0 0 0 0
Profit before taxes (+/-) 107 770 86 599 5 353 7 065
Income tax expenses 0 0 0 0
Income tax for reporting period 0 0 0 0
Change in deferred
income tax liability (+/-) 0 0 0 0
Minority share of profits 0 0 0 0
REPORTING PERIOD (+/-) 107 770 86 599 5 353 7 065

(unaudited, in thousands of euros)
31.12.04 31.12.03 2004 Q4 2003 Q4

Interest income 27 334 23 761 7 705 6 256
Interest income from
banking activities 20 690 18 193 5 840 4 754
Interest income
from leasing activities 6 643 5 567 1 864 1 502
Other interest income 1 0 0 0
Interest expense 9 869 9 230 2 626 2 180
Interest expense from
banking activities 9 865 9 223 2 625 2 179
Interest expense from
leasing activities 4 7 1 1
Other interest expense 0 0 0 0
Net interest income (loss) (+/-) 17 465 14 588 5 079 4 134
Income and expenses
from insurance activities 0 0 0 0
Insurance premiums 0 0 0 0
Insurance compensations and
change in reserves 0 0 0 0
Income from securities 0 70 0 0
Equity method gains (losses) (+/-) 0 0 0 0
Profit/loss from sales of
long-term securities 0 70 0 0
Dividends on long-term securities 0 0 0 0
Net fee and commission income 5 633 4 293 877 964
Fee and commission income 7 840 5 707 1 965 1 421
Fee and commission expense 2 208 1 414 1 087 457
Net profit (loss) on financial
operations (+/-) 2 949 3 153 770 707
Profit/income 2 949 3 153 770 707
Loss/expense 0 0 0 0
General administrative expenses 15 831 14 667 5 303 4 737
Salaries expense 6 887 6 267 2 004 1 767
Social security expense 2 324 2 076 692 585
Pension expense (non-state) 0 0 0 0
Other administrative expenses 6 620 6 324 2 607 2 384
Value adjustments in
investment property and tangible
and intangible fixed assets (+/-) - 1 427 - 1 033 - 522 - 291
Profit/income 0 0 0 0
Loss/expense 1 427 1 033 522 291
Value adjustments in loans
and off-balance sheet items (+/-) - 1 732 - 1 032 - 446 - 275
Profit/income 72 83 25 42
Loss/expense 1 804 1 115 471 1 914
Value adjustments in
long-term investments (+/-) 0 0 0 0
Income 0 0 0 0
Expense 0 0 0 0
Other operating income (+/-) - 170 220 - 113 8
Other operating revenue 688 621 451 141
Other operating expenses 858 401 564 132
income/expenses (+/-) 0 0 0 0
Extraordinary income 0 0 0 0
Extraordinary expenses 0 0 0 0
Profit before taxes (+/-) 6 888 5 535 342 452
Income tax expenses 0 0 0 0
Income tax for reporting period 0 0 0 0
Change in deferred
income tax liability (+/-) 0 0 0 0
Minority share of profits 0 0 0 0
REPORTING PERIOD (+/-) 6 888 5 535 342 452

Anneli Rõuk
Communication Manager
tel +372 630 2103

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