Atnaujinta: 2024.07.20 01:12 (GMT+3)

BTB: Results of the Auction of Hypothecation bonds of «Baltic Trust Bank»

2005.02.17, GE Money Bank, RIG
Baltic Trust Bank                                          17.02.2005.

Results of the Auction of Hypothecation bonds of «Baltic Trust Bank»

Hypothecation bonds of «Baltic Trust Bank» (BTB) were allocated in full on
Thursday, 10th of February during the auction at Riga Stock Exchange. 12.550
bonds BTB 3YR LVL denominated in lats with redemption date the 1st of December
2007 and 23.000 BTB 5YR USD bonds denominated in dollars with redemption date
the 1st of December 2009 were offered at the auction.

It was the second auction of hypothecation bonds of BTB. We would like to remind
that the first auction was also held at Riga Stock Exchange on the 24th of
November 2004, as a result of which we succeeded to sell approximately 58% of
the total volume of issue in lats and 23% of the total volume of issue in dollars.

Results of the auction are considered as positive in the bank and there is an
optimistic evaluation of future development of this direction.

In is necessary to point out that at the auction the demand for bonds denominated
in lats was almost 2 times bigger than the offer, the bonds have been sold at the
price, which has been a bit higher than the announced minimum price. This fact
evidences attractiveness of hypothecation bonds, trust to the bank and its
stability in the future.

Good results of allocation have been influenced by the fact that the international
agency Moody`s Investors Service LTD had assigned a rating on the level of Ва2 to
the bonds, favourable situation on the financial market as well as the increased
interest to the secured low risk debt securities.

In the nearest future hypothecation bonds allocated during the second auction will
be included in the list of debt securities and will be quoted at Riga Stock Exchange.

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