Atnaujinta: 2024.07.19 23:16 (GMT+3)

SKU: Audited financial results of 2004

2005.02.28, Saku Õlletehas, TLN
SAKU ÕLLETEHASE AS       NEWS RELEASE           28.02.2005

Review of operations for Saku Brewery audited financial
results 2004

Highlights of 2004

In the past financial year Saku Õlletehase AS:
- succeeded in retaining a leading position in the
Estonian beer market (41.6%) despite rapid growth in the
importance of cheaper beers and strong alcohol in the
alcohol market in general;
- began canning Carlsberg in 0.5 litre containers and
attained a leading position in the imported beers segment;
- increased exports to Finland four-fold. Since 1 May
Saku Originaal is distributed in Finland by the largest
Finnish brewery Sinebrychoff OY. The export containers of
Saku Originaal were included in the Finnish packaging
deposit system.
- achieved a two-fold increase in the sales of cider
and long drink and increased related market share

Market and consumption


According to the Estonian Breweries Association, in 2004
the Estonian beer market grew 13.6%, largely thanks to
cheaper beers, including products in PET packaging, and
purchases by Finnish tourists. Saku Brewery’s domestic
beer sales grew 11.6%.

Based on the information of Estonian Breweries
Association, in the past financial year Saku Õlletehase AS
retained its leading position with 41.6% of the market
(2003: 42.4%). By the year-end, the share of products in
glass bottles had declined to 51.7% (2003: 76.6%) whereas
the one of PET packaged products had grown to 34.1% (2003:
12.4%). Increased purchases by Finnish tourists increased
the share of canned beer to 14.2% (2003: 10.9%) of the

In the canned segment, our market share was one half
notwithstanding Finnish producers’ robust penetration to
the Estonian market following Estonia’s accession to the
EU. We entered the PET packaged beer market in October
2003 and according to AC Nielsen in 2004 increased our
share in the segment four-fold (2004: 33.8%; 2003: 8.1%).
The main growth driver was Presidendi line in 2-litre

In the premium segment our market share increased from
49.8% to 52.5%. Growth resulted largely from successful
sales of Carlsberg whose canning was launched in Saku in
February 2004. According to AC Nielsen, in the past
financial year the share of Carlsberg in the premium
segment of the Estonian retail beer market grew from 20%
to 28%. According to AC Nielsen, growth in Saku Brewery’s
share of the premium segment was also facilitated by Saku
Valge, which at the year-end accounted for 7% of the

In the mainstream segment (which includes Saku Originaal,
A Le Coq Premium and Rock), Saku Originaal was the only
major brand which was able to maintain its market share.
It also remained the most popular and best-sold beer brand
in Estonia.

In the strong beers segment, we increased our share from
38% to 41%, largely thanks to successful sales of 2-litre
Presidendi 8.

Cider and long drink

In the past two years Saku Õlletehase AS has increased its
cider and long drink sales substantially, succeeding in
diversifying its revenue base.

According to producers’ associations, in 2004 the domestic
cider market grew 36.8% to 6.4 million litres (2003: 4.7
million litres). The share of our Kiss line increased from
24.4% to 32.3%, mostly thanks to successful product and
packaging development. In terms of litres, cider sales
doubled thanks to market growth and effective competition.
In September Kiss became market leader with a 36.6% share.
The market share of our draught cider grew from 34% to

The Estonian gin long drink market grew from 7.0 million
to 9.8 million litres (39.5%). According to producers’
associations, the market share of Saku Gin Long Drink
leaped from 13.1% in 2003 to 22.4% largely on account of
successful product and packaging development. Sales more
than doubled thanks to market growth and increase in
market share.

Mineral water

According to our estimates, the mineral water market grew
7.8% to 37.4 million litres. The packaged water market
grows at the expense of soft drinks thanks to consumers’
increasing awareness of a healthy lifestyle and a decline
in the use of tap water. In 2004 the market grew first and
foremost thanks to cheaper lines (in 2004 the share of the
so-called economy segment grew from 23.3% to 31.8%) and
the popularity of flavoured waters (during the year the
market share of flavoured waters grew from 34.8% to

On the basis of surveys by AC Nielsen, in 2004 Saku
Brewery’s share in the water market remained stable (2003:
11.9%; 2004: 11.7%).

Soft drinks

According to our estimates, in 2004 the soft drinks market
grew 3.4%. Growth resulted mainly from an increase in the
sales of cheaper local brands. The most notable growth
occurred in local clear lemonades segment, which includes
classical and local fruit flavoured brands. We succeeded
in increasing our market share from 4.7% to 7.6%, largely
thanks to strong sales of the Päikese line, which was
launched in 2003. In 2004 the share of Päikese limps in
the clear lemonades segment was 10.3% and the share of
Päikese kali in the kvass segment was 11.9%.

Performance and operating results

Saku Õlletehase AS ended 2004 with revenues of EEK 531.6
million (€34.0), an EEK 67.5 million (€4.3 million) or
14.5% improvement on 2003. Sales results improved both in
the domestic and export markets, especially in the beer
and other alcoholic beverages (cider, long drink)

In quantitative terms, beverage sales totalled 68.1
million litres, 20% up on 2003, domestic sales accounting
for 58.0 million litres and exports for 10.1 million
litres of the total. With sales of 46.0 million litres and
a 41.6% market share Saku Õlletehase AS remained leader of
the Estonian beer market. Other alcoholic beverages
accounted for 4.3 million litres of beverages sold in the
domestic market, approximately 106% up on 2003.

Expenses grew by EEK 66.8 million (€4.3 million) or 16.7%
to EEK 467.5 million (€29.9 million). The largest growth
occurred in the cost of materials, consumables and
services, mostly because of an increase in output and
sales. In the past financial year the share of products
sold in one-way packaging (pet packaging, cans) roughly
doubled. Therefore, related packaging costs rose
substantially. Increasing operating capacities triggered
growth in transport and personnel expenses.

Operating profit for the period amounted to EEK 64.1
million (€4.1 million), EEK 0.7 million (€0.04 million) or
1.1% up on 2003. Net profit amounted to EEK 50.0 million
(€3.2 million), EEK 4.7 million (€0.3 million) or 8.6%
down from 2003. Net profit formation was materially
affected by dividend tax, which due to the depletion of
the reserve acquired in the tax reform proved
approximately twice as large as in 2003. Earnings per
share amounted to EEK 6.25 (€0.40).

Our direct tax burden was EEK 279.7 million (€17.9
million), including alcohol excise duties of EEK 174.3
million (€11.1 million).


In 2004 we invested EEK 38.9 million (€2.5 million) in
property, plant and equipment and intangibles. Investments
in production and lab facilities totalled EEK 28.4 million
(€1.8 million), the largest projects including completion
of the PET line and technological upgrade of the brew
house. Sales-related investments totalled EEK 9.0 million
(€0.6 million) and investments in computer hard- and
software amounted to EEK 0.5 million (€34,000).


Similarly to previous years, in 2005 our primary objective
is to remain leader of the Estonian beer market and to
continue aggressive expansion in other beverage segments.
In addition, we intend to sustain sales growth and
innovative product and packaging development.

As market leader, we are prepared to change the structure
of the beer market and to improve the competitiveness of
the mainstream and premium segments through innovative
product development and packaging solutions. We will focus
on the mainstream and premium segments but expect to
achieve and maintain a strong position also in other
segments. Furthermore, we intend to sustain aggressive
growth in other markets, especially those of cider and
long drink.

In the near future a major development will be the
packaging deposit system which will apply to beverage
containers as of 1 May 2005. Under the Packaging Act, in
every stage of use, returnable beverage containers are
added a returnable container charge (a deposit), which
adds value to the containers. On successful
implementation, the system will improve recovery of
containers and consumers’ environmental awareness. In the
foundation of the packaging recovery organisation, which
is required for the system, Saku Õlletehase AS cooperates
with AS A. Le Coq Tartu Õlletehas and AS Coca-Cola HBC
Eesti through relevant professional and industrial

In 2005 we will continue investment in production
technologies and sales support. We will complete
investments in our water treatment plant, will upgrade a
part of the filling plant and will complete deposit-system
related adjustments to financial accounting software.
In an environment of sustained consolidation, we will
continue enhancing our internal competencies and will
further improve cooperation and knowledge sharing with the
Baltic and other companies of the BBH group.

(In thousands) EEK €
31.12. 31.12. 31.12. 31.12.
2004 2003 2004 2003

Cash and bank balances 36,461 22,023 2,330 1,408
Trade receivables (Note 2) 43,319 35,308 2,768 2,256
Other receivables and 6,766 5,282 432 337
prepayments (Note 3)
Inventories (Note 4) 109,674 113,652 7,009 7,264
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 196,220 176,265 12,539 11,265

Non-current assets
Long-term financial 11,029 12,705 707 813
investments (Note 5)
Property, plant and 239,295 245,843 15,293 15,712
equipment (Note 6)
Intangible assets (Note 7) 596 719 38 46
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 250,920 259,267 16,038 16,571

TOTAL ASSETS 447,140 435,532 28,577 27,836

Current liabilities
Debt obligations (Note 8) 140 907 9 58
Trade payables 16,266 12,226 1,039 782
Other payables (Note 13) 471 4,600 30 294
Tax liabilities (Note 9) 23,314 15,809 1,490 1,010
Payables to employees 3,095 4,288 198 274
Other accrued expenses 3,078 1,599 196 102
Provisions (Note 10) 24,636 29,582 1,575 1,891
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 71,000 69,011 4,537 4,411

Non-current liabilities
Finance lease liabilities 419 27
(Note 8)

Equity (Note 11)
Share capital 80,000 80,000 5,113 5,113
Compulsory capital reserve 8,000 8,000 511 511
Other reserves 44,070 44,070 2,817 2,817
Retained earnings 194,032 179,262 12,401 11,457
Profit for the period 50,038 54,770 3,198 3,500
TOTAL EQUITY 376,140 366,102 24,040 23,398

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY447,140 435,532 28,577 27,836

(In thousands) EEK €
2004 2003 2004 2003

Sales revenue (Note 12) 530,865 463,362 33,928 29,614
Other revenue (Note 14) 705 736 46 47
Total revenue 531,570 464,098 33,974 29,661

Change in work in progress -6,105 453 -390 29
and finished goods
Materials, consumables and 241,305 185,104 15,422 11,830
services (Note 15)
Other operating expenses 125,292 112,158 8,008 7,168
(Note 15)
Personnel expenses (Note 15) 58,081 52,091 3,712 3,329
Depreciation and 45,025 46,216 2,878 2,954
amortisation charges (Notes
6, 7)
Other expenses (Note 15) 3,915 4,688 250 300
Total expenses 467,513 400,710 29,880 25,610

OPERATING PROFIT 64,057 63,388 4,094 4,051

Financial income and 35 -936 2 -60
expenses (Note 16)

PROFIT BEFORE TAX 64,092 62,452 4,096 3,991

Income tax expense (Note 18) 14,054 7,682 898 491

PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 50,038 54,770 3,198 3,500

Basic earnings per share 6.25 6.85 0.40 0.44
(Note 17)
Diluted earnings per share 6.25 6.85 0.40 0.44
(Note 17)

Kristina Seimann
Communication Manager
+372 6 508 303

+372 6 508 303

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