Atnaujinta: 2024.07.19 21:02 (GMT+3)

BLT: February sales

2005.03.07, Baltika, TLN
AS BALTIKA                ANNOUNCEMENT               07.03.2005

February sales

Baltika's February retail and wholesale totalled 48.9 million EEK (3.1 MEUR), a
22% increase on the same period last year. Retail sales increased by 41% to 35.5
million EEK (2.3 MEUR), with a percentage net turnover of 73%.

The high sales figures were the result of the good early sales performance of the
new spring-summer collections together with a favourable amount of autumn-winter
stock. As a result, the winter sales finished earlier than last year.

Baltika's largest fast fashion brand Monton comprised 51% of February sales,
amounting to 18 million EEK (1.2 MEUR). These figures represent an increase of
10% compared to last year. Baltman had the largest retail increase in February
reaching 71% and 3.8 million EEK (0.5 MEUR). CHR/Evermen had a 60% increase in
retail trade in February reaching 8.8 million EEK (0.6 MEUR).

During February, sales increases were noted in all Baltika's markets, the largest
of which were in Latvia (46%), Ukraine (33%), Estonia and Poland (both 16%).

In February, a factory outlet store in Kiev, Ukraine, was closed.

As of the end of February, Baltika Group has 76 shops in its retail chain.

In February, wholesale turnover totalled 13.4 million EEK (0.9 MEUR), 9% less
that last year. The decrease is due to a switch that was made in Russia from a
wholesale system to the Baltika retail system.

Figures for the first two months of the year show a total consolidated net
turnover totalling 95.1 million EEK (6,1 MEUR), a 19% increase on the same period
last year.

Ülle Järv
Financial Director
+272 6302 731

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