Atnaujinta: 2024.07.19 20:57 (GMT+3)

VNF: JSC “Ventspils nafta” trading under surveillance

2005.03.07, Ventspils nafta, RIG
Riga Stock Exchange                                                                 07.03.2005

JSC “Ventspils nafta” trading under surveillance

Riga Stock Exchange Management Board resolved on its meeting of March 7, 2005, to assign Surveillance
status to JSC “Ventspils Nafta” starting with March 8, 2005. The decision is based on the uncertain
situation when on March 7, 2005 Olga Pētersone, Chairman of “Ventspils Nafta” Management Board, published
via the RSE a statement about possible change of a regulated marketplace, however, failing to specify the
markets for listing and the timeframe.

The information on change of a regulated marketplace is crucial for the investor: depending on the market
where the company seeks listing, the share price as well as the possibility for the existing investors to
buy or sell shares may vary. The choice of the marketplace also determines the trading and settlement rules,
including costs and the time necessary for execution of the deal, the requirements set worth
to the market participants, the choice of the financial intermediary, the market safety etc..

Considering the above, the RSE Management Board has requested the following from JSC “Ventspils
1) By March 11, 2005 – to specify the timing of the general meeting of shareholders that will review the
issue of change of marketplace;
2) By April 11, 2005 – to disclose the Management Board recommendations as to the potential marketplaces
for listing “Ventspils nafta”; a certification that “Ventspils nafta” has applied to another market
organizer and is seeking the listing for its shares; and a consent from the said market organizer to
consider “Ventspils nafta” listing application.

In case the company fails to disclose the requested information by April 11, the RSE Management Board will
consider suspending the trading of “Ventspils nafta”. According to Item 32.5.3 of Listing and Disclosure
Rules, in case the issuer has not taken measures to eliminate the circumstances that is the cause for the
suspension of trading, and the trading has been suspended for more than six months, the RSE Management
Board will resolve on delisting of JSC from the RSE Main list.

The Riga Stock Exchange declines any statements by JSC “Ventspils nafta”, claiming that the RSE is
demonstrating unequal approach to its listed companies.

Guntars Kokorevičs, Chairman of Management Board, Riga Stock Exchange: ”Our attitude towards the issuers has
been equal at all times. The fact that since 1995 there has not been a single complaint on the
RSE attitude or surveillance, is an evidence to our neutrality and equal attitude to all market
participants. This would be unthinkable elsewhere that an issuer is dissatisfied with the stringent
surveillance by a stock exchange: this is the way how a safe marketplace is maintained; the issuer
itself protected from unreasonable price; and the investor confidence to the market is enhanced. Only a
company that lacks an understanding of capital markets and a listed company’s role can afford releasing
unjustified reproaches to a regulated market organizer. Considering the fact that the state owns 38% of
“Ventspils Nafta” shares, such announcement by the company management may have an impact also on the value of
the state holding. And, last of all, if the management really cares about the company value, it would refrain
from disseminating inconsiderate statements about listing on a foreign market. It is hard to imagine a worse thing
for share price and liquidity than being listed on a foreign market without price arbitration possibility with the
home market.”

More information:
Guntars Kokorevičs, +371 9212142
Chairman of Management Board, Riga Stock Exchange

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