Atnaujinta: 2024.11.27 12:22 (GMT+2)
Members of the Board of Kvest Bank
Kvest bank management board consists of the following members: Druvis Murmanis
(chairman), Lauri Reinberg, Eduard Shaihutdinov and Anna Bogunova.
Druvis Murmanis is the managing director of the Group's Russian operations since
April 2004. In June 2004 he was also elected into the management board of
Lauri Reinberg is the CFO of Hansabank's Russian operations since April 2004.
Earlier he was working as the chief controller of Hansabank Group.
Eduard Shaihutdinov was the chairman of the board of Kvest bank during June 2003
- March 2005. Between the years 1999-2003 he was working as the managing director
of Sotsinvest bank Moscow branch. Eduard
Anna Bogunova has been working as the chief accountant of Kvest bank since 1996.
None of the Board members own Hansabank shares.
Mart Tõevere
Head of Corporate Communications and IR
Tel. +372 6131 569