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LSC: JSC "Latvijas kuģniecība" Board Receives Legal Opinion on the Situation in the Company

2005.03.17, Latvijas kuģniecība, RIG
JSC "Latvijas kuģniecība"                           17.03.2005

JSC "Latvijas kuģniecība" Board Receives Legal Opinion on the
Situation in the Company

Today, March 17th, JSC "Latvijas kuģniecība"(Latvian Shipping
Company -LSC))Board received a professional legal opinion on
the current situation in the Company, prepared by A. Grūtup’s
Sworn Attorneys Bureau.

The legal opinion reads as follows:

“On the 11th February, 2005 the extraordinary general meeting of
Shareholders (EGM) of the Latvian Shipping Company (LSC) took place.
In the EGM participated shareholders, who together represented
50.93% of the share capital of the LSC. According to the Article
270 and 273 of the Commercial law EGM was announced 30 day prior
the EGM. According to the Item 5.1.1 of the Articles of Association
of the LSC the EGM is entitled to take decisions if at least a half
of the share capital participates in the EGM. So the EGM, which took
place on the 11th February, 2005, was entitled to take decisions.

In the EGM the new Supervisory Board was elected. Ten members were
elected in the Supervisory Board - Mr. Peteris Putnins, Mr. Andris
Linuzs, Mr. Vladimirs Solomatins, Mr. Uldis Pumpurs, Mr. Aldis Akis,
Mr. Laimonis Junkers, Ms. Olga Petersone, Mr. Vladimirs Krastins,
Mr. Ansis Sormulis and Mr. Mamerts Vaivads. On the 11th February,
2005 in the first meeting of the Supervisory Board Mr. Uldis Pumpurs
was elected as a Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

According to the Article 306 of the Commercial law the members of the
Management Board shall be recalled by the Supervisory Board. According
to the Article 305 of the Commercial law members of the Management
Board shall be elected by the Supervisory Board. On the 14th February,
2005 new Supervisory Board recalled from their positions members of
the Management Board Mr. Valerijs Godunovs, Mr. Aivars Enkuzens and
Mr. Alvis Akmens. The Supervisory Board elected in the positions of
the members of the Management Board Ms. Ilva Purena, Mr. Viktors
Gavrilenko, Mr. Guntis Tirmanis and Ms. Solvita Deglava. The new
Supervisory Board did not changed the scope of competence of
Mr. Imants Vikmanis and entrusted him to continue to fulfill his
obligations of both the member and the chairman of the Management

According to the Article 284 (4) of the Commercial law a decision of
a EGM in respect of the company (LSC), members of its Supervisory
Board and its Management Board, the auditor, company controller
and stockholders shall come into effect from the time of being
taken if a different time period for the coming into effect of
such decision is not specified in this decision or by law. In
the resolution of the EGM on the election of the new Supervisory
Board was stated that term of the duties of the members of the
Supervisory Board should begin on the 11th February, 2005.

Applying the Article 284 (4) of the Commercial law, the conclusion
is that the resolution of the EGM and all resolutions of the new
Supervisory Board and the new Management Board are in force and
binding to the LSC, officials of the LSC and employees of the LSC
from the date of the adoption of the resolutions, from the 11th
February and 14th February, 2005.

In the 14th February 2005, LSC submitted the above said resolutions
of the EGM and Supervisory Board to the Register of the Enterprises
of the Republic of Latvia (RE). On the 17th February, 2005, the state
notary took decision to postpone the registration of above mentioned
resolutions because with the ruling of the court of Central district
of the Riga city prohibition to register the resolutions of the EGM,
which was held on the 11th February, 2005, and new elected Supervisory
Board and the Management Board, which was elected by the new Supervisory
Board, was inscribed. The above mentioned prohibition is the only legal
obstacle disturbing to register the resolution taken by the EGM, and
the new Supervisory Board.

According to the Article 12 of the Commercial law, records in the
Commercial Register shall be in effect in respect to third persons
from the date of their publication. If the information to be recorded
in the Commercial Register has been recorded or has been promulgated
incorrectly, a third person, in relation to the person in whose interests
such information should have been recorded, may refer to the promulgated
information, except in the case when the third person knew that the
promulgated information does not correspond to the actual legal status
or the information recorded in the Commercial Register.

According to the Article 286 (1) of the Commercial law, only a court
may declare a decision taken by a meeting of stockholders as void.
At present time the decisions of the EGM of the 11th February, 2005,
have not been declared as void.

1) The resolution of the EGM, which took place on the 11th February,
2005, including resolution on election new Supervisory Board, is in force
and binding for the LSC, officials and employees of the LSC from the
11th February, 2005.
2) The resolution of the Supervisory Board on election of the new
Management Board is in force and binding for the LSC, officials and
employees of the LSC from the 14th February, 2005.
3) Authorities of the Supervisory Board elected on the 11th February,
2005 and the Management Board elected on the 14th February, 2005 are into
effect at present time. Only court has rights to declare EGM as void.
4) Since 11th February, 2005 LSC shall be entitled to take decisions
by Supervisory Board elected by EGM:
a. Mr. Uldis Pumpurs (chairman)
b. Mr. Pēteris Putniņš,
c. Mr. Aldis Āķis,
d. Mr. Laimonis Junkers,
e. Mr. Vladimirs Krastiņš,
f. Ms. Olga Pētersone,
g. Mr. Andris Linužs,
h. Mr. Vladimirs Solomatins,
i. Mr. Ansis Sormulis,
j. Mr. Mamerts Vaivads.

5) Since 14th February, 2005 LSC shall be managed and represented
by Management Board elected by new Supervisory Board:
a. Mr. Imants Vikmanis (chairman)
b. Mr. Guntis Tīrmanis,
c. Ms. Ilva Purēna,
d. Ms. Solvita Deglava,
e. Mr. Viktors Gavriļenko."

A.Grūtup’s Sworn Attorneys Bureau

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