Atnaujinta: 2024.07.09 04:15 (GMT+3)

DPK: AS “Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca” full shareholders’ meeting on 5 May, 2005

2005.03.31, Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca, RIG
Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca                                   31.03.2005. 

AS “Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca” full shareholders’ meeting on 5 May, 2005

Being based on Clauses 269 and 273 of Commercial Law and Statutes of Company,
Board and Council of public joint-stock company “Ditton Driving Chain Factory”,
Reg.No.40003030187, informs about convocation of the regular full shareholders’
meeting, which is going to take place on 5 May, 2005 at 11 a.m. in the
administration rooms of the company at legal address – Visku Str.17,

1. The confirmation of the annual report for 2004.
2. Profit distribution of year 2004.
3. Election of the jury auditor of Company for year 2005.
4. About changes in the Statutes of Company.
5. About election of the Council of the Company.

Registration of shareholders will take place on the day of meeting – May 5 2005
from 10 a.m. until 11 p.m. at place of meeting.

In order to participate in the meeting the shareholders have to block their
account of financial instruments (security accounts) till 25 April 2005
including. Receipts, which prove blocking of shares, should be presented by
shareholder when registration.

Representatives of shareholders should present the documents, which prove their
authority, according to the Clause 277 of Commercial Law.

If, irrespective of causes, the full shareholders’ meeting of joint-stock
company “Ditton Driving Chain Factory” on 5 May 2005 will not be legally
qualified because of lack of quorum, the repeated full shareholders’ meeting
with the above mentioned agenda is convoked on 20 May 2005 at 11 a.m. in the
administration rooms of JSC “Ditton Driving Chain Factory” in Višķu Str.17,
Daugavpils. Registration of shareholders will take place in the above mentioned
order from 10 a.m. till 11 p.m.. Blocking of the accounts of financial
instruments for participation in the meeting on 05 May 2005 will be valid.
Additionally the shareholders can block their accounts till 12 May 2005

The shareholders can become acquainted with the projects of decisions of the
considered questions and fulfill other procedure formalities from 20 April 2005
till 04 May 2005 including, in case of repeated shareholders’ meeting – from
06 May 2005 till 19 May 2005 included on working-days from 9 a.m. till 16 p.m.
in the secretariat of company in Višķu Str.17, Daugavpils. Phone for reference
(+371) 5402333.

Upon authorization of Board
Deputy Chairman of Board

Vertybiniai popieriai


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