Atnaujinta: 2024.07.07 16:07 (GMT+3)

RSE: RSE appeals the FCMC decision, denying unequal approach to listed companies

2005.05.02, Nasdaq Riga, RIG
Riga Stock exchange                                                02.05.2005

RSE appeals the FCMC decision, denying unequal approach to listed companies

On April 29, 2005 the RSE appealed to Administrative Court the Financial and
Capital Market Commission decision No.32, with the regard to two issues: equal
approach by the RSE to listed companies, and the FCMC competency to cancel the
sanctions applied by the RSE to JSC “Latvijas kuģniecība”.
The RSE does not believe there is any reason that RSE be reproached for unequal
attitude towards its listed companies. The ambiguous and inconsistent FCMC
decision may be a constraint in introducing disclosure and corporate governance
practices that comply with the EU and global standards. FCMC, while taking the
decision, must have overlooked its impact on thousand of minority shareholders
and foreign investors – right now they feel confused about exercising their
rights to information transparency, and about the RSE role in defending their
interests. Daiga Auziņa-Melalksne, RSE Chairman of Management Board, says: “At
the same time, the RSE appreciates the FCMC confirmation that the RSE may insist
on disclosure of AGM draft resolutions, including candidates to Supervisory Board.
This is in full accordance with the national law and the EU commission recommendations,
as well as good corporate governance practices.”
The RSE deems it necessary to appeal the decision in order to prevent a situation
that issuers take the advantage of the precedent and avoid disclosing information.
It is also important to clarify to how far do the FCMC competencies go to overrule
the sanctions by RSE.
Additional information:
Daiga Auziņa-Melalksne, Chairman of Management Board, RSE,
721 2431 e-mail:

According the law, the RSE Listing and Disclosure Rules, and listing agreement, the RSE
may require that a listed company disclose draft resolutions of general meeting of
shareholders, including nominees to Supervisory Board. “Ventspils nafta” on 9.02.2005
lodged a complaint with FCMC on the RSE, after the latter had requested that JSC
„Latvijas kuģniecība” disclose the nominees to Supervisory Board before the EGM with a
single item on the agenda – Supervisory Board elections. The EGM was called upon the
initiative of “Ventspils nafta”, a major shareholder of „Latvijas kuģniecība”.

Unofficial translation by RSE

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